Disciple goes on again: Master, you are poisonous

Chapter 129 Disciple, is it really a scumbag to be a teacher?

Chapter 129 Disciple, is it really a scumbag to be a teacher?

An Yunge was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought that He Jun would ask her this question because he was still worried about Mingmei's confession just now.After all, this was the second time Mingmei had confessed to him, and he still refused directly, which seemed a bit too heartless indeed.

And if He Jun hadn't acquiesced in Mingmei's promotion of their real intimate relationship in the game, how could Mingmei have caused such a big misunderstanding, thinking that there could be new opportunities between her and He Jun.Therefore, An Yunge's answer was very honest.

[Private Chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Well, it's really scum...

Seeing his apprentice's answer, He Jun suddenly felt a little bad, even more sad than when he rejected Mingmei.

He doesn't care what others say, but he cares very much about what his disciples think of him.Now hearing what An Yunge said, He Jun began to reflect silently, maybe he is really too scumbag...

[Private chat] Suave Mr. He: Disciple, do you want to be so honest, can you be a little more tactful.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Why don't you be more tactful when you refuse a girl's confession.

He Jun couldn't refute what An Yunge said, indeed he wasn't very tactful to others.What is the reincarnation of the heavens, it came back to him so soon, his disciples did not show mercy to him at all.

[Private chat] Suave Mr. He: Master, I know, so I will go to Nan Feng to find out what I want, and explain to her about the mysterious reward.

Even through the screen, An Yunge could feel He Jun's depression at this moment.In fact, compared to the person whose confession is rejected, the person who rejects others should feel more uncomfortable.

After all, that is his friend, and after the confession is rejected, he can choose to let go, but those who reject others will always feel guilty in their hearts, after all, they hurt their feelings.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: But what?But I really like your scumbag way, Master.Since you don't like people, you naturally have to reject them.If you are with the other party in front of you, it seems that you are good to the other party, but in fact it hurts her and yourself.

He Jun had already left to find Nanfeng to find out what he wanted, but suddenly received a private chat from An Yunge.Seeing his disciple's words of comfort, He Jun's heart warmed up.The depression just now was gone, and my mood became better.

Especially the phrase "I like it" sent by his apprentice made He Jun's heart jump involuntarily, and if someone came in at this time and saw He Jun's appearance, he would definitely be surprised.So he's giggling at the computer screen with a suspicious blush on his face.

He Jun, who was in a good mood, didn't forget what his apprentice asked him to do, and this matter was caused by him. If he didn't solve it well, his apprentice would definitely be angry.

Originally, He Jun was just joking, but he didn't expect that in the end, most of the girls would choose the item of "Yuyun, Yishuijian, love".

He Jun didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that everyone was just joking around, but after being reminded by An Yunge today, he realized that Nanfeng Zhiwu seems to be secretly in love with his apprentice.

This competition is so serious, maybe it is really aimed at my disciples.No, his apprentice is his, no one can take it away.

He Jun secretly thought in his heart, suddenly he found that there seemed to be something wrong with this sentence, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.Just don't think about it, it's better to find Nanfeng to know what I want to solve this misunderstanding.

He Jun quickly found Nanfeng Zhiwoyi, and then explained the mysterious reward to her very straightforwardly, and then provided Nanfeng Zhiwoyi with a series of compensations, such as fashion and various rare items. Material.

But He Jun didn't expect that Nan Feng would be unwilling to know what I wanted, so he would use the dragon's head to keep He Jun's mouth shut.Looking at it like this, Nanfeng knows what I mean and really wants to be the mysterious reward of An Yunge's Love.

No matter how He Jun explained, Nanfeng knew what I meant and would not be moved.She also said that if He Jun wanted to go back on his word, then she would ask people from all over the alliance to discuss the matter to see how to solve this matter.

Then he said that the purpose of her participation in the 1V1 competition was for this mysterious reward. Now that she was told that she was joking, she would never agree.

In this matter, He Jun also admitted that he was wrong.Why did he suddenly choose this option at the beginning, and now it has become like this, which really makes him very helpless.Unable to persuade Nanfeng to know what I want, He Jun had no choice but to go back to An Yunge in despair.

[Private chat] The romantic and suave Mr. He: [guilty] Disciple~~~
[Private Chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Failed?She disagrees?
[Private Chat] Suave Mr. He: [crying] Disciple, I'm sorry for being a teacher... You should become famous and kill as a teacher, until you are relieved...

An Yunge didn't expect He Jun to be successful in the first place, and Nan Feng knew that she was able to reject He Jun's pursuit in front of the entire alliance, which meant that she was not such a girl who could easily compromise.

An Yunge just had an attitude of trying, and asked He Jun to persuade him first. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy. It's okay to fail, anyway, the result will not be worse than now.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: What did she say?

[Private Chat] Suave and suave Mr. He: She doesn't want to, so she has to be your apprentice for your love, or she will argue with your teacher in front of the whole alliance.Disciple, why don't you make a sacrifice and obey her...

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Master, you really owe me... What time is it, are you still joking.

[Private Chat] Suave Mr. He: No kidding, so what should we do now?
[Private Chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Forget it, just leave it to me.

An Yunge knew that drinking was unreliable, so she was already prepared to explain herself. If Nanfeng knew what I wanted and was still unwilling, then An Yunge also had a fatal reason for her to give up.

The results of the gang battle will be out soon, so without further ado, An Yunge quickly found Nanfeng to know what he wanted, and chatted with her about his thoughts.

The alliance activities are finally over, and it's time to award rewards.The first reward is the mysterious reward about Nanfeng Knowing My Will. He Jun was a little scared when facing Nanfeng Knowing My Will. Although his apprentice said he would solve it, He Jun still didn't know if he had solved it or not. Woolen cloth?
But what surprised He Jun was that Nan Feng actually gave up the mysterious reward voluntarily when he knew what he wanted, and she was still so determined when He Jun approached her.Why did he get it done with just a few words.

He Jun was really curious, so he asked An Yunge about this many times in private, but An Yunge either kept silent or evaded it every time, and this became a permanent mystery in He Jun's heart.

 QAQ chapters are messed up, this chapter is 129, I like it.In order to avoid the convulsions in the background, Yanzi's update time will be changed to one chapter at noon and one chapter at [-]:[-] p.m. I hope the babies understand. QAQ…………

(End of this chapter)

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