Chapter 130 Relief
In fact, it wasn't that An Yunge kept silent, but that she was too embarrassed to speak.She told Nan Feng that she couldn't be with her because she liked her master.Because An Yunge is a man in Nanfeng's heart, a man admits that he likes another man.Nan Feng knew my intentions and was very tactful, knowing that she had no chance, so he could just help these two people.

In other words, even if An Yunge lied, a man would rather admit that he is gay than be with her.Nanfeng knows his own intentions and is very self-aware, and he is not willing to force it.

Nanfeng knows what I want, and the girl has lost her heart for An Yunge since then. In fact, the reason why she is so attached to An Yunge is not because she really likes her so much. After all, the two of them really don't know each other well.What she said at the beginning was just an excuse to reject He Jun, after all, she couldn't find anyone else to make an excuse at that time.

It was only later that Nanfeng Zhiwuyi discovered that An Yunge's operation was really good. As a girl with good operation, especially many male accounts were defeated by her, Nanfeng Zhiwuyi has always been very proud because of this.The reason why he doesn't like He Jun is probably because He Jun only has the appearance of a great god, but he doesn't have the manipulation of a great god.

And the reason why Nanfeng Zhiwoyi wants to be An Yunge's love interest is also because An Yunge's operation is superior to hers, and Nanfeng Zhiwuyi is very interested in boys who are better at micromanipulation.In addition, the last time she confessed to An Yunge in a disguised form in front of the entire alliance, the other party did not respond at all. This also aroused Nanfeng's competitive spirit. As a beauty, she would never allow others to challenge her. Her charm.But if this man is a base, that's another story.

The matter of Nanfeng knowing what I want was specially resolved. Even after the match, she never said anything about her liking for An Yunge, and the two of them returned to the state of strangers again.At first, He Jun was a little worried, but after several days of observation, he found that his worries were superfluous.

However, compared to Nan Feng in the game, Ming Mei in reality troubled He Jun even more.Since He Jun rejected Ming Mei last time, she has never contacted He Jun again. This time she contacted him suddenly, but it was to say that she was leaving.Because a foreign company has a big client, Mingmei must go back to take charge of the overall situation. If possible, Mingmei will stay there forever and will never come back.It's not so much that she won't come back, it's that Mingmei doesn't want to come back, she doesn't want to go back to this sad place.

He Jun actually regretted it a little after that day, he didn't control his tone well and hurt Mingmei a bit too much.But He Jun can't help it, he just doesn't like a person if he doesn't like it, no matter what, he won't force himself to be with the other person.This is He Jun's principle and bottom line, and he hates women's messing around the most, this will make He Jun lose his patience, and he will speak ill at each other if he is not careful.

Afterwards, He Jun discussed this matter with his apprentice, and the advice his apprentice gave him was to apologize to Mingmei, but he had to stand firm and explain clearly to Mingmei face to face.But before He Jun could implement it, Ming Mei was about to leave.

When Mingmei mentioned that she was leaving, He Jun offered to have a good talk with Mingmei, but unfortunately Mingmei refused, and said that she didn't want to see He Jun again recently, and she didn't want her heart that had finally calmed down to be shaken again.If He Jun really has something to say to her, then wait until the day he comes to send her away.

Mingmei's attitude this time was very firm, no matter what He Jun said, she would not be moved.He was even afraid that He Jun would go to the hotel to find her, and even changed accommodation.In this way, He Jun had no choice but to give up.

Mingmei left in a hurry, she booked her flight ticket on the same day, and she notified He Jun only on the day she left.After receiving Mingmei's call, He Jun hurried to the airport, and found An Yunge standing next to Mingmei at first sight, and he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

He Jun came to the two of them, but kept looking at An Yunge, wanting to ask her why she was here, but was too embarrassed to ask?So he could only look at An Yunge and Mingmei with his eyes. He really didn't understand the relationship between them?

Mingmei saw He Jun's doubts, so she took the initiative to explain, saying that she invited An Yunge to come.On the one hand, he formally apologized to her for the last birthday party, and on the other hand, Mingmei actually did have something to say to An Yunge.

Because of An Yunge's presence, it was difficult for He Jun to tell Mingmei about his confession last time alone.He Jun just nodded, and then moved away his eyes that had been sizing up the two of them.An Yunge looked at He Jun's complexion a little bit, and suddenly he made a suggestion to him in the game, so he wondered if it was because he was here that he couldn't have a private chat with Mingmei?
In fact, An Yunge didn't know why Mingmei asked her to see her off. She received Mingmei's call suddenly this morning, and she didn't know where Mingmei got her phone number.Mingmei said that she hoped to have a chat with An Yunge before leaving, An Yunge thought twice, and decided to send the plane off.But she had just arrived at the airport, before she had time to say anything to Mingmei, He Jun came.

But now it seems that it is more important for He Jun and Ming Mei to chat alone, although it is not An Yunge's style to give up the opportunity to his rival.But Mingmei is different. For the ex-rival who has already left the stage, there is nothing wrong with showing generosity.So An Yunge used the excuse that she was going to the bathroom, so that He Jun and Mingmei could spend time alone.

Without waiting for the two to answer, An Yunge turned around and left, but instead of going to the toilet, she came to the coffee shop at the airport and found a hidden place to observe the two of them.But apart from seeing that He Jun and Ming Mei were talking, the expressions on their faces were very calm, without any emotion at all.

About half an hour later, An Yunge estimated that the time was about the same, so he got up and returned to the two of them. At this time, Ming Mei and He Jun had finished speaking.Seeing that An Yunge had returned, Mingmei opened her arms and gave her a big hug.

On the surface, it looked like two good girlfriends were saying goodbye, but in fact Mingmei whispered in An Yunge's ear: "Don't think that you can sit back and relax after I leave, do you know? Brother He Jun's apprentice in the game is It is your biggest threat. And I did not lose to you, but to him."

"Actually, I'm like a river." An Yunge also whispered to Mingmei. When he said this, An Yunge's face was very calm.

There was a hint of surprise in Mingmei's eyes, but she quickly understood that this was probably the reason why she lost.At this time, Mingmei finally let go of this relationship.

 Due to the regular release every time recently, the chapters are always confused due to background reasons, so the future update time will be changed to one chapter at 12:3 noon and one chapter at [-]:[-] p.m. I hope the babies understand and love you (づ ̄[-] ̄)づ╭? ~ Yo...

  In addition: Yan Zi has already replaced the chapters of the two chapters, but the nicknames of the chapters cannot be changed, I hope the babies will forgive me.

  If you find that the chapters are still not changed back, babies on the mobile client, just re-bookmark it...

(End of this chapter)

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