Chapter 139

An Yunge was too lazy to respond to such a man's shocked tone, and didn't want to explain anything extra?At the beginning, she kept emphasizing her identity as a girl, but this group of men didn't believe it, and insisted on calling her a monster.

An Yunge didn't have time to wait for the players in Cold River City to sort out their moods and accept the reality that she was a girl.She directly asked everyone on YY if they still wanted to fight, and if they did, just shut up and stop talking about things in the alliance, and let her follow orders.

Just hearing An Yunge's voice, everyone in Cold River City could feel her murderous aura.No wonder they kept misunderstood An Yunge's identity, mainly because how could an ordinary young lady have such a murderous aura?

However, An Yunge's reminder also brought everyone back to their senses, remembering that they were here to fight.Although their Brother Yun became Sister Yun, which surprised them, the most important thing right now is to get rid of Wanlisha.

After seeing that everyone was obedient, An Yunge began to implement his plan.She found Yu Xiang and asked her to send out the assassination order against Wanli Salon, and told her when it was released so that she could take the order.

[Moran Management Yunyun Yishuijian]: Xiangxiang, is the assassination announcement ready?
[Quan Qing Yu Xiang]: OK, it has been released.

[Mo Ran Management Yunyun Yishuijian]: Everyone is waiting here now, and then wait for my alliance summoning order, and send it to me immediately after receiving the alliance summoning order.

Although An Yunge announced Wanlisha's alliance war, except for the two main cities of Hangzhou and Kaifeng, the outside areas are basically wild areas. The rivers and lakes are so big, if Wanlisha's alliance really wants to hide, it is really not good. Good to find them.

However, posting an assassination is the best way. After the killer accepts the order, the system will automatically display the coordinates of the assassination target.The reason why An Yunge asked Yu Xiang to release Wanli Shalongshou's assassination order was not because he really wanted to assassinate him.

As the saying goes, capture the thief first and capture the king first, and if you find Wanli Sharon's head, An Yunge doesn't believe that you can't find Wanlisha's alliance players.Moreover, their alliance is now full of red names, and if they cannot hide in the main city, it means that they cannot enter the safe zone.

After the assassination order was received, the coordinates of Wanli Sharon Head were displayed on An Yunge's screen.She flew over directly following the coordinates, and sure enough, she found people from Wanlisha's entire alliance.

I really don't know if they are big-hearted or what?After Wan Lisha attacked Hanjiang City unexpectedly, he still stayed where he was and did not run away.Don't they confidently think that Hanjiang City won't fight Wanlisha?

An Yunge didn't approach, because once he got close to the target of assassination, the system would automatically remind Wanli Shalongshou that an eagle hovered above his head.At that time, it was a surprise, so An Yunge just found a safe place and started to pull the alliance summoning order.

Soon the four teams were teleported over, and An Yunge directly explained his plan.Since Wan Lisha attacked their resurrection point in the first place, then their Hanjiang City will also deal with them in their own way.

An Yunge asked Yu Xiang's group to guard another resurrection point in Yanyun, and after a while Wan Lisha's people would beat them to the ground as soon as they were revived, so don't be polite.

Although most of Wanlisha's names are red names, it cannot be ruled out that some people have not reached the limit of killing value, so they will not go to prison after death.For example, Wan Lisha's management, they definitely did not reach the limit of killing value.

And at this time, as long as the two resurrection points are guarded, they will be unable to fly.Hehe... The reason why they were lured to Yanyun Racecourse just now was to slaughter Hanjiang City, and now An Yunge just took advantage of this location to fight back.

Yu Xiang soon went to another resurrection point to stand by, and after arriving at the destination, she sent a message to An Yunge.Then An Yunge didn't wait any longer, and directly issued the order to do it.

As soon as the three teams received An Yunge's words, they rushed up immediately.At this time, the players who changed Wanlisha were stunned, and they were already lying on the ground before they could react.

It has to be said that the strength gap between Wanlisha and Hanjiang City is simply one and the other.If Hanjiang City wanted to beat Wanlisha, all he had to do was move his little finger.

Wanli Shalongshou never thought that Hanjiang City would actually come to beat them, but fortunately, they were all in charge of management and responded quickly.Immediately, he organized his own helpers to start defending, and then went to Diwangzhou Tiandi Buren for help.

[Moran Management Yunyun Yishuijian]: Tianxiang will cut off the milk and use the wind wall to cut off the people who are thousands of miles sandy.Zhenwu directly left the abyss, covering those who wanted to rush over.Taibai Wuhen CD is ready, don't stop, interrupt the killing intent on the opposite side.The Tang Sect all stood on the high ground, leaving me with Explosive Star and Sleepy Baiku.Shendao Dafengche has calculated the CD time, and there is also the superpower of Shenwei, don't overdo it, return it to me when it is about to disappear.

An Yunge didn't seem like a first-time commander at all at this time. Her command ability was very strong, and every point was calculated very well. Wan Lisha couldn't stop the alternate attacks of the first and second regiments.

It was the first time for Wanli Shalong to feel the horror of Hanjiang City, and what terrified him even more was that because their entire alliance was in the red state, as soon as someone died, they would be sent to prison.

Although a small number of people were not teleported, as soon as they were revived, they would be blocked and slaughtered at the resurrection point by a large group ambushed by Hanjiang City at another resurrection point.

Only 10 minutes into the battle, Wan Lisha has already lost half of his men, and now he just hopes that the people from the Imperial State can come over quickly, and now try his best to delay until then.

An Yunge had already seen through Wanli Shalongshou's thoughts, and soon she would let Wanli Sharonshou know that it was impossible for him to wait until the world was not benevolent.

Because An Yunge had expected that Wan Lisha would ask for help from the Diwang State, he had already sent a trumpet team to intercept the people from the Diwang State.And An Yunge played another trick, deliberately finding someone to join the Tiandiburen team, and then directly opened the trumpet of Hongtu Hanjiangcheng, directly dyeing the entire Tiandiburen team red.

Tian Di Bu Ren found that his team was popular, and quickly found out what was wrong, and directly kicked the trumpet that was added to the team at the end.But it was too late, their entire team was already popular.

The trumpet group in Cold River City deliberately went to seek death, so they didn't even wear equipment, and they would die if they encountered a skill.The spies who just joined the regiment killed a regiment's trumpet in Cold River City, so at this time, the killing value of the entire regiment of Tiandiburen has reached a critical point.

In this situation, the world is not benevolent, so naturally he can't help Wan Lisha, he doesn't want his elite team to go into prison and waste a day in vain.The inhumane world can only curse cold river city for its shamelessness, and finally withdraws the team.

 QAQ hasn't asked for tickets for a long time, today I have the cheek to ask for a wave...

  By the way, I would like to recommend a song that Yanzi is listening to recently, a Taoist friend of mine


(End of this chapter)

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