Disciple goes on again: Master, you are poisonous

Chapter 140 This is what you asked for

Chapter 140 This is what you asked for

When An Yunge got the news from the trumpets in Hanjiang City that Tian Di Bu Ren had left with someone, she couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of her mouth, which was not what she expected.

How could such a selfish person, who is so inhumane, sacrifice the members of his alliance for the small alliance of Wan Lisha.The reason why he was willing to help Wanlisha was only on the premise of not harming the interests of his imperial state.

And Wanli Shalongshou is still waiting for the rescue of the Imperial State, and he and his allies are also promoting it in this way.But now Wanlisha's alliance gang members are basically lying on the ground, but Tiandiburen has not come over for a long time.

Wanli Shalongshou's heart suddenly turned cold. Although he knew that the inhumanity of the world was not a good partner for cooperation, he did not expect that he would be so shameless that he would tear down the bridge when crossing the river.

The head of Wanli Shalong thought that the world is not benevolent, so he had to show Shui Longyin how much he valued cooperation, so he would take action to save their alliance once.

Now it is too late for Wanli Shalong to regret it. He really had a brain twitch at the beginning, so he agreed to cooperate with Tiandiburen and attack Hanjiang City together.

In fact, Wanlisha and Hanjiang City don't have any conflicts at all, and the most important thing is that for Wanlisha, a small alliance, even if Hanjiang City disbands, it will not be their turn to be the first alliance in this server.

It can be said that Wanli Shalong's head is really regretful now. In terms of the strength of Hanjiang City, even if it is only less than one-third of the current strength, it is more than enough to beat Wanlisha.

Wanli Shalongshou was abandoned by the unkindness of heaven and earth, so he gradually gave up his desire to resist, and only wanted to delay the alliance battle until the end.But even if the league battle is over, Wan Lisha's loss will be huge.

Because at least 80.00% of the people in their alliance are in prison, and they will definitely not be able to get out until tomorrow night.

This is not the key point. The key point is that Wanli Club's mistake this time has caused dissatisfaction within the alliance. The alliance is already in jeopardy and is likely to face the risk of dissolution.

And An Yunge seemed to deliberately insult Wanli Shalongshou. She gave an order to the gang members that no one was allowed to attack Wanli Sharonshou.So in the whole scene, only Wanli Shalongshou was left in Wanlisha's alliance under the siege of Hanjiang City.

Wanli Shalong looked at all the people in his alliance lying on the ground, and when he was the only one left in the entire resurrection point, he felt desperate in his heart. He would rather lie on the ground like everyone in the alliance.

Wanli Sharonshou understood that An Yunge did this on purpose, just to make him watch his entire alliance being slaughtered, and remember being abandoned by the inhumane world. Seeing the people in his alliance asking him to give an explanation, he couldn't help being furious.

[Currently] Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms: You Hanjiang City is also the number one alliance in the region, but it is shameless to bully our small alliance, Wanlisha, by bullying more and less.

Seeing the speech of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, An Yunge laughed, no wonder he was fooled by the inhumanity of the world, the head of the Wanli Salon really has no brains, but his ability to beat back is very good.

An Yunge admired him very much for being able to say such things at this moment. As expected, a person who is shameless is invincible. An Yunge told everyone in YY not to reply on the current channel, because she wanted to teach the Eastern Han Dynasty what shamelessness is.

[Current] Yunyun Yishuijian: Shameless?Hehe... When you three alliances jointly attacked our Hanjiang City, why didn't you say that you bully the few with more?When you Wanlisha attacked our bloodless players, why didn't you say you were bullying the weak?Regardless of shamelessness, it should be you Wanlisha who are shameless.Our Hanjiang City has never bullied Wanlisha since the server was opened, but you actually did not hesitate to become popular to slaughter our Hanjiang City.From the moment you Wanlisha stand on the opposite side of our Hanjiang City, you should be ready to be counterattacked by us.

Every word An Yunge said made Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms feel distressed, but if Wan Lisha didn't attack Hanjiang City, Hanjiang City wouldn't be able to fight back against them now.Moreover, although Wanlisha and Hanjiang City are not considered allies, they are definitely not hostile.

The Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han were a bit decadent. This time, he was really stupid, and he would actually listen to the bewitchment of the inhumane world. After defeating Hanjiang City, the inhumane world would let Wan Lisha choose a resource in the cold river city first.

[Current] Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms: It is true that we were wrong this time, but you have also slaughtered back, and we will not offend the river from now on.

Does well water not violate river water?Did the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms think that this matter could be resolved so simply?Is An Yunge planning to use Wan Lisha to scare others?So it's up to Wan Lisha to decide whether or not to let this matter go.

【Current】Yunyun Yishuijian: Heh...

[Current] Qin Han Three Kingdoms: What are you doing?
[Current] Yunyun Yishuijian: Laughing at you for being stupid, no wonder you are being used by the unkind?But it is not up to you to decide whether the well water does not violate the river water.

[Current] Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms: What do you mean by that?We have already apologized, and you have returned, what else do you want?

An Yunge's words made Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms heartbroken again. Being exploited by the unkindness of heaven and earth was the thing he regretted the most, and being brought up by An Yunge so nakedly made him even more annoyed.

An Yunge looked at the tone of Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms. It seemed that he was not self-aware. He didn't realize that he was not qualified to negotiate terms with her at all.

[Currently] Yunyun Yishuijian: I don't care what you Wanlisha does, but don't think that we in Hanjiang City will let this matter go so easily.From today onwards, no matter which alliance declares war on us, it doesn't matter whether it is the Emperor State or the Water Dragon Yin.As long as they declare war on Hanjiang, we will declare you Wanlisha.No matter how few people are online in our Cold River City, it is still more than enough to beat you Wanlisha.And even if one day our alliance in Hanjiang City really disbands, I swear that before this happens, I will definitely disband your Wanlisha alliance first, and I will definitely pull you as a backup. I will do what I say.

[Current] Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms: You...you can't be unreasonable, it's simply deceiving people too much.

The Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han panicked a little. If Hanjiang City really listed them as hostile to Wanlisha, and it was true as what An Yunge said, then their Wanlisha alliance would definitely be broken up.

And before he was broken up, his position as the dragon head would definitely be lost.An Yunge deliberately issued a declaration at the moment, in order to let everyone in the Wanlisha Alliance see it, and completely destroy the fluke mentality of the Qin and Han Three Kingdoms seeking peace.

[Current] Yunyun Yishuijian: Reason, we are better than you, this is the reason.Also, when things have developed to this point today, you are all to blame, you asked for it yourself.

 Recently, many babies have left messages to Yan Zi, saying that they think the hero is such a scumbag, and Yan Zi must complain for Mr. He.You can only be together if you like each other. If Yun Ge only likes He Jun unilaterally, He Jun doesn't like her but is with her, isn't it scum?

  According to this way of thinking, then He Jun can also accept Mingmei's confession.Although it seems a little too indifferent to reject others, this is the best choice.

  If you love, please love deeply.If you don't love, then please let go.Love is built on love, and love without love is a hooligan...

(End of this chapter)

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