Disciple goes on again: Master, you are poisonous

Chapter 141 I'll Give You Two Choices

Chapter 141 I Give You Two Choices
An Yunge's domineering declaration shocked the people of the Wanlisha Alliance, as well as the people of Hanjiang City.It wasn't that there was something wrong with An Yunge's words, the people who bullied them in Hanjiang City naturally couldn't let them go easily, but such words and tone always made them feel very familiar.

Bai Ye was also discussing with Yu Xiang, who exactly did An Yunge's words resemble?It wasn't until a sentence from Shan Hai Jing that everyone suddenly realized.

[Alliance] Shan Hai Jing: By the way, doesn't the boss often talk like this?

The boss in Shan Hai Jing refers to He Jun, as the leader of the dragon, everyone in the alliance calls him the boss.When Shan Hai Jing mentioned this, everyone echoed. Indeed, An Yunge's tone tonight was very similar to He Jun.

As expected of a master and apprentice, although An Yunge is always gentle and gentle, I have never seen her get angry.The most important thing is that she never speaks in YY, and because of this she is suspected of being a ladyboy.

She suddenly got angry today, and such a domineering appearance did not make people feel that she was against harmony, but she felt that she should be like this.

As for Yan Yun's resurrection point, the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han were still in a stalemate with An Yunge.Ever since An Yunge spoke, he hasn't spoken anymore, and has remained silent.

In fact, Qin Han Three Kingdoms couldn't find any words to refute An Yunge, because what she said was indeed the truth.After struggling for a long time, Qin Han and Three Kingdoms still gave up. He sighed and looked at Tian Xiang who was confronting him in the picture.

Even though she was a nanny, Qin Han Three Kingdoms felt her aura of power without anger, deeply oppressing him.

[Current] Qin Han Three Kingdoms: This matter is indeed my fault, how can you let us go?

[Current] Yunyun Yishuijian: I only give you two choices, either become a subsidiary alliance of Hanjiang City, or become a hostile alliance.

Affiliated League?This means that their Wanlisha is no longer one of the four alliances, but will hang under the city of Hanjiang. This proposal of An Yunge undoubtedly pushed the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms to a dead end.

But there is always a price to be paid for bullying them in Hanjiang City.Moreover, An Yunge had the confidence that the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han would definitely agree to be the affiliated association of Hanjiang City in the end.

Because the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han had no chance to choose at all, and now he has been abandoned by the Emperor State.And as long as the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han still have a little face, it is impossible for him to go to the inhumane world.

Without the backing of the Emperor State, if the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han were really listed as hostile by Hanjiang City, then Wanlisha would not have to wait for Hanjiang City to attack, and simply dissolve the alliance by themselves.

But even though the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han understand this truth, he is still very unwilling. The affiliated alliance sounds like an alliance, but in fact it is just a bigger gang.

And the most important thing is that the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han must hand over all the management rights of the alliance to Hanjiang City, and they must obey the command of Hanjiang City in the future.It was not easy for the Qin and Han Three Kingdoms to establish the alliance of Wanlisha, and he was really reluctant.

【Current】Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han Dynasties: Can I think about it?

[Current] Yunyun Yishuijian: Do you have the capital to consider?

Although Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms had already guessed the result, he still hoped to fight for it.But obviously, the other party didn't want to give him this chance.

This can't be blamed on An Yunge being too aggressive. If it were Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms who stood in An Yunge's position today, he would do the same.After all, the Three Kingdoms of Qin and Han accepted their fate and agreed to An Yunge's conditions.

Wanlisha was settled so quickly, the players in Hanjiang City were very excited, they brushed '6666' for An Yunge on the alliance channel, kept shouting 'Brother Yun is mighty', even the YY channel also gave An Yunge Brush a wave of flowers.

At this moment, the players in Hanjiang City had already forgotten that they had just confirmed the identity of An Yunge's girl, and they yelled out unconsciously just because they were used to it.

Wan Lisha has already taken care of it. As for Shuilongyin and Diwangzhou An Yunge, they will naturally not let them go, but it is indeed too late tonight, and their strength is currently on the weak side. Naturally, An Yunge will not take them with him. The people of Hanjiang City went to die.

An Yunge logged off the command channel, and then let the people in Hanjiang City disperse, let them have a good rest, and prepare for a tough battle tomorrow night.Originally, the players in Cold River City wanted to hit Shuilongyin's forehead, but they gave up after hearing An Yunge's words.

After finishing Wan Lisha, An Yunge looked at the time, it was already three o'clock in the morning.Due to her high level of concentration just now, she didn't feel very sleepy, but now that she suddenly relaxed, An Yunge felt a little sleepy instead.

Yawning slightly, An Yunge handed over the rest to Bai Ye, and went offline directly.She also has to go to work the next day, but she doesn't know if she can afford it.

An Yunge didn't get up the next day, but she wasn't worried either, since she was also the interim president, and the company didn't have any major issues recently, so it's okay to be lazy for a day now and then.

An Yunge was woken up by the phone call, and picked up the phone in a daze, without even looking at the caller's information, An Yunge connected the phone directly, and said 'Hello' very lazily.

The other party obviously didn't expect that An Yunge was still casual, so he couldn't help being a little embarrassed. It took a long time for a voice to come from the other end of the phone. It was a familiar but magnetic male voice.

"Are you still sleeping, Yun Ge?"

"En." An Yunge still didn't open her eyes, she replied in a daze, "Who are you looking for?"

He Jun was a little speechless on the other end of the phone, it seemed that An Yunge was really sleepy, who else could he call her if he didn't call her?

"Yunge wake up, aren't you going to give a speech at K University today? Is it convenient for me to pick you up at your apartment now?" He Jun's voice was very gentle, as if he was afraid of disturbing An Yunge.

An Yunge had already woken up slightly, and she recognized that the male voice on the phone was He Jun.Then he opened his eyes and glanced at the time, it was past eleven o'clock at noon.

After He Jun's reminder, An Yunge finally remembered that he was going to give a speech at K University today, so he quickly got up.He Jun said he would come to pick her up, but An Yunge didn't refuse because she was running out of time.

After hanging up the phone, An Yunge rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Fortunately, his face was not very haggard, but there were slightly dark circles under his eyes.An Yunge washed up briefly, and remembered that he was going to give a speech today, so he put on light makeup.

Just after changing his clothes, He Jun was already downstairs in the apartment. An Yunge picked up his bag and the speech materials he had already prepared, and went downstairs.

 small theater:

  Yan Zi: Mr. He, recently many readers call you a scumbag?What do you think?
  He Jun: Isn't this what you set up?Why do you ask me, you ask me what can I do?I am also desperate...

  Yan Zi: Cough cough... This is indeed my fault, how about it, what compensation do you want, I will make it up to you.

  He Jun: [color] Then I want to have sex with Yun Ge, you see Shen An, An Qingyi and their children can play soy sauce.

  Yan Zi: [surprised] Don't you know that you guys don't have sex scenes?How about this, I will let you sleep together, cover the quilt and just chat... Let's be pure...

  He Jun: I don't know if I should say MMP or not...

  An Yunge: Ditto...

  Yan Zi: I......

(End of this chapter)

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