Chapter 163 Parents Meeting

Mother He also came back early this morning, and found that An Yunge, He Jun, and Shen Zhiyi were having breakfast, and then, probably because of a guilty conscience, she slipped back to the room under the pretext of being uncomfortable.

But later she found that He Jun and An Yunge didn't have any special expressions, and they didn't settle accounts after autumn as she imagined, so while the two were cleaning the kitchen, she hurriedly called Shen Zhiyi to her side to inquire about the situation.

When she heard that the three of them slept together because of the power outage last night, He's mother's face turned into a flower with a smile.After hearing that He Jun secretly kissed An Yunge in the morning, Mother He almost laughed out the smile lines.

Mother He was very satisfied with this answer.It seemed that her plan last night was a great success.She quickly kissed Shen Zhiyi's cheek, expressing that he did a good job.

Although An Yunge and He Jun knew that He's mother did it on purpose last night, but the other party is an elder, so it's really hard to care about it?And He Jun didn't want to care about it in his heart, but felt that his mother finally did something right this time.

At least after last night, He Jun felt that the distance between him and An Yunge seemed to be a little closer, except of course that he was shivering from being frightened by the thunder last night.

Because she had agreed with He Jun not to worry about it anymore, An Yunge remained calm throughout the whole process. After breakfast and tidying up the kitchen, she took Shen Zhiyi to say goodbye to He's mother.

But before leaving, Shen Zhiyi clamored for He Jun to go with him, what did He Jun promise him?
It just so happened that Mother He didn't want to let An Yunge leave alone like this. With such a good opportunity, she quickly motioned to He Jun, and then said to An Yunge: "Yun Ge, how about this, let Xiaojun take you away."

"It's okay, Auntie, I drove here by myself, it's very convenient." An Yunge politely refused. She wanted to send Shen Zhiyi to school first, and then go back to the company?

"But cousin, third uncle promised to play with me today. We have a parent-teacher meeting today, and the teacher said that all parents should attend." Shen Zhiyi immediately pouted, with an unhappy expression on his face. "Right, uncle third, you can't count your words, don't forget that you..."

"Yes, let me send you off. I also promised this child. I will play with him today. It is always bad for me to break my promise to children." He Jun quickly interrupted Shen Zhiyi's words, for fear that he would be careless Just let it slip.

Hearing He Jun's answer, Shen Zhiyi nodded in satisfaction, then Shen Zhiyi hurriedly ran to hold He Jun's hand, as if He Jun would not leave and he would not leave.

In the end, An Yunge really had no choice but to agree to let He Jun send them away.As for her own car, He Xin said that she would help An Yunge drive it back to her apartment.

It's already eight o'clock in the morning, and it's almost too late, An Yunge hurriedly took Shen Zhiyi to his room to get the luggage he brought yesterday, while He Jun planned to go to his garage to drive the car out and wait outside the door An Yunge.

Seeing An Yunge enter the room, Mother He quickly patted He Jun on the shoulder, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Good job, son. Keep working hard, Mommy, I'm optimistic about you, fight for it." Take Yunge down as soon as possible."

He Jun looked puzzled, and saw He Xin also walked in front of him, saying: "Brother, you have to treat Sister Yun Ge well this time, if you rush to bully her again, I won't let you go. Well, come on. "

He Jun was confused by the attitudes of his mother and sister, and wanted to ask them what they meant?However, Mother He urged him to go to the garage to pick up the car, so as not to make An Yunge wait.

Although He Jun was puzzled, but remembering that his mother had always been like this, he went to the garage to pick up the car without thinking too much.

But soon, He Jun's doubts will be resolved.Because Shen Zhi also had a parent meeting, He Jun sent An Yunge to the company first. She was going to the company to ask for leave, and she had to get back the key to the apartment.

Because it won't take long, An Yunge went up alone, while He Jun and Shen Zhiyi were waiting for her in the car.

After An Yunge joined the company, He Jun received a call from Ren Xinchen, and the other party laughed at He Jun Yibo maliciously, saying that he made a quick move this time, old driver, Mensao and so on.

He Jun didn't have time to chat with Ren Xinchen, so he said that if he slandered him again, then Ren Xinchen would never want to marry He Xin.

This time Xinchen was depressed, so logically speaking, shouldn't this guy be in a good mood?He hurriedly asked if it was true that He Jun secretly kissed An Yunge in the morning?
When He Jun heard Ren Xinchen's question, he immediately had a huge question in his heart, and quickly asked how Ren Xinchen knew.Ren Xinchen said that He Xin said it, and many people knew it, and He's mother should know it too.

He Jun didn't know what Ren Xinchen said later, he quickly hung up the other party's phone, then looked at Shen Zhiyi who was sitting in the back seat, and asked him why he wanted to tell the story about his stealing kiss with An Yunge. He Jun made an agreement, for which He Jun will be Shen Zhiyi's attendant for a day.

Shen Zhiyi acted very innocent, saying that he just promised not to tell An Yunge, and he didn't promise not to tell others, and he just told He Mu.

He Jun couldn't help touching his forehead, and told He's mother, this matter was like telling the whole world.No wonder when he left, Mother He looked at him strangely and said something like that.

It seemed that everyone knew about the fact that he had secretly kissed An Yunge, but he had been keeping it a secret. However, it was believable that An Yunge didn't know about it yet.

After a while, An Yunge asked for leave from the company. After getting into the car, he found that He Jun's face was a bit ugly, and Shen Zhi also looked like he had done something wrong.

An Yunge thought it was Shen Zhiyi who was being naughty and angered He Jun, so he quickly asked, "What's wrong with you guys? Little devil, are you naughty and offending Uncle He Jun?"

"No." The two replied in unison. Seeing An Yunge's more puzzled expression, He Junyou continued to explain: "It's really nothing, and this kid is very good."

After arriving at the school, there was silence in the car. Even Shen Zhiyi, who was always restless, was unusually well-behaved. This made An Yunge even guess what happened between the two of them?
Because it was a parent meeting event, the school didn't have classes today. An Yunge explained the situation of Shen Zhiyi's parents to Shen Zhiyi's teacher, and said that she would hold the parent meeting this time.

The teacher was very open-minded, let An Yunge register and let her in, and because Shen Zhiyi kept holding He Jun's hand, the teacher thought that He Jun and An Yunge were a family, so he didn't say anything, let He Jun Jun followed suit and let him in.

 I always feel that Shen Zhiyi is the real god assist, active in trilogy and so on, Su Yun and An Qingyi are also assists by him! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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