Disciple goes on again: Master, you are poisonous

Chapter 164 Why Did You Secretly Kiss Me?

Chapter 164 Why Did You Secretly Kiss Me?
Because An Yunge was not familiar with the way for the first time, the teacher led the way specially, and took An Yunge and the others to the classroom.

An Yunge thanked the teacher, turned around and wanted to drag Shen Zhiyi along, but found that He Jun had also entered the school, and had been following behind them.

As for Shen Zhiyi, currently he is lying on He Jun's back, and He Jun is carrying him.

Although An Yunge wondered why He Jun followed them in, she glanced at the teacher and finally didn't ask any questions.

An Yunge quickly waved to Shen Zhiyi, and said, "Why did you let Uncle He Jun carry you behind his back, come down quickly."

"Uncle Xiaosan promised me that he will be my big follower for a day." Shen Zhiyi put his arms around He Jun's neck, but refused to go down.He Jun was afraid that Shen Zhiyi would say something else, so he quickly told An Yunge that it didn't matter.

The teacher watched the three silently in front of them, and for some reason suddenly had the sense of a family of three.The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and the child is cute and mischievous. The tone of the conversation to these two people is like that of parents acting like a spoiled child.

The teacher couldn't help shaking her head, laughing that she really thought too much, she had met Shen Zhiyi's parents, they were also a very attractive and well-matched couple.

Shen Zhiyi was playing tricks, but An Yunge thought he had nothing to do, and it was not good to keep the teacher waiting for them, so he just stretched out his hand and pinched Shen Zhiyi's nose, then smiled helplessly at the teacher. Walk towards the classroom.

When we arrived at the door of the classroom, there were already many parents inside, most of them were parents, and some grandparents also came to participate.However, there are not many people who are prettier than celebrities like An Yunge and He Jun, so although they just entered the classroom very low-key, they still attracted the attention of many people.

Shen Zhiyi was obviously doing well in the class. As soon as he entered the classroom, a few boys of the same age came to play with him, and asked about An Yunge and the others by the way.

Shen Zhiyi was like a little emperor at this time, proudly announcing that An Yunge was his cousin, but when others asked about He Jun, he did not expect Shen Zhiyi to lie, saying that He Jun was his cousin .

When An Yunge and He Jun heard this, they were slightly stunned, not knowing why Shen Zhi would lie.It was only later that Shen Zhiyi secretly told the two that because in the classroom, those female teachers were all staring at He Jun, Shen Zhiyi said that on purpose.

Moreover, Shen Zhiyi once again taught He Jun like a grown-up, what to stick to, don't always turn to Qin Muchu, now that he has already decided to like his cousin, he just sends out hormones everywhere to hook up with her. girl.

God knows how a five-year-old child's brain circuit is so strong, but He Jun still dare not refute, so he can only listen to the training.It was also because of this that He Jun decided that he should have a daughter with An Yunge in the future. Everyone said that a daughter is his father's caring little padded jacket, which is indeed true.

There is no important thing in the class meeting, the main thing is to cultivate the relationship between parents and children, let parents take their children to do activities together, and play with the children.

The contemporary society is developing too fast. Children are basically brought up by grandma, and parents are busy with work. This is not good for children's psychological development, and it will make parents and children feel a sense of distance.

The main purpose of organizing this class meeting is to strengthen the communication between parents and children, but even so, there are still many parents who did not come to the scene.

But Shen Zhiyi doesn't need to worry, this little ghost looks like a little adult, it's not that he relies on his parents most of the time, but Yao Yao sometimes relies on him.

An Yunge only took Shen Zhiyi for one day, but she really liked this child very much.The three of them had a great time playing games and activities this time, and won No.1 in many projects.

But what surprised An Yunge the most was He Jun, probably because He Jun had always maintained a childlike innocence, he actually completely integrated into the world of the children in the class.

From Shen Zhiyi's little third uncle alone, he became the third little uncle of the whole class, a veritable king of children.He Jun is very unassuming and relaxed when playing with the children, especially when playing games with the boys.

In fact, if He Jun doesn't want to be the boss of a game company, becoming an elementary school teacher should be a very good choice.

At the end of the parents' meeting, many children were still around He Jun, and they were particularly reluctant to part when they parted, and they kept saying that they hoped that He Jun would come to play with them again next time.

He Jun made a serious promise with the children that if there is a chance, he will definitely come again next time.

When the parent meeting ended, Yao Yao had already returned, and came to the school gate to pick up Shen Zhiyi.Yao Yao thanked An Yunge for her help, because they were busy going back to take care of An's mother, the two didn't have much time to chat.

Before Shen Zhiyi left, he lied in An Yunge's ear and secretly told An Yunge that he liked this little third uncle very much, he was better than Uncle Xiao Yan, and hoped that An Yunge could consider him.

Then Shen Zhiyi lay down on He Jun's face and kissed again, and then reluctantly left.

On the way He Jun sent An Yunge back to the apartment, An Yunge asked He Jun why he got along so well with the children?
He Jun smiled mysteriously, and said that it's still early anyway, do you want to go somewhere with him?An Yunge nodded, she hoped to understand He Jun's world.

He Jun then turned around and took An Yunge to a large supermarket, bought a lot of children's toys, books and snacks, and also went to the children's clothing area on the second floor, bought a batch of children's fashion, until the trunk and The back seat is full.

Then He Jun specially drove An Yunge to the suburbs, only then did An Yunge discover that it was actually an orphanage.He Jun was obviously very familiar with this place, and when the children came out to welcome them, He Jun was already giving them presents.

The director of the orphanage told An Yunge that this orphanage was specially funded by He Jun.Looking at He Jun surrounded by children, An Yunge suddenly felt that he knew a new him. Although he had an unreliable appearance and personality, he had a soft heart inside.

An Yunge finally understood, why did He Jun please the children so much?The world of children is the simplest, they will like someone by instinct, even a small adult like Shen Zhiyi actually likes He Jun very much, that's why he said those words before leaving.

The two had a simple dinner with the children in the orphanage, and then they were about to leave.On the way back, An Yunge took the initiative to talk about this group of children with He Jun, asking and answering, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Soon they arrived at the door of An Yunge's apartment. Before leaving, An Yunge suddenly asked He Jun, "Why did you secretly kiss me this morning?"

 Thank you dear Xian Sakura for your reward...

  QAQ... Yesterday I went to the countryside with the leader for a day... I was tired and paralyzed when I came back... and there was no code word... no code word...

  Wow... I secretly added it today when I was going to work... Then the leader came to inspect...


(End of this chapter)

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