I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 111 Isn't This a Sacrifice?

Chapter 111 Isn't This a Sacrifice?
Three-Body World, Earth, Yanhuang, Mount Tai.

At this time, the altar that occupies most of the top of Mount Tai is shining.

The lines on it seem to come alive, and they keep moving.

Those animals that were stuffed into the container cages and piled up like a mountain also let out a sharp cry at this moment.

Gradually, however, their voices changed from panic to joy and frenzy.

Then, the brilliant brilliance burst out.

The bodies of all the livestock are getting bigger and bigger. They crushed the cages in which they were imprisoned. Their bodies were surrounded by bright divine light, and they all soared to the sky one by one.

30 livestock, each of which is becoming huge due to transformation.

They filled the entire sky in an instant, densely packed.

On the top of Mount Tai, the pupils of the soldiers who were reciting the sacrificial words, as well as the photographers, suddenly dilated.

They even stopped chanting the top-grade sacrificial method because of the excessive shock.

Of course, they resumed it soon, and they read it even louder, with fanaticism and piousness appearing on their faces.

Miracles really appeared, and mankind was saved!
The Internet also exploded at this moment.


"Didn't it mean that all these animals were used for sacrifice?"

"Tao, isn't this a sacrificial offering?"

"Haven't you bullied me for not having read ancient books? Aren't the ancient sacrifices all directly chopped up and dedicated to the gods?"

"Damn it, shrouded in divine light. These animals are probably transformed into sacred beasts in myths and legends! Is this a sacrifice? Are you sure this is not some kind of ritual to sublimate yourself?"

"Ask how you feel now, be afraid!"

"You idiots are still posting barrage here? Hurry up and recite the sacrificial method, the God of Creation is mighty! The God of Creation is eternal!"

"Stupid! Do you understand how to use one mind and two tasks? It is not a big problem to recite the sacrificial method and type at the same time."

"Terrible, the one in front is not afraid of mispronouncing two words, maybe it's blasphemy. (Funny.jpg)"

"Pull it down, the worshiped god is obviously very benevolent and merciful. You see, the transformation of the sacrifice must be due to the divine grace bestowed by the supreme god of creation!"

"Even the sacrificial offerings are so magnanimous that you will be punished for mispronouncing? As long as you didn't do it on purpose, say a hammer."

"It's well-founded and convincing."

"Damn it, I seem to have heard that there were people sacrificed in ancient times... I looked at those evolved animals, and my eyes were red. Why didn't Mr. Luo Ji sign up for the human sacrifice?"


"The real ruthless man has appeared!"

"However, it does make sense."

"There is a reason for the hammer! Even if Mr. Luo Ji said in advance that it is good to be sacrificed, do you believe it? You believe in a hammer!"

"At that time, there will be crazy abuse on the Internet. Now that I see the benefits, I will join in again. Is it not open for registration before I start questioning?"

"I believe it! Who said I don't believe it?

"Hehe! Before, there were people on the Internet who questioned the existence of the God of Creation is fake. And they are still stubborn, they just don't recite the thousand-character sacrificial method, so they can only say that there are everyone on the Internet."

"Damn it! I seem to know many mythical beasts floating in the sky... Aren't all these beasts recorded in the Shan Hai Jing?"

"Shocked! It turns out that Shan Hai Jing is not fake, but real?"

"The ancestors of Yanhuang in ancient times didn't really know how to cultivate immortals, did they? (Fear. jpg)

"Look at the flickering water droplets in the sky, I guess they are very scared."

"If you switch to their position, you must be more afraid than them."

"Great! Humans finally don't need to be destroyed anymore! Thank you God of Creation! Thank you Luo Ji for making miracles come to this world."


The expedition fleet of the Trisolaran civilization.

The supreme commanders of the Trisolaran Fleet gathered together at this moment, they looked at the picture transmitted by the water droplet, the transparent bodies all had various color changes.

This shows that they are now in a state of extreme shock.

They are using the unique communication method of Trisolaran civilization to communicate rapidly.

"Our system computer can't parse this scenario!"

"Yes, these most common creatures on the earth seem to have completed the evolution that can only be completed in hundreds of millions of years at this moment."

"With the scientific theorems we currently have, this phenomenon cannot be explained, which is unbelievable!"

"The mutated organisms detected by the water droplets have extremely special energy. The energy scale of each organism is not inferior to our most advanced fusion reactor."

"Those powerful beings have even surpassed the largest energy reactor we have ever developed, and the number of those powerful beings... is counted in the thousands."

"how can that be?"

"Yes, how is this possible? What is God? Is He really the existence of a higher civilization that we guessed at the beginning?"

"It seems that compared to the advanced technological civilization of the universe, this is closer to the myth of cultivating immortals on the earth's Yanhuang native land."

"What? There are some records of these creatures in the Yanhuang ancient books passed by the water droplets. This is the creature recorded in their mythology? What is the Yanhuang civilization of the earth..."

"We were wrong! We were wrong from the very beginning! Maybe the earth civilization... No, it should be said that the Yanhuang civilization is not the bug we thought it was at the beginning."

"In the ancient era, they had an extremely advanced civilization system. Most of this system may have been lost after some kind of catastrophe. They later developed it again..."

"But after all, there are still existences that survived before the catastrophe. Now at the critical moment of civilization's demise, those existences are back!"

"It's terrible! With our technological level, let alone understand how strong this civilization is, we can't even understand the theory of what happened."

"Yeah, we don't even have a theory for this phenomenon!"

"There are too many lagging behind! Perhaps the gap between us and them is even greater than that between us and the bugs on the earth, not human beings, but real bugs!"

"It's all over!"

"What's even more damning is that we are still heading towards the earth at a rapid speed, which is simply sending us to our death!"

"But there is no way, all our fleets have entered the state of sub-light speed, our target has locked on the earth, and we can't return to our home planet!"

"Even if we don't go to the earth, all we can do is to transfer the location of the target, and eventually get lost in the endless universe!"

"Wait, something has changed over there again, above the sky over there, this...what the hell is this?!"

Luo Ji was unaware of the upsurge of the Internet and the shock of the Three-Body Civilization.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this moment, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the sacrificial offering, and recited the top-rank sacrificial method devoutly.

With a crisp sound, there was an explosion of infinite divine light above the sky.

The sky seemed to be a piece of extremely fragile paper, which was torn to pieces in an instant.

A vast and transcendent sacred pure land that is difficult to describe in words appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

There are mountain treasures and magical medicines all over the place, and even countless medicine kings walk freely on the earth as if they were alive, breathing in the immortal energy and spraying the medicine essence!

The ancient trees are as high as ten thousand feet straight into the sky, as if holding the sky.

The savage beast with a body larger than the aircraft carrier gallops wantonly on the ground, and there is a divine bird spreading its wings in the sky, fighting the sky.

But the most eye-catching thing is the Heavenly Court above the Heavenly Palace, and a powerful god with a fox tail under the Heavenly Court.

She gently brushed the sky with her hands, releasing the power of creation, causing the trees on the earth to grow at an extremely fast speed.

When almost everyone saw that magnificent woman, a name naturally appeared in their minds.

Even foreigners and Trisolarans who don't know Yanhuang mythology are the same.

As if it is some kind of concept, the moment you see her, the world will tell you His name.

Emperor Yan, Shennong!
(End of this chapter)

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