Chapter 112 What I Saw

The three-body world was dead silent.

Even the live broadcast that is being broadcast to the world at this moment, the bullet screen is empty for a moment.

At the foot of Mount Tai.

The old man stood up abruptly, staring at the live broadcast in front of him in disbelief.

After a short silence, he walked to the window a few steps and opened it.

Even if he looked up from the foot of Mount Tai, he could still see dense sacred scenes in the sky.

Can see the other side of the world!
To be able to see that beautiful girl who nourishes all things!
"Yandi Shennong? But, how is this possible?" The old man seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be narrating to others.

He was so emotional right now that it was difficult to describe in words.

The majestic man followed closely behind the old man, and he also looked up at the mythical world with an extremely complicated expression.

As we all know, Yandi and Huangdi are the ancestors of China.

According to all available information, Emperor Yan was the tribal leader in the Neolithic Age.

In the legend, it is a creature with the head of a bull and a human body.

He once tasted hundreds of herbs, developed herbal medicine to treat diseases, invented slash-and-burn farming, created two kinds of soil-digging tools, and taught people to reclaim wasteland and grow food crops.

He even led the tribal people to create pottery and cooking utensils for eating.

In the mythical era when the emperor of heaven was Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Emperor Yan, the emperor of the south, and Zhu Rong, the god of fire, jointly ruled the land twelve thousand miles south of the sky.

There are three daughters of Emperor Yan, Yao Ji, the Goddess of Wushan, Jingwei Nvwa, and Chidi Daughter whose name cannot be tested.

But no matter which legend you look at, Shennong should be a male god, not a girl with a fox tail.

After he was silent for a long time, he spoke.

"I've always admired science...Although the arrival of aliens makes us despair, they haven't surpassed our understanding after all, but this..."

No matter how hard the majestic man thinks, he can't imagine what he must do to be able to see the woman and understand her identity naturally.

Moreover, why those ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum in another world are really related to living creatures.

All of these are the same as the transformation of livestock into strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing, which cannot be explained by current science!
What's more, Emperor Yan among the two emperors of Yan and Huang became a female god and appeared in front of the world.

After all, the old man is not an ordinary person. He closed his eyes and calmed down after only a moment. He said inexplicably, "After all, gods really exist."

The next moment, a calm voice suddenly came from the deep and unfathomable mythical world.

With an inexplicable charm, it resounds beside everyone on the earth, as well as every member of the Trisolaran Fleet.

This is incredible.

Not to mention human beings, just talking about Trisolarans, their communication methods are completely different from human beings.

But they still listened inexplicably.

And without the help of machine translation, I naturally understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Pious follower Luo Ji, meritorious sacrifices, rewards the opportunity to upgrade civilization, ten volumes of civilized heavenly scriptures!"

With these words falling, the heavenly court hanging high above the sky of the God Realm erupted with endlessly gorgeous brilliance, and immediately turned into a beautiful picture of thousands of miles!

The splendid pictures are rapidly circulating.

It is a story of the rise of human civilization.

Slowly evolved from the original primitive man, to the feudal era, the modern era, the near future era, the interstellar era and the cosmic era...

That is to condense the vast epic of tens of millions of years into an instant.

But everyone who saw this scene had an impression of that civilization in their minds.

Now that they think about it carefully, they can still recall the countless changes in that civilization.

For the first time, a primitive man ignited the fire, and the first man established a unified and powerful country.

The first person triggered a revolution in science and technology, set off an industrial frenzy in the world, set foot in the starry sky, colonized alien planets, made continuous progress, and sublimated technology...

Even at the back, those pictures have reached the point where they can't understand.

later stages of that civilization.

Even if it is just a toy called a universe transformation instrument played by an ordinary human child, it can create stars and easily transform an extremely barren planet into a planet suitable for human habitation.

Just the most ordinary cleaner can perform a terrorist attack that makes the entire galaxy drop from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, or even one-dimensional.

What kind of technological realm is that?Can't understand, can't imagine.

But in the end, the extremely vast picture was all condensed together, and finally turned into ten volumes of half-fiction and half-truth imprints of the heavenly scriptures.

The imaginary imprint of the Heavenly Book crashed down from the sky and suddenly appeared in front of Luo Ji.

There was a brief silence, and then, the whole world shook.

However, everyone didn't speak, they stared at the screen tightly, staring at the man who worshiped the god.

With trembling hands, Luo Ji took the scroll.

He sensed a slight touch of his finger, and the half-empty and half-solid imprint of the heavenly book on the third volume suddenly exuded a faint luster.

Then a lot of strange theoretical knowledge and pictures emerged, that is the knowledge of how to ignite nuclear fusion...

Moreover, Luo Ji sensed that the knowledge of igniting nuclear fusion is just the tip of the iceberg in the third volume of heavenly scriptures, and there are endless and different types of information in it...

Afterwards, Luo Ji tapped the fifth volume lightly.

This fifth volume blooms more information and pictures, which are the theoretical knowledge and real pictures used to manufacture the light speed spacecraft engine.

Luo Ji's face was dull, his legs trembled, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

He swore that although he did have the idea of ​​bowing down to the god, this time it was definitely not because he wanted to bow down to kneel down, but because he was simply stunned.

More than him?

The brains of anyone who saw this picture went blank, and after reacting, they went crazy, and the Internet completely exploded.

There are countless people praying frantically, their piety to the extreme.

At the same time, the live broadcast was completely covered by barrage.

In this era, the barrage is presented in front of your eyes, all of which have been specially processed to best suit your viewing experience.

So even if billions of people watched the barrage at the same time, it would not cover the screen.

But now, even after the optimization and selection of the logic algorithm, it can't withstand the sudden increase of dozens of times in the number of bullet screens.

"What did I see? What the hell did I see?"

"Is that the legendary God Realm and Heavenly Court? It turns out that the myths are all true."

"Although I had guessed something when I saw the creature in the sky that looked like a different species of Shan Hai Jing, but now it is confirmed to be true."

"Heavenly Court, and Emperor Yan... The God of Creation must be my supreme ancestor god of Yanhuang, Sanqing? Hongjun? Pangu?"

"The God of Creation is just the God of Creation! The God who created the world. Perhaps the birth of mythical figures such as Pangu and Sanqing were all inspired by the God of Creation, but they certainly do not refer to the God of Creation. "

"Maybe it's so... Damn, I really want to stare at the true face of the Creator God."

"Am I the only one who thinks Emperor Yan is magnificent? I really... let's not talk about it, she is too lofty and sacred, and I can't get any blasphemous thoughts."

"That vast scroll that appeared out of thin air above the sky, is that human civilization? My God, how is this possible!"

"Didn't it mean that Trisolarans are completely different from humans in appearance? It should be impossible for life that is exactly the same as humans to appear in the universe, right?"

"Yes, if human beings are destroyed, even if the earth evolves into a high-level intelligent race civilization again in a few hundred million years, the appearance of that intelligent race civilization cannot be exactly the same as that of human beings."

"It doesn't make sense. In the universe, there will be human civilization in other places...and it's at such a high level."

"How strong is that human civilization? I can't understand it."

"Yes, it's completely incomprehensible, it's too terrifying, and it's too powerful! I can barely correspond to the current society for the first tenth, and I can even find the corresponding part in history, but later, I really set foot in the interstellar world After the era, it is difficult to understand!"

"Although I have seen a lot of pictures, I can't understand their social composition, their humanistic thinking, how far they understand the physical knowledge of the universe, and how they created that one. A terrifying technological..."

"I am the same as before, but I summed up the summary, and I suddenly realized that I was too overwhelmed."

"I'm like an ant observing the entire human society and trying to sum up the rules. How can I sum it up?"

"My God, in the later stages, a cleaner can easily destroy an entire galaxy? This is horrible!"

"And even at this stage, the cleaner's time has not reached the peak state of that civilization..."

"This civilization seems to have completed another technological revolution after that stage."

"I'm cracking! Isn't that the God of Creation? Isn't that the supreme existence standing at the point of idealism? Why did you come up with the ultimate picture of materialism all of a sudden! Is idealism stronger than materialism?" Is there a lot?"

"Trough! Idealism refers to non-existence! God has appeared, so acknowledging his existence is materialism."

"I'm only concerned now, what do those ten volumes of heavenly scriptures mean? According to the picture shown by Mr. Luo Ji's previous manipulation, I have a terrible idea."

"I also thought that each scroll of heavenly scriptures represents a level of civilization, and each scroll of heavenly scriptures contains extremely huge civilization information."

"Perhaps we can digest all the ten volumes of heavenly scriptures, and we will be able to become that cosmic level civilization... No, even if we only digest to the eighth level, I will be satisfied."

"Crying Storm.jpg God's hand actually holds the highest mystery of science! Now I want to know what happened to those scientists and physicists."

"It is said that when sophons locked technology, many physicists' worldviews were broken, and they even committed suicide in despair. I guess there will be another wave now."

"I'm a physicist, I don't feel hopeless, I even feel excited like never before!"

"The ten volumes of heavenly scriptures are the key for humans to truly understand the universe, and the ticket for us humans to reach the pinnacle."

"Our era is destined to be engraved on the entire human era. Respect the God of Creation, and respect mankind!"

"God, what a magnanimous existence you are, what a stalwart existence you are!"

"I adore you from the bottom of my heart, and I am willing to pray for your name all my life, regard you as my father and lord, and become your most devout believer!"

(End of this chapter)

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