Chapter 144

Luo Ji: "Although I know you're going to stretch the frame, but this stretch is a bit too much."

Jiraiya: "But when you think about it carefully, it's really bluffing, especially the fact that God has sent two celestial maidens in the human world."

Jiraiya: "Although there are only three days, in these three days, if Ah Xing works hard, it is estimated that one hundred million believers can be produced." "

Jiraiya: "I remember that this is almost equivalent to the entire Yanhuang, a quarter of the population at that time, right?"

Jiraiya: "In this force, even the so-called orthodoxy appears extremely fragile."

Wang Wu: "Wait, I have a question. Didn't you say that you can't kill each other? If you kill someone, you will be burned to death."

Wang Wu: "Since you can't kill people, how can you fight a civil war? Is it rock-paper-scissors?"

Bai Xiaochun: "It's really, it's too childish to make up that kind of scene in my mind!"

Liu Peiqiang: "Didn't you listen carefully to that guy from Ax Gang? God is talking about barbarians."

Liu Peiqiang: "Barbarians refer to foreigners, so strictly speaking, if there is a civil war, there is no problem."

Gu Dazi: "So that's the case, Shangshen is also very careful, taking into account your desire to let the new Yanhuang be born."

Jiraiya: "I just like that Shangshen is so careful, and I am also sincerely grateful that it is Shangshen who created the chat group, such an eccentric and humane existence."

Jiraiya: "If it's the kind of ruthless god who looks down on all living beings from above... Hey! I can't even think about it."

Han Fei: "Indeed, I feel scared just thinking about it."

Ying Zheng: "I think you may have made a mistake, probably not because of God's carefulness, but because of the inevitability of maintaining history."

Ye Fan: "???"

Murong Fu: "What do you mean?"

Li Longji: "I think Zulong may mean this... Think about it, has someone said that God actually created many worlds."

Li Longji: "Many world histories are basically similar in the general direction, and only the small direction will change."

Li Longji: "According to this theory, the world of kung fu should also be like this... because it is determined by the will of God."

Li Longji: "Of course, if the members of the chat group are going to change history, then God will not say anything... just like Murong Fu's new dynasty."

Li Longji: "But if the members of the chat group don't have any strong desires, then there is a high probability that they will develop in the original direction."

Ying Zheng: "..."

Ying Zheng: "Although you took the words away, that's what the widow really meant."

Murong Fu: "Hiss!"

Ye Fan: "So that's it! I figured everything out!"

Su Chen's eyelids are twitching wildly, if you figure it out with a hammer, it's pure coincidence!
Although he does have the intention to establish the new Yanhuang, but this wave of yours is a wrong process, and you have deduced the correct conclusion.

I kept complaining in my heart, but Su Chen didn't say much.

After all, their brain supplements are more able to maintain Su Chen's own style.

After all, the impression in the eyes of believers has become generous and gentle, which is not a bad thing.

But if this kind of thing is not well controlled, it may damage his majesty as a god.

On the other hand, as the God of Creation, he subconsciously maintains the general direction of history... No matter how it sounds, he feels very high.

Ye Fan: "However, I think that since those two celestial maidens are so terrifying, it is best to take advantage of this precious time to go to the island country again, at least let the island country surrender."

Ye Fan: "Although those who committed crimes in Yanhuang have been liquidated, I don't think it's enough, it's far from enough."

Ye Fan: "Annex that place to become a part of Yanhuang, and turn it into the Cherry Blossom Province. Only in this way can I feel relieved."

Ye Fan: "By the way, there are also bears in the north... the lost land must be regained."

Bai Xiaochun: "Terrible..."

Murong Fu: "Occupation and assimilation can be relieved, and this is true."

Murong Fu: "I heard from you that you don't have any complaints against Mongolia. The reason is because Mongolia is already a part of Yanhuang."

Murong Fu: "However, for people of our time, this is a bit outrageous."

Murong Fu: "Although the Mongolian tribes on the grassland have not yet reached the level of replacing the Liao Kingdom, the two sides are the same in a certain sense."

Murong Fu: "Before I believed in God and established a new dynasty, Xixia and Liao were simply shadows in the hearts of the Southern Song Dynasty."

Zilaiye: "However, now that Xixia is gone, and the Liao Kingdom is still alive and well, the Mongolian tribes must not be much better."

Murong Fu: "I didn't destroy the Khitan and Mongolian tribes, I just drove them westward."

Luo Ji: "..."

Liu Peiqiang: "Hiss! It's different to be an emperor. If you cut your heart, it will be black."

Han Fei: "Wait until the west is smashed, and then come as a savior? Yes, it will be much easier to integrate this way."

Luo Ji: "Actually, I'm curious about how strong the two celestial maidens are in combat?"

Xingzi: "I don't know about this, but I feel very scary. Before I was bestowed with 3 years of skill by God, I was already the only one in the world, surpassing all the strong men in the past and present."

Xingzi: "But even though my strength has improved countless times now, when I saw those two heavenly girls, I even felt my bones tremble, and I was afraid of them from the bottom of my heart."

Xingzi: "Especially, one of them blossomed out of hell, and the other blossomed out of heaven...that's beyond imagination!"

Xingzi: "I tried to sense it just now, and those two are not illusory at all, but real worlds!"

Bibi Dong: "?!"

Gudazi: "What the hell? Is it real? It's impossible!"

Ye Fan: "I always thought that thing was a product of a vision, how could it be real?"

Xingzi: "But it's true... that celestial girl in black just glanced at the many members of the Axe Gang at the scene, and she could see what they had done in the past and what sins they had committed. "

Xingzi: "Then that terrible woman directly sent the souls of the members of the Ax Gang who committed the unforgivable crime into hell and suffered torture."

Xingzi: "I can clearly see that person from the side, howling and struggling in hell."

Xingzi: "But no matter how hard you struggle, it's futile."

Xingzi: "The members of the Ax Gang in front of me all swear to God that they will be good people in the future and never commit crimes again (shivering.JPG)

Ye Fan: "At this time, what else can I do besides calling God awesome?"

Ye Fan: "With just a little change, two women who are not much stronger than the world of martial arts can be transformed into powerful beings who accompany the world."

Murong Fu: "Brother Ye, apart from being impressed by the divine power of God, I think this place can actually be done @武hun宫朗暗."

Bibi Dong: "???"

Liu Peiqiang: "Yes! I remember that the relationship between your mother and daughter seems to be not very good, right?"

Bibi Dong: "There is no such thing... (Fuer.JPG)"

Wang Wu: "Wait a minute, didn't Ax help this video?"

Luo Ji: "Now that we're talking about this, I'm going to post a hammer video. Can't I make up my mind?"

Ye Fan: "Too real..."

(End of this chapter)

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