Chapter 145 What is Happy Planet
Looking at the chat group, Su Chen remembered what he was going to do this time.

A few days ago, he saw a book in the library, which clearly recorded three important elements in breaking through from a highgod to a god.

The first element is the need to have hundreds of millions of believers.

When officially condensing the godhead, the endless believers perform other prayers together.

The more believers who pray, the more powerful the gods will be after becoming gods.

According to records, among those who broke through the gods in history, the one who received the most prayers from believers was a Tianjiao God 800 years ago in Yanhuang. His record is that 5000 million believers prayed at the same time.

Of course, this doesn't mean that other high gods don't have more than 5000 million believers.

The history of the world of gods is too long, and there are countless gods who have received great opportunities.

There are many stories about high gods finding a world due to chance and coincidence in the period of high gods, with countless creatures in it, and finally developing hundreds of millions of believers.

However, there is also a limit to the prayers of believers that the gods can carry when they break through, and this limit comes from the Tao you have comprehended.

If you realized the Tao in the period of the upper god, the more powerful the Tao you realized, the more prayers you can carry the prayers of believers.

But what is Su Chen's situation, there are more than three thousand ways, and the main way is the two ultimate ways of good fortune, the sun and the yin.

Su Chen thought about carrying a billion believers to pray together, I am afraid that there is no problem at all.

As for the second element, it is the power of the source, which requires at least tens of thousands of the power of the source.

Of course, the more the better.

However, it is also limited by the quantity and quality of the Dao that one comprehends.

The one who achieved the highest record in history was also the former Tianjiao who had 5000 million believers praying, and he fused the original power of [-].

That Tianjiao God could have become the most dazzling genius of that era, but unfortunately, he died young.

Because he was too monstrous, and that era was not as powerful and peaceful as the ancient oriental country now, but was often turbulent.

In the end, he was jointly killed by several main gods.

In addition, the most important element is luck.

For the gods, it is not easy to obtain luck. The best way is to leave the world of gods and go to the crystal wall system.

Then, with official help, they found a world with an ancient dynasty.

Evolve into the incarnation of the gods, and become an emperor in that dynasty world, maybe two or three generations of emperors, and you will be able to accumulate enough luck.

Of course, you can also play important roles such as great Confucianism in the world of ancient dynasties, and establish a school, and you can also gain luck.

But Su Chen is completely different.

In the beginning, he got a Golden Dragon of Luck and Three Thousand Purple Qi from Murong Fu.

Later, when Li Longji, Han Fei and Yingzheng jointly sacrificed, they got four more imperial fortunes, which came from Shi Lan (Concubine Yu), Yang Yuhuan, Ji Ruqianlong and Honglian.

Taking out any one is enough for him to be promoted to the realm of gods.

However, Su Chen had planned to wait a while to consolidate his current state.

However, today he found that he actually had nothing to consolidate.

And that set of Heroic Spirit theory still needs to be put forward as soon as possible.

The sooner it is put forward, the sooner it can contribute to the rise of the ancient eastern country.

"Let's not talk so much, it's time to get down to business." Su Chen shook his head, his expression instantly became serious.

He organized the language and spoke.

God: "Tomorrow from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, I will hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the gods. If you pray at this time, the grace you will get will be five times as much as usual."

God: "Of course, participants must pray without stopping, otherwise, they will not be blessed by God in the next five days."

God: "Tomorrow, I will officially hold a sacrificial prayer contest in the chat group. The more members in the group can organize people to pray for sacrificial offerings, and the more devout people pray, the higher the ranking."

God: "No.1, you will get a Bodhi Fruit of Wisdom, an Immortal Immortal Medicine Emperor, and the cultivation energy that fits your current worldview for ten thousand years."

God: "No.2 got a bodhi fruit, ten thousand tons of immortal spring."

God: "No.3 will get five elixir kings and a ton of thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. No.4, all the winners will be rewarded, and the most important thing is to participate."

Su Chen is going to break through the gods tomorrow, although he can directly issue an oracle and order everyone to pray at a certain time.

These believers in the chat group will definitely try their best, but only try their best.

But if he shows his strongest ability, money ability.

Then, these popes and hierarchs in the chat group are not a matter of doing their best, but a matter of going crazy and doing their best.

Ye Fan: "Go... Lord Shangshen! Fuck, Lord Shangshen has appeared!"

Ye Fan: "I haven't seen Lord Shangshen for a long time! Now I am so excited, my legs are shaking because of excitement."

Ying Zheng: "Meet God! God is eternal!"

Li Longji: "Meet God! May my God shine forever!"

Murong Fu: "Why are you all so focused on getting excited and not paying attention to the oracle of God at all? If you pray tomorrow, you will get five times the grace of God!"

Ye Fan: "Super rebate... Oh, no. Sorry, sorry, it looks so familiar! I was poisoned by those merchants on Earth."

Ye Fan: "Shangshen didn't ask for our wealth, but purely gave us favors. It's really unreasonable for me to slander Shangshen like this."

Su Chen's eyelids twitched.

One thing to say, he really got his inspiration from super rebates.

Moreover, he is actually more black-hearted than those merchants, with a net profit of nine hundred and ninety-five thousandths!

However, considering that he is like this because of the augmentation system, compared with other gods, Su Chen said that he is still too generous.

Ying Zheng: "Moreover, God has considered it very well. You may have urgent matters tomorrow, so I have given you the right not to participate."

Wang Wu: "I can't stop participating... It will be very painful if I have to recite directly for twelve hours."

Wang Wu: "Perhaps other people can not participate due to various reasons, but as the leader, I must follow the oracle of God (Hold my head and cry.JPG)"

Wang Wu began to miss her happy time on Wuxiang Peak.

Liu Peiqiang: "I am the only one who cares, in case I feel unwell during these twelve hours..."

Luo Ji: "..."

Gu Dazi: "It should be fine, right? Last time I recited continuously for ten hours, I was in very good condition! You won't be hungry if you don't eat, and you won't be thirsty if you don't drink water."

Gu Dazi: "Besides, I asked the doctor in Chaldea to check my physical condition. It turns out that my physical condition is very special when I am chanting."

Gu Dazi: "Simply put, there is no aging phenomenon. Your body stops at the initial moment of chanting, so there are no problems such as sweating and going to the toilet."

Gu Dazi: "Theoretically, if you chant non-stop for 24 hours, you will always maintain this state and live forever."

Gudazi: "Even you won't be sleepy... because the state is fixed, the only thing that restricts you from reading through is your will."

Jiraiya: "This is the first time I know about this, God is mighty!"

Bai Xiaochun: "God never treats his devout believers badly. But it is precisely because of this that his believers become more and more devout."

Bai Xiaochun: "Praise you, our Lord and Father."

Ye Fan: "I only pay attention to the No.1 reward... Wannian's cultivation is in line with the current worldview. My God, if I can get it, wouldn't it be a step up to the sky?"

Ye Fan: "Even if the ancient emperor had the hard conditions of the emperor's law, if it were me, wouldn't it be very safe to let me directly make the Eucharist?"

Ye Fan: "The holy body is complete, in this era where the emperor does not come out, it is already invincible! (Looking forward.JPG)"

Ye Fan: "What is Happy Planet? This is Happy Planet!"

Liu Peiqiang: "Wake up young people, it's time to move bricks."

Bibi Dong: "Yes, if it's you, I think you can try your best to fight for No.4."

Bai Xiaochun: "Extremely insulting!"

Ye Fan: "I don't accept this! I must get No.1! I want to go to Ximo and change the belief of those bald donkeys into God. As long as I do this time, I will take the number one!"

Murong Fu: "..."

Li Longji: "You mentioned the danger of the West Desert last time. Take it easy and don't trap yourself in it."

Ye Fan didn't reply, he was very clear-headed, he was just talking cruel words.

He now also knows that the Big Dipper Starfield is so repelling of faith because of Ximo.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies.

Although he has made up his mind to develop well in the West Desert in the future, at least he has to wait until he is the quasi-emperor and even the holy body.

It's better to stay away now, otherwise what should Ximo do if he sees that he has great potential and forcibly converts him?
Ye Fan said that he has one heart and one mind for God, and he can't be poached by others!
(End of this chapter)

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