I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 164 The Suffering of Happiness

Chapter 164 The Suffering of Happiness

Bai Xiaochun: "The God of Creation, the God of Eternity!"

Wang Wu: "I will always believe in the God of Creation.JPG"

Luo Ji: "Could it be that I was the only one who paid attention to those people who had conflicts with Ye Fan at the beginning, and when they saw the weapons they brought to protect Ye Fan, their expressions became extremely wonderful?"

Bibi Dong: "Pfft, hahaha, this is indeed a laughing stock. You may not believe it, but our backhands are opposite each other (manually funny.JPG)"

Murong Fu: "Ye Fan discussed the issue of the emperor's soldiers before, and that thing seems to be the continuation of the lives of the ancient supreme beings, and their personalities have been passed down to the emperor."

Murong Fu: "So, it should be said that those great emperors have very good personalities."

Murong Fu: "As for why their descendants have degenerated like this, it's normal."

Murong Fu: "In other words, as the descendants of the Great Emperor, they enjoy abundant cultivation resources, can possess great strength even while lying down, and possess a very high status. It would be strange if all of them are gentle and pure in character."

Han Fei: "When I saw the Lord of Yaoguang, he said with a haughty face that those who are virtuous live there, and he is virtuous. I can't wait to stab him in the face with a sword (Lu Dongbin swung his sword.JPG)"

Ye Fan: "Yaoguang's tripod appeared out of nowhere, and it wasn't cast by any ancient emperor. It seems that there has never been a great emperor in Yaoguang's history, right?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei: "That's it, then it's fine."

Jiraiya: "It's too scary."

Liu Peiqiang: "But having said that, I have no doubt that the original group of people of the ancient emperor may be very kind and friendly under the emperor's words and deeds. Time can change everything."

Liu Peiqiang: "Especially the ancient emperor's weapons sleep most of the time, they will only protect the ethnic group at critical times, and they will not consider checking the current mental state of the ethnic group members to see whether they are good or bad."

Liu Peiqiang: "Strictly speaking, even strict inspections will only make the bad guys less and more hidden, and it is impossible to really eradicate the bad guys."

Bibi Dong: "Let's not discuss this heavy topic anymore. I am only shocked by God's prophecy. Ye Fan will actually become the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Immortals in the future?"

Bai Xiaochun: "Is it the emperor of the immortals? The immortals in that world are so tall and powerful, it is really hard to imagine how terrifying the legendary immortal emperor is (Melancholy and looking forward to.JPG)"

Liu Peiqiang: "" I'm curious too. "

Bibi Dong: "Isn't it good to just ask God?"

Bibi Dong: "@神, the great God, please solve my doubts for the pious me."

Murong Fu: "It's unlikely that God will answer you, right?"

Bibi Dong: "This is not necessarily the case. The so-called divine enlightenment means that the gods give you enlightenment. This is the way the gods communicate with you."

Bibi Dong: "Think about it carefully, do you suddenly feel an inexplicable sense of sight?"

Wutian: "..."

Ye Fan: "Fuck, chat group?!"

Ye Fan suddenly realized, isn't the chat group one of the mediums for God to directly talk to them?
Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a while, he replied.

God: "The thing transformed by the chaotic green lotus involves the level of the immortal emperor."

Isn't the Immortal Emperor's weapon related to the Immortal Emperor's level?

Ying Zheng: "!!!"

Bibi Dong: "The God of God has appeared, let's pay homage to the God of God."

Wang Wu: "Respect our great and almighty Lord, may your light shine on all heavens."

Han Fei: "The God of God is eternal, the God of Creation is eternal!"

Bibi Dong: "Thank you God for giving me enlightenment."

Liu Peiqiang: "Originally, Ye Fan was looking forward to it, but then he saw God say that it's all right, what are you trying to cultivate, you should honestly hug God's thigh."

Ye Fan: "Yeah, honestly relying on sacrifices to become stronger, wouldn't it be good to lie down and become an immortal emperor?"

Ye Fan had been looking forward to it for a while, and the Emperor of Immortals would be stunned when he heard it, but now he understands.

I don't know whether it will blow up or not, but it is absolutely certain that God can enlighten a strong person of this level across the world without moving his body.

The reason why Shangshen said those words with a little expectation is probably because he thinks his rise is very interesting, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Fan suddenly wept.

Ye Fan: "But it's too late for me to make this decision to eat and wait to die!"

Ying Zheng: "???"

Ye Fan: "Just now, three young saint kings from the ancient clan came to surround and kill me, and I killed them all. Before they died, they told me that this was just the beginning."

Ye Fan: "Just before the conversation, I was attacked and killed again, and the bones of my whole body were cracked!"

Ye Fan: "The Shaman of the Killer Dynasty, looking at this old bone stick, I fell into deep doubts. Is this guy really from the same era as me?"

Bai Xiaochun: "Maybe it's because his strength is about the same as yours? I looked at the previous screen, and the Great Sage died immediately after making a move."

Bai Xiaochun: "So this time it might be young, and experts below the Holy King can attack you, right?"

Liu Peiqiang: "Having said this, I remembered what those ancient supreme beings said again. Except for them, all the other ancient supreme beings have their eyes on Ye Fan!
Liu Peiqiang: "Maybe they will try their best to defeat you, and then win the good fortune that God said."

Murong Fu: "That's why I think it's outrageous. Could it be that they can't see that God's words are deliberately attracting those people to sharpen Ye Fan, so that Ye Fan can really reach the peak?"

Murong Fu: "Why are they so willing to be a stepping stone?"

Li Longji: "Actually, it's normal. We know that Ye Fan was favored by God just like us because he joined this chat group."

Li Longji: "But people in that world don't know. In their eyes, it was Ye Fan who made a sacrifice, and God bestowed such a vast gift."

Ying Zheng: "Well, yes, if I stand in the perspective of Ye Fan's enemy and refer to God's words, I may mistakenly think that if I defeat Ye Fan, not only will I be able to refine him, and thus Let your own lifespan be greatly increased."

Ying Zheng: "At the same time, I may also be qualified to offer sacrifices to the Gods... Think about it carefully, what does offering sacrifices to the Gods mean to the strong in your world?"

Ye Fan: "!!!"

Ye Fan: "So that's how it is, it's the ticket to becoming a fairy! The God of God is so mighty and unrivaled in the world. If you really show your favor, a pig can become a fairy while lying down."

Ye Fan: "From this point of view, I feel that the future is too difficult, the world is the enemy, really the world is the enemy!"

Ye Fan: "I really just want to be a trash who eats and waits to die, and helps God to spread faith."

Ye Fan: "At first, I thought that my life would be much easier after Shangshen showed his power within the Beidou range, but I never thought that life would be even more difficult."

The more Ye Fan talked, the more sad he became, and he was about to cry.

Ying Zheng: "Before you were spreading your beliefs, and everyone shouted and beat you, but now, although the dark tide is moving and there are dangers everywhere..."

Ying Zheng: "But at any rate, you are no longer everyone shouting and beating, and you have truly stepped onto the pinnacle of that world, becoming a terror that even those dark and taboo existences you mentioned dare not take action against yourself."

Ying Zheng recalled the video he had watched before, and his expression was inexplicable.

In the back of the video, the void mirror took Ye Fan back to the ancestral land of the Ji clan, and explained to him the root of the dark turmoil in detail.

Those who helped him, and those who might plan against him, were the root of the dark turmoil.

Luo Ji: "It's not just a big terror that dare not make a move. Look at the scene, those dark and taboo existences have come out of the environment where they sealed themselves up, and personally delivered benefits to Ye Fan."

Luo Ji: "Although everyone is calling for beatings, but now he has a lot of hang-ups, and there are a lot of bosses behind him."

Gu Dazi: "@叶凡, I suddenly thought of a very serious question."

Gu Dazi: "Those supreme beings who are willing to stand behind you, they also caused huge killings in ancient times, feeding on living beings."

Gu Dazi: "If you really grow up in the future, how will you treat them? Are you really giving them the chance to live forever as they said?"

Liu Peiqiang: "I'm reminded of the great emperor of the Ji clan mentioned by the empty mirror. For the sake of all sentient beings, he really suffered too much."

Liu Peiqiang: "Such an ancient emperor should survive the most. However, it is these dirty bugs that survived."

Liu Peiqiang frowned. He was not trying to force Ye Fan in this way, but simply because he felt that it was too unfair and irritating.

Liu Peiqiang: "Besides, these dirty bedbugs will survive because of a gamble, because they successfully gambled on the possibility of immortality on Ye Fan's body.

Liu Peiqiang: "This world should not be like this, but good should be rewarded with good, and evil should be rewarded with evil."

Luo Ji: "Good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years. This has been the case since ancient times. This has never been a world where good people can live."

Ye Fan: "Anyway, I will definitely kill all those Supremes who secretly target me.

Ye Fan: "As for the supreme beings who bet on me in the early stage, I will also not blindly tolerate them."

Ye Fan: "I will repay the favor they gave me, and try my best to give them a chance to live forever. But if they still despise the common people, I will also lead the common people to pay the debt."

Murong Fu: "You might as well take advantage of them and beat them back."

Ye Fan: "I'm sorry, I can't do such an ungrateful act. All I can say is, don't go against my heart to do what I should do and kill people who should be killed."

Bibi Dong: "This is already very good, very strong."

Ye Fan: "Speaking of which, they didn't really do me much favors, they just ran over in a hurry and gave me a wave of benefits.

Ye Fan: "Then tell me that they are standing behind me and go to them if there is a problem. Then, it's gone."

Ye Fan: "They say nice words, but who knows what they're thinking. I even feel that some of them may be trying to please me on the surface, but they are actually betting on both sides."

Ye Fan: "Secretly, I am also cultivating characters like my own sons, let them target me, and see if I can defeat me and win the great fortune."

Murong Fu: "!!!"

Han Fei: "Hey, it's okay to bet on both ends."

Luo Ji: "Your brain can be said to be very clever. I feel that this is most likely the operation of many of them."

Jiraiya: "If that's the case, then these supreme beings can't be described as cunning and cunning."

Jiraiya: "Those who really haven't come out with their feelings, and are determined to fight you hard, are the real young masters (I can't laugh or cry.JPG)"

Ye Fan: "Hahaha, actually, I'm still thinking about another thing."

Ye Fan: "If I offer sacrifices in the future, is it possible to bring back all those ancient human emperors at a sufficient price?"

Ye Fan: "Void, Eternal Universe, and the legendary Lunar Sun.

Ye Fan: "There must still be a fairyland in our world, only by gathering such a large number of strong and outstanding people."

Ye Fan: "Let them become the backbone of my creation god religion, so that in the future I will be able to carry out large-scale missions in a wider world after preaching to the world."

Murong Fu: "..."

Ying Zheng: "Shangshen can do it, and I have no doubts. But the ghost knows what sacrifice you have to offer, and the Shangshen will fulfill your wish."

Ye Fan: "Haha, so I just thought about it, and it's not illegal to think about it."

Ye Fan: "Oh, by the way, God blessed me with the celestial path of Emperor Amitabha. It's really considerate. Next, I will go to Ximo Lingshan."

Ye Fan: "I live in the immortal law of Emperor Amitabha, so I should be the endorsement of Emperor Amitabha in the world."

Ye Fan: "I said that I will believe in a hammer Buddha in the future, and all of them will believe in God, and they will have to follow suit."

Murong Fu: "My good fellow, you are too ruthless!"

Liu Peiqiang: "You are not afraid of being beaten to death... Well, no one in the same age group, or below the Great Sage, probably can beat you."

Liu Peiqiang: "As for those who are stronger, they will also consider the way of Amitabha Buddha, and will not do anything to you... Well, that's okay."

Han Fei: "It's reasonable. If we really fight, it's hard to say which side those Buddhist backgrounds will stand on."

Bibi Dong: "Emperor Amitabha must have left the imperial soldier behind, right? I have no doubt that the weapon will turn against you on the spot after sensing Ye Fan's aura."

Ye Fan: "Slot! Pay it back endlessly! I'm so... er, hiss! Something big happened to me."

Li Longji: "?"

Ye Fan: "The demon emperor who claimed to be dead reappeared in front of me, and he was still a young group, on the surface he looked younger than me."

Ye Fan: "I'm confused, did he come to trouble me? Is he dissatisfied because I brought Yan Ruyu to the sky?"

Murong Fu: "It's too scary, Ye Fan's life is really colorful."

Wang Wu: "@叶凡, why didn't you reply all of a sudden? Could something be wrong?"

Liu Peiqiang: "I think it's absolutely fine, so what about the Great Emperor, even if an immortal dares to attack Ye Fan, he will probably be crushed to death (Blowing up God.JPG)"

Ye Fan: "It's nothing, it's just that he chatted with me casually, thanking me for taking care of Yan Ruyu."

Ye Fan: "By the way, ask me, if he wants to transform into a sacrifice, is it a big problem?"

Bibi Dong: "Hiss!"

Liu Peiqiang: "You have opened the Long Aotian template. You don't need to look for it. Powerful sacrifices will be delivered to your door continuously (real name envy.JPG)"

Ye Fan: "Then I said, no problem. It's just, do you want a dead sacrifice or a living sacrifice? If it's a dead sacrifice, then he will have to be chopped off."

Ye Fan: "But the living sacrifice, I'm sorry, I will only send the Daughter of Destiny, he does not meet the requirements."

Murong Fu: "Ah, this..."

Bai Xiaochun: "Although what you said is correct, I feel that you were not killed. I really have to thank God."

Liu Peiqiang: "I just want to know what happened next?"

Ye Fan: "After that, the guy didn't say a word, and left with a dark face. I don't know when he left or how he left. It made me think it was a dream."

Ye Fan: "It can only be said that it is worthy of this level of existence, it is really as strong as a monster."

Xingzi: "..."

Murong Fu: "As expected of you.JPG"

At this moment, Su Chen's expression became very exciting, the Qing emperor, and he was still the Qing emperor at his peak.

I am afraid that if it is not a wave of sacrifices, he can directly become an existence of the level of an immortal king or even a quasi-immortal emperor
Of course, although Su Chen was very moved, but after thinking about it, he finally suppressed this idea.

Not to mention the fact that Emperor Qing is a male, and after entering the God Realm, terrible things may happen under the system boost.

Simply speaking, it is very difficult for the God Realm to even carry a chaotic green lotus, so let’s forget about having a Qing emperor at the level of an immortal king or quasi-immortal emperor.

Su Chen was afraid that something would go wrong in his God Realm if he was not careful.

In the final analysis, the opponent's strength is too strong, and it is difficult for him to digest it if he wants to force it.

At least until Su Chen rises to the level of God King, he can easily integrate such sacrifices.

Of course, if he allowed his God's Domain to expand at the speed of light every day, even if he didn't need to upgrade to the God King level, he would be able to absorb it easily one day.

It's just that it's hard to say how long it will take.

Su Chen shook his head, deeply moved.

"I really didn't expect that one day I would worry that the sacrifice might be beyond my tolerance."

What a happy trouble.

After a short pause, Su Chen's eyes flickered and he smiled dumbly.

"But having said that, it is estimated that there are not many gods in history who have such happiness troubles as me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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