I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 165 He Doesn't Need to Care

Chapter 165 He Doesn't Need to Care

With a thought, Su Chen directly returned to the real world.

He casually took out the happy water from the refrigerator, and then played fugue.

It wasn't until an hour later that he suddenly noticed the terrifying Dao Law rising outside the door.

"Interesting." Su Chen's eyes sharpened instantly, and after thinking for a while, he went directly to the door and opened it.

Then, he discovered that there was a group of people standing outside the door. They were all dressed in formal clothes with serious expressions, and some of them were wearing military uniforms.

There was even an old man with the title of Lieutenant General pinned to his shoulder.

And standing at the front of this group of people was the old principal, "Student Su, I didn't bother you."

A little helplessness appeared on the old principal's smiling face, "The official said before that I want to come to you for a chat."

"I've always wanted to come over and talk to you about how to receive this group of guys... But I can't find you, and you don't reply to messages."

"Today, these old people have made up their minds. If they want to block your door, even if they want to block your door for three days and three nights, they will still see you."

"But now it seems that we are very lucky. You happened to be there when we came."

"I've been dealing with some matters in the God Realm recently." Su Chen explained with some embarrassment.


The old principal shrugged, with nostalgia in his eyes, and said with emotion: "Young people are full of vitality."

"I was busier than you when I was young, and I didn't see anyone from morning to night. Now that I'm older, I've become more stable..."

"Well, in the words of you young people, it means that you have a lot of Buddhism."

After chatting casually, Su Chen led a group of people into his room.

The old principal introduced Su Chen one by one, "This is from the Ministry of Military Gods. They came here because of your manufacturing technology in the Hall of Valor."

"Don't have any psychological burden. I'm still here. Just say what you want. The Military God Department is a big fat sheep."

"This is from the Patent Office. I have already applied for your previous theoretical patent. This time I specially brought him here to apply for the patent of the manufacturing technology of the Hall of Valor for you."

The Director of the Patent Office nodded and said: "Yes, yes, the manufacturing technology of the Hall of Valor is very important."

"We have to set up hundreds of patents, covering all aspects, so that outsiders can't take advantage of it."

The Director of the Patent Office meant something. The outsiders he was talking about were naturally those bastards from the West who set up checkpoints for the ancient Eastern countries.

Su Chen glanced around the crowd with great interest, and said, "I prepared the manufacturing technology of the Hall of Valor very early."

"Actually, I was already prepared for you to come to me that night, but I didn't expect it to take so long."

Su Chen took out three books from the God Realm. The titles of the three books were, Detailed Explanation of the Manufacturing of the Hall of Valor, the Concept of the Law of the Spirit, and the Blessing of the Root Law to the Hall of the Spirit.

"All the content is here." Su Chen pushed over.

The lieutenant general on the opposite side trembled, and he took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself down.

He didn't accept it immediately, but stared at Su Chen solemnly, "Mr. Su, please state your request."

"As long as it doesn't violate the law, everything can be discussed. This is what the old god said."

Su Chen smiled, "But I don't want anything."

What does Su Chen want, the power of faith?
He wouldn't go to the ancient eastern country for this, does he seem to be a person who lacks the power of faith?
Even excluding the system and the chat group, after the Valhalla technology is patented in the future, he can collect patent fees, and it is also unlikely that he will be short of money.

"If you want something." Su Chen paused and said seriously, "Perhaps I just hope that these technologies can be properly applied."

A look of astonishment appeared on the lieutenant general's face, and then he was a little moved.

He was silent for a short while, then got up and gave a military salute to Su Chen, with a sonorous and forceful voice, "Don't worry, this is inevitable."

"Although I know that these words have no practical significance to you, I still want to say... your contribution to the ancient eastern country will always be remembered in our hearts."

Several other military gods at the scene also stood up and gave a military salute to Su Chen.

"It's just that I've been a villain in vain." The old headmaster stared at Su Chen blankly, she grinned, seeming a little happy and a little sad.

"Are you doing it for me after all?" Su Chen smiled.

"However, the patent still needs to be applied for." The old principal looked at the Director of the Patent Office with an extremely serious expression.

The Director of the Patent Office shuddered, and his words were firm, "Sure, don't worry about this, can we still exploit the interests of a child?"

"You have no right to call him a child!" Lieutenant General Shen glanced coldly at the Director of the Patent Office.

"By the way, Mr. Su's patent matter, not only President Hua will follow up, but also my side will follow up. Your side should try to be as fast as possible."

"The higher-ups have held several meetings recently, all of which are related to the manufacturing technology of the Hall of Valor."

Although Lieutenant General God did not open the three books, he obviously had full confidence in Su Chen and did not doubt the accuracy of the books Su Chen handed over.

Lieutenant General Shen said seriously: "But if we promote it, it will test our mobilization ability and our organizational ability."

"Especially under such circumstances, it is also necessary to prevent Western gods from stealing the most advanced information."

"Comprehensive promotion, this cannot be resolved within ten years." The old headmaster frowned, "I will submit the application to those old gods."

"I hope to open up a brand-new heroic system course in Shangdu Academy first, and conduct a pilot education to see the specific results. This should also inspire those few."

"With your prestige and Mr. Su's contribution, there is absolutely no problem." Lieutenant General Shen nodded with a smile, "Actually, even if you don't raise it, someone may come to test your understanding of this aspect soon. reacted."

"After all, Mr. Su is the one who understands the law of Heroic Spirits best in this world. If Mr. Su doesn't leave, it's impossible for the pilot to be placed elsewhere."

The old principal nodded in agreement.

Immediately, the Lieutenant General looked at Su Chen as if he remembered something again.

"Mr. Su, we have received the definite news that you have been nominated for two Nobel Prizes this year, one for physics and one for theory."

"If nothing unexpected, you should be able to get a double prize."

"Congratulations to you in advance. You are the first person to win two options on the same day since the birth of the Nobel Prize."

"I hope you will discuss with us in advance, we will not rule out using the giant Shenzhou to escort your trip."

"Going abroad? What country?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes, he didn't believe in the integrity of the western white gods at all.

What if the other party thinks that he has great information in his hands and wants to tie him up?

Especially after the kidnapping, if he finds out his secret, it will be a big deal.

Even if he didn't find the chat group, it would be terrifying if he found his unique God Realm.

Su Chen responded very seriously, "I don't rely on that kind of award to make a living, I only live in Shangdu."

"Don't talk about foreign countries, I won't even accept domestic awards, so please talk to the Nobel Prize awarding staff."

"You really have a personality." Lieutenant General Shen couldn't laugh or cry, but he also breathed a sigh of relief, "If that's the case, then let us pick it up for you."

After hesitating for a while, the lieutenant general stared into Su Chen's eyes, and said cautiously, "Actually, there are two other things."

"One is that hundreds of famous academic gods in the West, including Einstein, sent a visit request to the East. They said that they can meet with you and have an academic discussion with you."

"There is another one, which is to nominate you to become a double national scholar of the current Academy of Academic Theory and Academy of Physics." Lieutenant General God paused.

"The first one was pushed, and the second... Didn't I say it before?" Su Chen sighed.

"I will only stay in Shangdu recently, no matter if it is a domestic or foreign award, I will not receive it."

Lieutenant General God: "..."

Everyone at the scene: "..."

Fuck, they thought that Su Chen didn't go to accept the Nobel Prize because he noticed the change in the international trend, and it was because of the security and the difficulties of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

But who would have thought that he really didn't want to go because he thought it was troublesome!
That is the highest honor in the world!
As long as you get it, you can eat for a lifetime, and you can even be treated with courtesy by the leaders of the world's major gods.

However, Lieutenant General God soon realized one thing. Even if the young man in front of him did not receive the Nobel Prize, he would still be respected by all countries in the world and enjoy a high reputation in the world.

"Perhaps, it's like Einstein doesn't care about the Nobel Prize, because if they want to, their names themselves can create an existence that is not inferior to the Nobel Prize!"

The young man in front of him is called a super-enhanced version of Einstein's childhood on the Internet. Einstein doesn't care, and he naturally doesn't care either.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and a flash of understanding flashed in the lieutenant general's eyes.

But he didn't say much, but gave a military salute again.

"I understand. Our ancient country in the East will officially receive those academic gods from the West."

"Your Nobel Prize, we will send it over as soon as we receive it. As for your double national scholar, we will award it in February next year."

"If you don't want to come at that time, we will also send it to you after the award."

(End of this chapter)

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