I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 169 I want God to save me

Chapter 169 I want God to save me
"Ah, how do you feel about using my concubine's body, Seven Sins?"

Tokisaki Kurumi was still wearing the black and blood-colored gothic outfit, slightly raised his head, staring at the opposite girl who was exactly like him, a strange light flashed in the red and gold eyes.


Hiding behind Seven Sins, the girl with purple-silver hair and purple-silver pupils tilted her body, revealing half of her body.

She waved her hands, and greeted Kurumi opposite with a cute and unhurried tone.

"Hey, she was the one who seduced me with your appearance first!"

Tokisaki Kurumi ignored Miku Miku's justifying words, but took out a pistol and an ancient rifle from nowhere.

She raised her arm, pointed the muzzle of the gun at Qi Zui's head in the air, her delicate lips like cherry blossom petals parted slightly, and said, "Or should you go back with me obediently?"

With a wave of the magic wand in Seven Sins' hands, the appearance became a mature woman wearing a pointed hat and purple tights.

"Do you want to take me back? Then you have to show some skills."


Before Tokisaki Kurumi finished speaking, he directly pulled the trigger.

"Seven Bullets!"

Once hit by the Seventh Bullet, its own time will be stopped.

Seven Sins was about to move, ready to dodge the bullet, when countless black hands stretched out from the shadows under her feet, and two of them happened to grab her ankles.


With a soft sound, Qi Zui's body was hit by Qi Zhi's bullet, and he stopped there immediately, motionless.

Tokisaki Kurumi curled her lips indiscriminately. After her current ability has been enhanced, the control time of the Seventh Bullet has also become longer.

Although it didn't increase for a very long time, at least it was enough to carry the Seven Sins back to the European-style villa.

Tokisaki Kurumi didn't move, and another her came out from her body.

She looked at herself at an unknown time, with the corners of her mouth raised, "Allah, please send her back!"

After watching the other self for a moment, Tokisaki Kurumi withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Yuxiao Miku who was holding his arm, and said, "Miku, do you want a crepe?"

Yu Xiaomei nodded repeatedly, her eyes flickering.

The two walked towards the shop, and within a few steps, Tokisaki Kurumi paused, raised her eyebrows, and looked at the mutual aid chat group in her mind.

Group owner: "@时崎狂三, Kuangsan, how is the situation?"

Group leader: "Have you found the Seven Sins?"

The King of the Restricted Zone: "Group leader, do you still need to ask? According to the information you gave, let alone finding the Seven Sins, capturing her is a trivial matter!"

Emperor Huntian: "The old man is more curious about whether Wuhe Shidao and the others have wonderful expressions now."

Emperor Huntian: "Is this already the fourth time?"

Emperor Huntian: "One step faster than them every time... I think the so-called protagonist is nothing more than that!"

Chu Yang: "The protagonist is not good? Others are qualified to say that, but you, Hun Tiandi, are not qualified!"

Chu Yang: "Having planned for half my life, didn't I end up making a wedding dress for Xiao Yan, which became his stepping stone?"

Soul Emperor: "..."

Meng Hao: "Is this autistic? It's too low!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Ala, things are going very well, I have another cute girl under my command!"

Meng Hao: "I don't know if it's cute or not, but I think it's outrageous anyway..."

Group leader: "Huh?"

Meng Hao: "The group leader, you have said that the abilities of Kuang San and the others all came from Takamiya Mio..."

Meng Hao: "You also said that the twelve of them may join forces to defeat Chonggong Mio..."

Meng Hao: "The problem is, Tobiichi Origami and Wuhe Qinli are both at Wuhe Shidao's place. How can you fight without two elves?"

Meng Hao: "That's why I'm wondering, is there any point in doing what Kuang San does?"

Group owner: "I have to give it a try, in case it works..."

Group leader: "By the way, you all have to pay attention recently. It is said that the old masters are active."

Gabriel: "Huh?"

Gabriel: "Will it affect my playing games?"

Group leader: "...Probably not."

Group leader: "Although you are just a daily fan, who can destroy the world with a horn at every turn?!"

Chu Feng: "Basic exercises, don't be six!"

Chu Feng: "A question every day: Is the master of the restricted area dead today?"

Lord of the restricted area: "...Emperor Chu, Big Brother Chu, I don't seem to have offended you?"

Chu Feng: "What Heavenly Emperor? Don't shout, or I will sue you for slander!"

Lord of the restricted area: "...I am no one hurts, no one loves me, a small skull in the restricted area."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I have a question, is there a god in this world?"

The group suddenly fell silent.

After a while, someone spoke.

Group leader: "If you want to talk about gods, I don't think there is one!"

Group leader: "Look, I know your past and future. In your eyes, I am an omniscient and omnipotent god, right?"

Group owner: "But in fact, I am an ordinary traveler, came to an ordinary and strange world of cultivating immortals, and then met you through the chat group."

Group leader: "When I first started, I could have lied to you that I was a god, and then fooled you into doing things for me, but this is completely unnecessary."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I'm talking about the kind of gods that require faith."

Group leader: "If you want to ask this question, in ancient myths and legends, there are gods who rely on incense from the world to worship."

Group leader: "Once no one worships them, those gods will slowly dissipate until no one remembers them anymore."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's not like this...it's the kind that just by reciting his god name, you can get his mercy, prolong your life, and improve your cultivation."

Group leader: "Huh? I haven't seen it before... No, why are you asking this?"

Group leader: "Did you see such an existence?"

Group leader: "This is simply impossible... There is no such stupid god in the world."

Group leader: "Let you improve your cultivation and prolong your lifespan, even if he is a god, there is still a price to pay, right?"

Group leader: "But all you offer him is faith... Is your faith really that valuable?"

Group leader: "Since faith is worthless, you need to pay a price to prolong your life... You can't make ends meet. Don't say that gods don't exist, even if they do exist, He can't be so stupid!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "So that's how it is..."

Tokisaki Kuangsan's expression moved slightly. According to what he said, the god in the Wanjie chat group can no longer be described as generous, it is simply stalwart!
"Ding, the master of the restricted area sent a private message invitation, do you accept it? Yes/No"

Tokisaki Kurumi hesitated for a moment, planning to see what was going on.

Lord of the restricted area: "Do you know the gods?"

Lord of the restricted area: "I want him to save my dog's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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