I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 170 How Many Groups Did You Add?

Chapter 170 How Many Groups Did You Add?
The perfect world, the forbidden land in the beginning.

Right above a skull, a man in white clothes appeared, his face was a little nervous at the moment.

Earlier, only his obsession was trapped in the restricted area, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It might dissipate when he finished what he needed.

But suddenly one day, a strange picture suddenly appeared in his mind. It is said that it is a mutual aid chat group that can connect the heavens and the world.

The owner of the group claimed to know everything. He wanted to refute at the time, but he remained silent in the end.

Without him, even if his current strength is less than one billionth of his peak period, he is still the strength of the Immortal King.

But with his cognition, he couldn't detect the essence of the chat group, which showed the high level of the chat group.

So, he fell silent in that chat group.

When he saw the group leader reveal everyone's identities and futures one by one, his heart, which had long been willing to be lonely, could no longer calm down.

He couldn't hold back, and finally asked the group leader about his situation.

Although he could predict his future long before being spoiled, but after being exposed to so many novel things outside, his heart gradually began to ripple.

He no longer wants to dissipate in the final battle...he wants to live!
If possible, he even wants to resurrect himself completely.

But the leader of the mutual aid group told him that this is simply impossible!
Even Huang, who became an immortal emperor, couldn't revive the master of the restricted zone, let alone the leader of his small mutual aid group.

But the master of the restricted area did not give up.

He learned that in any chat group like this, people would join in from time to time, and maybe one day he would meet someone who could revive him.

However, he never waited until...

However, just now, what the girl named Tokisaki Kurumi said made the light of hope rise in his heart.

The girl seemed to be asking casually, but as long as she was a normal person, she could tell that she had definitely encountered an existence that claimed to be a god!
No, it may not be claiming to be, but... a real god!

What kind of existence doesn't care whether what others give to him is equal to what he pays?
Is it a saint?

The master of the restricted area is convinced that there is no such saint!
In other words, as long as you are a human being, as long as you are a creature with desires, you will hope that the contributions of both parties are equal, and it is even better that what the other party gives me is better than what I give him.

Even if I only earn a little bit, I am satisfied.

All normal creatures will think this way consciously or unconsciously... There is only one kind of existence that doesn't care about these things.

That is the true supreme being...God!
Because for him, no matter what rare things you give him, it will never be better than what he gives you!

Then He naturally doesn't care what you offer... Or, even if you offer something illusory like faith, it's okay!

The master of the restricted area stared at the private chat interface in his mind, and couldn't help spending points to start the private chat.

The Lord of the Restricted Zone: "Miss Kuang San, have you really met a god?"

Tokisaki Kuangzo: "Ala, Ala, I just asked casually, why should the Immortal King ask further."

The Lord of the Restricted Zone: "Miss Kuang San was joking...you know my situation, even though the Immortal Emperor can't revive me, I still want to give it a try..."

Lord of the forbidden area: "If you really meet a god, please tell me how to believe in him?"

Lord of the restricted area: "I want him to save my dog's life!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Puff... I want to ask, is it so troublesome to save your dog's life? With your own mighty power, you should be able to do this to this extent, right?"

Lord of the Restricted Zone: "?"

Lord of the Restricted Zone: "!!!"

The master of the restricted area was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what Tokisaki Kuumou meant.

The Lord of the Restricted Zone: "Miss Kuang San really knows how to joke... (Complicated face.JPG)"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, what do you want to ask?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I'll tell you in advance, I only came into contact with him, and didn't have a deep understanding of him, so I know very little."

The Lord of the Restricted Zone: "Miss Kuang San is humble... If I guessed correctly, coming to this chat group to promote the existence of God is a task given to you by your God, right?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's not... I didn't even say in that group that I have another chat group."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's just a simple bubble."

Lord of the Restricted Zone: "..."

The Lord of the Restricted Area: "I suddenly have a question... how many chat groups has an excellent person like Miss Kuang San joined?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Allah, what are you talking about, I can't understand at all..."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Just these two chat groups, nothing else."

The corner of the restricted zone's mouth twitched when he saw this, look at what he said, two, is this all?
I've been a fairy king for so long, and I only met a chat group. You have two at a young age... Is this beaver?
Not in the river!
Um... No, did she really only have two when she said two?

The master of the restricted area expressed serious doubts.

The Lord of the Restricted Zone: "Let's not talk about this anymore...Miss Kuang San, how can I contact that god?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Are you moved?"

The Lord of the Restricted Area: "How should I put it... If I met the self before the mutual aid group, even if I knew that there was such a god, I might not be moved..."

As he spoke, the master of the restricted area fell silent. He thought of the root of those dark turmoil, and thought of the hundreds of millions of souls who suffered because of it...

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone: "No, if the existence of that god can solve the dark turmoil, maybe I will be willing to believe in him!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Didn't the group leader already say that the dark turmoil will eventually be resolved by Huang. So what are you still worried about?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Wait for Huang's arrival with peace of mind, and then assist him, isn't it all right?"

Lord of the Forbidden Zone: "Having said that, it would be better if the darkness could be expelled sooner and the creatures would suffer less."

Lord of the Forbidden Zone: "Don't talk about my own beliefs, even if I have to pay the price of my life for it, it's okay!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Then why are you still looking for opportunities for resurrection?"

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone: "As a person with a sliver of obsession, I still have the strength of an immortal king... What if I was in my heyday?"

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone: "What's more, if it really proves the existence of that god, then I don't want to resurrect myself, but pray to God to save the world..."

Lord of the Restricted Area: "Isn't it better than me trying my best to get rid of the darkness?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Okay, I admit, you really moved me... The document has been sent to you, please accept it."

Lord of the restricted area: "Okay."

After saying this, the lord of the restricted area clicked to receive, and received two documents, both of which were related to sacrifices.

One of them is the sacrificial language.

According to Tokisaki Kurumi, as long as you read this sacrificial word, you can see the supreme god.

He hesitated for a moment, since he had no other choice now, let's give it a try.

Anyway, it's just chanting once, and it won't matter.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the master of the restricted area became firm.

His lips moved, and then he began to chant the sacrificial words.

When the last syllable was uttered, his eyes suddenly widened, full of shock and disbelief.

"What is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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