Chapter 171

God Realm, Beach.

Su Chen was lying leisurely under the parasol, squinting his eyes to appreciate the splashing water from the constantly churning waves.

While tasting the crystal grapes that Yan Lingji peeled one by one and delivered to his mouth from time to time, he flipped through the system prompts to check the income and expenditure of the power of faith in each world.

With the system's automatic feedback and boost, he doesn't have to worry about losing money.

It's just that there are no classes scheduled today, and I'm still idle, just to get acquainted with the situation, and I have something in mind.

"Well, the world of Douluo Continent has been unified, and there are about 5000 to [-] million believers, but it seems that it has not been completely covered..."

"If you think about the eternal world, Bai Xiaochun's Nihe Sect has already established a firm foothold in the middle reaches of the Eastern Meridian, and its development is also very rapid."

"The continent where the Nihe Sect is located is basically full of believers of the Creation Sect, and there are also about 5000 million people."

"But in the lower reaches of the Tongtian River, the number of believers has exceeded [-] million."

"Based on this, there are hundreds of millions of believers."

"The modern world like Liu Peiqiang and Luo Ji has the most advantages. Basically, believers start with billions."

"Then there used to be Lingjian Mountain, Heavenly Dragons and Eight Parts, Heavenly Traveling Nine Songs, Qin Shimingyue...these worlds were in the feudal era and their populations were limited."

"However, the worlds upgraded to Xianxia and those worlds that were originally Xianxia, ​​because of the believers' own cultivation, the benefits of the power of faith are not low."

"And then, date fight?" Su Chen's expression was a little inexplicable. If he hadn't looked through the news, he really wouldn't have noticed that Tokisaki Kurumi and the others had already recited the sacrificial words.

Su Chen followed the induction and looked towards Tokisaki Kurumi, touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

"So that's how it is. She's planning to deal with Takamiya Mio before holding a sacrifice... No, no, is she most likely going to deal with Murasame Reine first?"

"It's interesting..."

"Hmm?" Su Chen frowned when he saw a strange world, "Perfect world? How is this possible?!"

"Wait, it seems to be the man in white who is the master of the restricted area... He wants to resurrect himself..." After Su Chen detected the other party's thoughts, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"To completely revive a statue whose strength is far above that of an immortal king, and may even have reached the existence of a quasi-immortal emperor or even an immortal emperor, the power of faith that needs to be expended..."

"That's an astronomical sum!"

Su Chen made a rough estimate, and immediately took a deep breath.

Although the amount of this power of faith is huge, it is nothing to Su Chen now!

The key question is, is it worth it?

After pondering for a moment, a painful expression flashed across Su Chen's face.

"I hope that all the investment in him can be earned back by then..."

Having said that, Su Chen is very sure that as long as the Lord of the Forbidden Area actively develops the land of faith for him, it won't take long before all the power of faith invested in the Lord of the Forbidden Area will be recovered.

"Then the next step is to wait for the Lord of the restricted area to hold a sacrifice..." Su Chen's expression turned a little strange, "Why does this matter have a strange smell?"

"There is no master of the restricted zone in my chat group, so where did he come from?"

"Is it possible that a certain group member has more than one chat group?"

Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes froze, and he let out a breath after a while.

"It seems that I need to pay more attention to this aspect in the future...I didn't expect that those group members would actually be able to contact people from other worlds by other means."

In this regard, instead of worrying, Su Chen raised a little bit of anticipation.

He has long been used to treating the chat group as his own back garden, but now he suddenly realizes that there may be thieves in the garden.

Under normal circumstances, it should be the initiative to drive out the thieves.

"But, that's so boring." Su Chen paused, "If you really meet other beings, then have fun with him."

Moreover, what a wonderful thing it is to turn other people's chat groups into a soil for spreading beliefs!
Thinking of this, Su Chen smiled slightly, then frowned, he felt the doorbell ringing from the real world.

So, with a thought, he returned to the real world.

"I see you are very relaxed recently." The old principal Hua Mujin met Su Chen's gaze and smiled.

"Why are you here today?" Su Chen was a little surprised.

These days, the old headmaster has been dealing with various things for him. Under normal circumstances, it should not be fully handled.

"Someone has challenged you..." Hua Mujin's expression changed several times, "However, I personally think you'd better refuse."

Hearing this, Su Chen instantly became interested.

Naturally, since he was promoted to a god, he has not fought against anyone, "Who issued the challenge?"

"Western gods have selected eight of their best gods to send you a challenge invitation in the so-called unofficial name."

Hua Hibiscus smiled wryly.

This time, the western gods are preparing to make a big splash.

These 80-year-old youth gods... oh, phew!

Compared with Su Chen, what kind of young people are they?
The 80-year-old came to fight, these Western gods are really shameless!

"Can I accept it?" Su Chen thought for a while and asked.

"You have just been promoted to the realm of the gods, and they are all late-stage gods and even peak gods... To be honest, I don't think so much." Hua Mujin frowned and analyzed.

What is the concept of an 80-year-old god?
These people will undoubtedly be able to become the existence of the Lord God in the future.

And now that the western gods dare to launch a life-and-death challenge, it can be seen that they have spent a lot of money.

Since they dare to do this, they must be well prepared.

What they think is that young people like Su Chen can't stand the stimulation and will easily accept the challenge.

And once there is a chance to kill Su Chen, even if it costs eight future main gods, they think it is absolutely necessary!

You must know that Su Chen has shown such a terrifying talent right now, allowing him to grow up is extremely detrimental to the western god system!

Suddenly received some news, Hua Mujin was stunned, and when he heard the news and turned on the phone, his pupils suddenly dilated, with a little astonishment and disbelief.

"Those guys in the West are really crazy this time!"

Su Chen turned on the phone with some doubts, and when he saw Shenbo's trending search, he had a playful expression on his face.

"The actions of these guys are really fast... Disclosed the news directly on the Internet, and also publicized the bet, for fear that others would not know the importance of those technologies."

"Want to kidnap me with a fishing boat and make me accept the challenge?"

"But why?"

"This time, I will accept the challenge."


Hua Mujin's expression suddenly changed, what did you say?
Are you up for the challenge? !
"Have you thought about it?"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and said:
"Since they are queuing up to die, why am I ashamed not to be beautiful?"

(End of this chapter)

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