Chapter 174 Rescue this Article Erya
"Save me, save me..."

A weak fluctuation of spiritual power came, causing Tokisaki Kurumi's mood to change slightly.

"Ala, it seems that Xiao Erya is already very weak."

She licked her delicate lips, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes, "I can't wait to start a killing spree!"

Ever since she recited the sacrificial words and received the blessing of God, her strength has undergone earth-shaking changes every day.

As for how far she has reached, she still doesn't know.

However, the next operation to infiltrate Nillier Island is the best test of her strength.

"The Tyrannical Lord, the Sword of Destiny!"

Tokisaki Kuang raised his three hands, and a ten-meter giant sword with a black and red body exuding a murderous aura appeared instantly!

This is not Kuang San's own ability, but the ability of Tohka's reverse body, which is extremely destructive.

But at the same time, the defect is also very obvious, that is, the consumption of spiritual power is too large.

So it can only be used once.

But for Kuang San who has been reciting the sacrificial oration for more than a month, she doesn't even know how much her spiritual power has surged now.

Roughly speaking, it should be no problem to attack dozens of times casually with an attack like the Sword of Destiny!
At this moment, the majestic power gathered in the hands of Tokisaki Kurumi, and she blasted towards Nillier Island in front of her with a sword.

A huge sword shadow appeared in the void, like a meteorite, roaring towards Nillier Island with an aura of destruction!

Just when Jian Ying was about to fall, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared, blocking Jian Ying's way.

The sword shadow bombarded the barrier, and suddenly there was a violent roar.

On the seemingly indestructible barrier, countless cracks like spider webs spread out in an instant.

As the cracks continued to spread, the invisible barrier began to shake, and finally completely shattered!

"God, what's going on?"

The eyes of the researchers of the DEM Agency on Nillier Island were full of horror.

This barrier is a protective cover formed by borrowing a large number of display devices and releasing power at the same time. Its protective ability is so strong that it is difficult to shake even a nuclear explosion.

But now this barrier, which was considered invincible in their minds, was broken like this, which made them simply unacceptable!
After breaking through the barrier, Tokisaki Kurumi quickly swept towards Nillier Island.

Just as she was approaching Nillier Island, the spiritual power detector placed on the island suddenly sounded a shrill alarm.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! There are elves attacking!"

The alarm sounded throughout Nillier Island, and all the personnel moved at this moment.


A succession of combat robots popped up from hidden passages one after another, and flew into the midair.

"Target locked, start attacking!"

After locking onto Tokisaki Kurumi, all the robots fired at the same time, and countless bullets flooded towards Tokisaki Kurumi in mid-air!

"Ice Puppet!"

A huge rabbit puppet suddenly appeared!
A protective barrier formed by rain and ice instantly spread around Tokisaki Kurumi.

All robots and their attacks are completely frozen!

This is Yoshino's ability. In the enchantment, even random domains will be frozen, let alone these robots!
"Quick, find out who the elves who attacked Niliel Island are!"

On Nillier Island, several researchers were typing on the keyboard in front of them quickly.

A researcher quickly called up Tokisaki Kurumi's information, "The target has been proofread!"

"The worst elf, Nightmare!"

"A mere elf dares to attack Nillier Island. I'm really tired of it!" The leader sneered.

"Wait! Sir! This elf is different from the information we have!"

A researcher looked at the scene where Tokisaki Kurumi broke the barrier just now and now freezes the robot, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he said in horror.

"Come out, us!"

Just when they were surprised, Tokisaki Kurumi stepped on the ground with her right foot, and the shadow under her feet expanded rapidly, and one by one Tokisaki Kurumi emerged from the shadow.

"Your task is to find the location of the second elf by following the fluctuation of spiritual power!" Tokisaki Kurumi said.


Tokisaki Kurumi's avatars didn't say much, they just spread out and ran towards different directions of Nillier Island.

"Sir, the nightmare is penetrating into the interior of the base. If this continues, it will be easy for her to find the location of Material A."

One of the staff quickly tapped on the computer in front of him.

On the screen, there are countless red dots, which are exactly where Tokisaki Kurumi and her clone are.

And there is a huge warning sign on the screen, this place is exactly where Bentiao Erya is.

Some of the crazy three clones are approaching in this direction.

"Send me a robot army to stop them!" The leader growled while staring at the screen with red eyes.

Today's situation has completely exceeded their expectations.

He even found that the information about Nightmare in the past is no longer reliable, and the other party obviously has more powerful power now!

If Nightmare can be caught and the reason for her becoming stronger can be found, it will undoubtedly be a breakthrough in the study of elves!

"Ala, I'm really upset, then, let's kill!" Tokisaki Kurumi licked his lips, and suddenly a flintlock pistol and an ancient rifle appeared in his hand.

She raised her hand and aimed at the robot in front of her.

"Bang bang bang!"

Gunfire continued to ring out in various areas of Nillier Island.

And every time it sounds, a robot is destroyed!
"No, these devices on the island can't stop the nightmare at all!"

"Waste, they are all a bunch of waste!" Faced with this situation, the leader couldn't help but become anxious, "Have you reported the attack on our side?"

"It has been reported, but the fastest support will arrive in half an hour!"

"Half an hour? I don't believe it, we can't even last half an hour!"

"It should be in this direction!"

According to the information sent by each clone, Tokisaki Kurumi quickly locked the location of Honjo Nia.

"No, judging from the direction of Nightmare's current actions, she may have discovered the location of material a." A staff member said suddenly.

"Quick! Get the magician to stop her!" The leader's expression changed drastically, and he said hastily.

"The offensive has become fierce. It seems that the other party already knows that I have found the location of Bentiao Erya."

Sensing the change in the offensive, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

But she continued walking through the DME base like a leisurely stroll, and finally stopped in front of a big iron gate.

In her perception, the distress signal she received was sent from behind this door.

"Sword of Cancer!"

She directly cut off the space and appeared in the room.

And those scientific researchers all looked at Tokisaki Kurumi who suddenly appeared in astonishment.

"I found it!" Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes instantly fell on Nia Honjo who was put into a special container.

The moment he saw Nia Honjo, Tokisaki Kurumi frowned.

An overwhelming terrifying murderous aura appeared on her body in an instant, making the hairs of the scientific researchers present stand on end.

"Sure enough, you guys are all damned!" Tokisaki Kusan's eyes flashed with anger, and he directly pulled the trigger with both hands.

A series of screams sounded, the room was splashed with blood, every researcher's body was instantly beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Xiao Erya, I'm here to save you!"

Tokisaki Kurumi came to the container, broke it directly, and rescued Nia Honjo inside.

But now Bentiao Erya's situation is very bad, and her mental state is also very unstable, and she may collapse at any time.

"This situation is really bad!"

Saying that, Tokisaki Kurumi held Nia Honjo and sank directly into the shadows...

(End of this chapter)

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