I became a god and chose to join the chat group

Chapter 175 Preparations Before the Sacrifice

Chapter 175 Preparations Before the Sacrifice
Tiangong City, DEM Society.

In an office on the top floor, a gray-haired man who looked about 30 years old was sitting at the computer desk, staring at the screen on the computer with his inorganic eyes, trying to analyze something from it.

This person is Aizhak Ray Pelham Westcott, one of the three founders of the DEM Society, and the current executive director of the DEM Society, the actual person in power.

As early as a few days ago, the existence of the most evil elf "Nightmare" appeared on Nillier Island and rescued the material a imprisoned there.

Those who were in charge of the work on Nillier Island at that time had already been interrogated by him from beginning to end.

However, no useful information was obtained at all.

In other words, that information is currently known.

"The existence of the suspected nightmare, in addition to appearing on Niliel Island, has also appeared in Tiangong City many times. And every time she appears, it means the mysterious disappearance of an elf."

"And judging from the picture, Nightmare seems to have mastered some means of freely absorbing spirit crystals."

The corners of Westcott's mouth raised slightly, with a curved line, "It's really interesting!"

"What's even more frightening is that the power she uses has even surpassed the power shown by the spirit crystal in the past."

"Unexpected thing, but it makes me more and more interested in you, Nightmare!"

At this moment, the spiritual power detector suddenly issued a stern siren, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Spirits are coming! The automatic defense system has been activated!"

In the next moment, a large number of robots flew out from various hidden corners, looking for intruders in the corridor.

Westcott stood up, walked to the window, condescendingly looked down at the situation outside, and couldn't help frowning.

According to the normal situation, the elves should attack from the front of the building, or attack directly from the air.

But unfortunately, no elves were found in these two directions.

"Ala, Ala, Westcott, hello!"

The appearance of a voice made Westcott's body stiffen suddenly, he turned around, a look of surprise flashed across his inorganic eyes, but soon the corners of his mouth could not stop rising due to joy.

"Nightmare, I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

Tokisaki Kurumi emerged from the shadows, holding a flintlock pistol and an ancient rifle in her hands. She licked her delicate cherry lips and said, "Ala, ala, that's really an honor!"

As she was speaking, she raised her arm and shot without warning.

The bullet cut through the air, and with a sharp shock wave, it hit Westcott in a straight line.

The corners of Westcott's mouth loosened, he opened his hands, and opened a dark book, devoid of words!

The pages of the book fluttered out from the divine eclipse, taking the blow quite easily.

The weakened bullet was deflected aside, only hitting a shallow crater on the ground.

"Is this all you have to do? This is not the same as what I heard!"

"Is it?"

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled slightly, the spiritual outfit did not change, but the tyrannical prince who reversed Tohka appeared in his hand.

With a wave of her hand, the sword shadow charged towards Westcott with almost unmatched power!

Westcott's eyes suddenly shrank, damn it!
This power seems to be much stronger than that shown in the surveillance footage of Nillier Island!

More than a dozen pages flew out of the divine eclipse again, and they were stacked in layers, lying in front of Westcott.

At the same time, Westcott stepped on the ground and moved his body aside.


"Leave it to us, Father!"

These are the girls who are transformed from the papers of the gods. They are not strong, but they use numbers as weapons.

When Tokisaki Kumzo saw this, his mind moved, and countless of her emerged from the shadows and besieged the girl.

Fighting for numbers, she has never been afraid of anyone!
"Lion's Bullet!"

The bullet chased towards Westcott, constantly biting into pieces of space, leaving white trails behind.

"Emperor Keke, play in a moment!"

Tokisaki Kurumi fired another shot one after another, directly hitting the Lion's Bullet just now, making its speed instantly reach a completely unimaginable level under the double superposition of space and time!

Westcott had no choice but to take the blow hard.

However, his divine eclipse has a lot of pages, which can be used as consumables to offset the attack.

But when he was about to start his eclipse, he suddenly found a strange smile on the lips of Tokisaki Kurumi.

"The Announcement!"

Seeing the ability she displayed, Westcott shrank his eyes suddenly.

Shouting Pianzhi and Divine Eclipse Pianzhi belong to the second sub-abilities of this article, but both cannot exist at the same time.

Since Tokisaki Kumzo showed his ecstasy, his ecstasy has completely become a display!
At this time, the many "Nibelcol" girls he created with the divine eclipse disappeared completely!

Of course, Westcott's strength is not as shown now, he still has other means!

Just as Westcott was about to counterattack, he heard Yagami Tohka's voice.

He turned his head to look, and strong emotions burst out from the inorganic eyes.

I saw a person in Tohka's hand, it was the deputy director of the second executive department of DEM, Artemisia Bell Ashcroft!
She is one of the top magicians in the world and the chief ace of Britain's SSS against the elves.

Logically speaking, Yashen Tohka, who has no reversal, shouldn't be able to defeat Artemisia, which has five new display devices!

But the current situation is completely beyond Westcott's cognition.

He made a decisive decision and directly gave up continuing to attack, but turned around and jumped out of the window, disappearing into the room.

As soon as Ye Shendao Tohka was going to chase her, Tokisaki Kuumo stopped her, "Tohka, don't chase after poor ones."

"Compared to this, has Eileen Mira Mathers caught it?"

Hearing this, Ye Shendao Tohka's shoulders slumped, she puffed up her face, a little regretful, and said, "She escaped."

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled, stroked Tohka's head, and comforted: "It's okay, it's the same when we catch them next time."

"Is the altar ready?"

Ye Shendao Tohka nodded obediently, blinked her big bright eyes as if asking for credit, and said, "It's all ready!"

"San San, are you going to send us to serve God?"

Tokisaki Kurumi was taken aback for a moment, she looked a little weird, and asked, "No!"

"But... Meijiu and the others all said that you are going to send us to meet God..." Ye Shendao Tohka's tone was not very confident, and his tone became weaker and weaker.

Tokisaki Kurumi stared at her thoughtfully, and said seriously, "Tohka, do you want to serve Kamisami?"

Ye Shendao Tohka tilted her head slightly and thought about it, and said, "Of course I am willing! But I want to be with Sansan!"

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled, and she glanced at Artemisia held in Tohka's hands.

"Then, in the future, we will go to heaven together to serve God!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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