The Empress

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Before, she felt that the huge source of life and true energy contained in her body absorbed a huge amount of cosmic energy every day, putting her body on the verge of collapse all the time.

If you want to maintain balance, apart from using Yin Talismans to change the storage structure of the source of life, you can only desperately expand your body size.

The larger the body size, the more true energy, cosmic energy, and life essence it can hold.

In fact, Yunsu understood this truth the moment he saw the space beast.

The space beast, perhaps, is a branch of the human race, evolved.

That huge body was evolved for the purpose of implanting Yang Talismans and gaining huge attack power.

However, reading this dilapidated Ji Wu Jing made Yunsu's restless heart calm down, and the source of life flowing in his body was also calmed by the comfort of true energy, and it was no longer restless as before.

For a long time, the longing for strength and becoming stronger filled Yunsu's body with restless factors, even if he went into danger, he would not hesitate to go into danger. But now, Yunsu's heart has calmed down.

Those sources of life, after repairing the wounds of the body, were taken back into the Yin Talisman by Yunsu, and it was a natural decision not to continue to use these sources of life to strengthen the body.

His eyes turned back to Ji Wu Jing.

"The way of wit and martial arts, opening various acupoints, generating true qi, building veins, smoothing muscles and bones, ventilating qi and blood, purifying the spirit, opening up the sea of ​​qi, unblocking strange veins, and circulating around the sky, it is indescribably wonderful..."

It was like a flash of light split Yunsu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Yes, yes!"

"The way of mechs and martial arts has never been said to devour countless lives and absorb the treasures of geniuses and treasures. It only allows us to unlock our own mysteries and cultivate ourselves, so that we can better control mechas..."

"These foreign objects are just a means to help cultivation, a means, not an end."

After figuring this out, Yunsu suddenly fell into doubt about another point.

"Since that is the case, what is the reason for these sixteen decisions, to condense the yin and yang double talisman? The yang talisman is powerful in attack, and the yin talisman makes the body stronger, with stronger recovery ability, and it is easier to survive in the battle..."

"That's right, that's right, this Yin-Yang Jue is not a cultivation technique, but a combat technique, born for fighting."

"This space-level martial arts slip was discovered in that underground secret base. The huge unfinished mech and the hasty evacuation of the scene are enough to show that the person who left this martial slip must have been killed every day." In danger, their exercises must first consider fighting."

"Who cares about so much in a life-and-death fight? As long as you have enough skill, you can kill the opponent with one weapon and survive the cruel fight, and you will be victorious!"

Knowing this, Yunsu's heart suddenly brightened.

The zhenqi flowed through the whole body lively and vigorously, without any sluggishness, and the spirit of the whole person was immediately refreshed. Although the physical injuries were still recovering slowly, the mind was more flexible.

Looking at the Yang Talisman floating in the air, Yunsu smiled faintly.

"I've been hiding it for so long, and I've changed it to show my face."

On this huge Yang Talisman, a figure floated out.

The face emitting a little bit of gloom looks a little weak, but the eyes are still bright.

After staring at each other for a long time, the blue figure suddenly spoke.

"Unexpectedly, in this era, you can still retain our human body, and your combat power is stronger than ours."

"Era?" Yunsu was still digesting the word, and the blue figure had already lightly pounced on her.

"Unfortunately, for the glory of the first era, you and I can only survive alone."

However, Yunsu raised his hand to form a knife, his true energy flowed, and with a swipe, he easily split the blue figure that was rushing towards him in half.

The blue figure's body twisted sharply and merged together again, but its figure became much dimmer.

"Impossible, your spirit is so different from mine, how could you easily break through my spiritual core." The blue figure couldn't believe it.

"Because you only remember strength, you only remember the strength of absolute power, but you forgot the word Wu." Yun Su said lightly.

The blue figure rushed over again. This time, Yunsu waved his palm lightly, cutting the blue figure into countless pieces along a natural trajectory.

"Four or two strokes of a thousand catties, the mantis can catch flying birds, control its true energy, use subtle force, and be omnipotent." Yun Su comprehended quietly.On the edge of the palm, streams of true energy flowed slowly, hardly consuming much power.

The small buds flew out, and countless snow-white roots pierced out, binding up the blue figure that was wriggling and trying to condense its body again, and slowly absorbed it. The natural restraint of the energy plant on the spiritual body allows it to easily This spiritual body slowly condensed into small blue balls.

The huge yang talisman in the air was also gently moved by Yunsu, and fell down, blending into her body, and becoming one with the yin talisman at Shenque acupoint.

Under the guidance of true qi, this yang talisman slowly merged into the body, and merged with the yin talisman into one, spinning slowly, peacefully and serenely.

The cosmic energy originally contained in the Yang Talisman slowly radiated out and replenished into Yunsu's true energy.

Now, in Yunsu's mind, the yin and yang talismans have returned to their original meaning. They are nothing more than the source of life and the storehouse of cosmic energy. The condensed Yin Talisman can greatly enhance the strength and function of the body, but these are all incidental functions.

Supplemented by cosmic energy, Yunsu's true energy slowly circulated, and slowly opened the space card.

It's time, too, to get out.

Holding the mecha card of a purple orangutan mech in his hand, he pressed the palm of his hand on the barrier of this space, slowly input his true energy, and opened a dark hole with a radius of half a meter, and his figure flashed out of the space.

Leaning down to pick up the space card that fell on the ground, he summoned the purple gorilla mech, jumped into the cockpit of the mecha, closed the hatch, and Yunsu began to observe the environment of the battlefield.

In the sky and on the ground, countless mechas and space beasts fought together, but the Yangfu generator at the core of the base of the mothership space beast, which is the core of the mecha warrior-class mothership space beast, was destroyed by Yunsu and lost space. With the continuous supply of soldiers from the beast base, the herd of space beasts with weak combat effectiveness and relying on the number of swarms to win is retreating steadily.

Turn on the mecha intercom, tune to the channel where the team is, enter the secret, and Ma Tianming and the others roared excitedly from the intercom.

"Boss, it's... great that you're fine!"

"Report your location and assemble immediately!" Yunsu couldn't help but feel a little bit of happiness.

"Yes! We're three kilometers underground, and we'll be back soon." A moment later, the ground rolled, and a pangolin mech, dragging a larger armadillo mecha, jumped out of the ground.

The hatch of the armadillo mech opened, and Long Shiyi and Xiaodie jumped out.

Yunsu also opened the hatch and jumped out.

"Mecha warrior-level armadillo mecha for underground caves? You can't control it, so it's cheaper for me!" Yunsu made a casual move, and the ball formed by her broken prototype mecha immediately flew into her hand, countless super alloys The pieces wrapped around her body, forming a thin mech.More superalloy pieces wrapped around the huge Mecha Warrior, and then the huge Mecha Warrior disappeared out of thin air. This was Yunsu's use of the cover of the prototype Mecha to store it in the space card.

"Eleven, you continue to drive the pangolin mecha."

"Xiaodie? Why are you so weak? Don't fight alone, stay in the pangolin mech with Long Shiyi."

"Others, all gorilla mechs."

Yunsu gave the order in one breath.

"Yes!" Ma Tianming and the others immediately jumped out of the pangolin mech, took out the mech card, and summoned their orangutan mecha.

"Yunsu..." Long Shiyi looked at Yunsu with mixed feelings in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

The scene in front of him brought him from hell to heaven suddenly, but he found that this might be a more painful hell.

For Yunsu, nothing has changed, she has gone through another battle and survived again, that's all.

However, for Long Shiyi, that immature heart, that heart that has never been baptized by the world, doesn't know how to deal with himself.

"Okay, let's stop talking, now, we're all in combat!" Yunsu looked at the sky, his butterfly wings flickered, and he flew into the sky with a movement.

In the sky, a multi-tube shuttle-shaped space beast sprinted down and shot dozens of blue fireballs at Yunsu and the others.

Yunsu easily intercepted these blue fireballs, and by the way, sent out a knife light, smashing the multi-tube shuttle-shaped space beast to the ground.

"Huh? The prototype mecha is seriously damaged, and its attack power is much lower than I expected." Yunsu's butterfly wings flashed behind him, flying freely in the sky, surrounded by countless space beasts and mechas, but no one able to pinpoint her location.

Looking at her flying figure, Long Shiyi once felt that Yunsu was far away from him.

Xiaodie saw something else.

Yunsu's flying posture is extremely natural. Although the prototype mecha suffered heavy damage and its function is less than one-tenth of what it used to be, Yunsu's kills are more efficient, and even the blue fireball can be easily split.

"Master, don't look, let's get on the mecha." Xiaodie, who was just one meter tall, gently tugged Long Shiyi.

Long Shiyi glanced unwillingly at the man flying wantonly in the sky, and re-boarded the huge and clumsy pangolin mech behind him.

Long Shiyi silently controlled the mecha.Xiaodie shrank aside obediently, looking at this destined master, her destiny, whether it is participating in cruel wars in the starry sky with thousands of sisters, or receiving a series of training in the secret base of the Long family, is for One day in the future, it is her destiny to be the person beside Long Shiyi.

She doesn't resist this kind of fate, and even enjoys it a little.

But now, Long Shiyi, unable to extricate himself, fell in love with someone else.

"Master, there is still a chance." Xiaodie said in a low voice.

"Well, I know." Long Shiyi controlled the mecha, but his trembling fingers and the mecha's several chaotic dodges showed that his heart was not peaceful.

People who have never been in love will definitely think that if they love her, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for her.

And only those who have really been in love will understand that when a man really falls in love with a woman, he can't help but fall in love with him.

It's not that I want to hold her in my arms, it's not that I want to possess her uniquely, but I don't know how to deal with myself.

Open your heart, and automatically remove all innate defenses. An undefended heart is fragile, memorable, and confused.

Cry for her, laugh for her, happy to see her, but don't know how to get along with her.

This feeling can be treated as a recollection, but it was lost at the time.

 Yunsu's love, Long Shiyi's love, gentlemen, wait for me to write slowly~ It's just that the setting of this book is the war of war.The interstellar romance is destined not to take up too much space, but I will write it with my heart and write the interstellar romance in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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