The Empress

Chapter 140 Fighting Hazerui

Chapter 140 Fighting Hazerui

The heavy pangolin mech, with two light light cannons behind it, kept roaring and stepped into the battlefield step by step.

Eight orangutan-shaped metal behemoths are united in one body with true energy, continuously blasting thick beams of light into the sky, and dozens of space beasts are pierced through each shot.

In the sky, Yunsu, who is driving the butterfly-wing mech, flies freely, just like a real butterfly, and lightly picks up the yang charms in the bodies of space beasts.

The more you fly, the more enjoyable you are.

This little metal butterfly is like a deadly butterfly of death. Every time it comes into close contact, a huge space beast will spin and fall from the sky.

Occasionally, Yunsu would twitch his wings, dive suddenly to the ground, and then flash to the sky again, using the flash of the butterfly-wing mecha flexibly.Every time she dived, some metal fragments would be sucked from the ground, and these were all broken off from her prototype mecha.

The integrity of the prototype mecha quickly rose to more than [-]%, and the entire mecha became more and more hungry, eager for more precious alloys, and eager to upgrade to a higher level. In addition to manufacturing, it is the most core law that is instilled.

Deep in the mountains, in the huge underground fortress, Hazorui frowned deeply as he watched Yunsu's team stepping into the battlefield again.

"Long Xuan's location, hasn't been detected yet?"

Hearing this angry voice, the foreheads of several mecha soldiers next to him were dripping with sweat, "Master, wait a minute, Master Longxuan went deep underground alone, and has already escaped our detection range."

"There's no need to look for it! Since that Long Shiyi appeared on the battlefield alive, Long Xuan must have already failed." Hai Zorui said lightly.

"Although he died, the blood of the Long family will not be damaged."

"Send me an order, aim at the pangolin mecha, and activate the electromagnetic gun at full power!"

In the underground fortress, a huge electromagnetic gun with a body length of more than [-] meters slowly rotates. Inside the thick gun barrel, there are densely packed high-energy coils. Only at the core is a half-meter-long spiral steel needle.

As long as the button is pressed, the steel needle will penetrate the pangolin mech at a speed of [-] kilometers per second.

Hai Zorui watched quietly. He didn't care much about that Yunsu in the sky. The others in the team were too deeply involved to make a move. Only Long Shiyi, he could use the name of revenge for Long Xuan, don't worry. hands on.

Yunsu flying in the sky suddenly felt a deep chill.Although, the chill was not directed at her, but pointed directly at Long Shiyi's pangolin mech.

In the mountain range, a huge electromagnetic reaction suddenly appeared, and Yunsu's electricity system zhenqi had a chain reaction in an instant, making Yunsu clearly sense the crisis.

"Eleven, roll and dodge quickly!" Yunsu yelled through the communicator, and at the same time a saber light slashed straight down, and the front end of the saber light was the blade wheel rune.

In a moment of urgency, this blade wheel rune, for the first time, following Yunsu's will, broke away from the blades of her wings, and spun to cut towards the chill that was pointing straight at Long Shiyi.

The huge mountain range shook suddenly, and a small light shot through a distance of hundreds of kilometers in three to four seconds, shooting at the bloated pangolin mecha.

This electromagnetic cannon is not very useful for dealing with space beasts. A space beast with a huge body and tenacious vitality will be hit once, and a big hole will be blown in its body. As long as the Yang Talisman is still there, it can gradually recover in a short time.

However, it is extremely sharp to deal with low-level mechs.This electromagnetic cannon is enough to melt through the mecha, shocking and burning the low-level mecha warriors hiding inside to death.It's not very useful against mech warriors. Basically, they can't lock on mechas. Even some speed quasi-warrior mechas, the electromagnetic gun can't keep up with the movement of those mechas. speed.

The bulky pangolin mech suddenly fell to the side, the huge auger on the head spun violently, and the entire huge body completed a rapid rolling movement within a second.

In the third second after Yunsu reminded him, Long Shiyi controlled the pangolin mech and rolled over four meters away.

And Yunsu's blade wheel yang talisman also precisely cut into the firing line of the electromagnetic gun. The extremely thin yang talisman was instantly shattered, but it also blocked the long electromagnetic needle for a moment.

How long is a moment?It was only a few microseconds, but this obstruction made the subsequent flying speed of the electromagnetic long needle a little slower, and the kinetic energy it carried was a little less.

The long electromagnetic needle blasted into the ground thirteen meters away from Long Shixi five seconds after it was ejected.

In the sixth second, a violent explosion completely exploded the soil, and the heavy pangolin mecha was thrown up by all kinds of things.

"Eleven, don't stand up, zigzag dodge!"

"Ma Tianming, the true energy explodes in conjunction with each other, blasting a cannon towards this coordinate!"

Yunsu flashed a few butterflies in the air and hurried towards the mountain range.

How dare she secretly lay hands on her team?Yunsu couldn't tolerate it.

Moreover, she wants to make an example to others!

Otherwise, in the next game, there are still many open and dark arrows waiting for her.

"Second shot!" In the underground fortress, Hazorui said calmly, seeing Yunsu approaching quickly on the light screen.

The target of the second shot continued to aim at Long Shiyi. As for Yunsu, he didn't take it to heart.

The second electromagnetic needle was fired again.

Ma Tianming and the eight of them teamed up to emit a thick beam of light, which hit the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun.

The speed of light far exceeds the exit speed of the electromagnetic needle.

The two beams of light staggered, and the electromagnetic long needle passed through the beam of light in an instant, and the perfect shape was slightly damaged. Under the high-speed movement, this caused a strange distortion in its flight path, which deviated from Long Shiyi by hundreds of meters , before it was shot into the ground, and a huge earth pit exploded again.

And Ma Tianming's beam of light instantly destroyed the electromagnetic cannon.

"Damn it!" Hazorui was furious, and the seat under him changed rapidly, coiling around him, and a fierce aura radiated from him in circles.

In the sky, Yunsu finally arrived. With a movement of his wings, a fierce blade slashed towards the hidden underground fortress below.

In the underground fortress, another saber light flashed out, easily split Yunsu's saber light, and counterattacked Yunsu.

Yunsu's butterfly wings flashed and appeared in another place, but his face was cold.

On the face of the mecha, a whole piece was cut off, and traces of blood seeped out from his face, which was injured by the high-speed knife air.

"People like ants dare to stop me from doing things!" Hazorui's voice came slowly.

Ma Tianming and the others teamed up to emit a thick beam of light towards the underground fortress.


Inside the underground fortress, a mecha flew out, in the shape of a praying mantis, with a scythe shining in front and a vibrating tail behind it.

With a flash of saber light, this huge beam of light was actually hacked back by the saber light, and hit the core of the gossip cloud formation, sending the eight orangutan mechs flying upside down, turning them into gourds rolling all over the ground .

"Mecha warrior-class praying mantis mecha!"

Yunsu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The reason why she dared to confront the fighter-class mothership space beast head-on is because the mothership space beast itself is a non-combat type, and the space beast's combat effectiveness against a single body is extremely weak, and its power is not concentrated. Backed by oil and yellow thunder seeds.

And this warrior-level praying mantis mecha is far beyond what she can handle!

"Ma Tianming, eight of you, cover Long Shiyi's retreat!" Sweat broke out on Yunsu's forehead.

There was a flicker in her figure, and a flash of saber flashed past her again.

The praying mantis mech floating in the sky smiled ho ho, "It hid well, so I'll take your sacrificial knife first!"

Dao lights swept over, Yunsu flashed several times in a row, and suddenly fell to the ground.Behind him, the ground cracked several hundred meters long cracks silently.

Long Shiyi held the joystick in his hand, trembling slightly, the layers of metal scales on his body reappeared.

"Master, you are not his opponent now!" Xiaodie persuaded nervously from the side.

Hai Zorui forced Yunsu back, driving the mantis-shaped mecha, and was about to chase Long Shiyi, when the sky suddenly changed.

The swarm of space beasts, who were fighting with countless mechs, seemed to have heard some order, and retreated in unison. A few of them followed and chased down the mechas. They were hit by the swarm of space beasts, and they exploded into pieces with hundreds of blue fireballs. Sky fireworks.

High in the sky, deep in the sky where no one pays attention, there are no traces of space beasts.

After the mothership space beast was wiped out by Yunsu, the entire herd of space beasts had no one to command.

Hundreds of mechs floated in the sky, forming dozens of gigantic instruments.

These seemingly huge arc-shaped instruments emit shining electric light, penetrating through that space node.

Huge fluctuations came slowly.

This space node, being torn apart little by little, is getting bigger and bigger.

A moment later, a huge starship slowly sailed out from this space node.

Immediately afterwards, a starship sailed in.Floating slowly above this gigantic ruin.

On the last huge starship, a terrifying ripple slowly spread across the world.

In the sky, underground, in the forest, and in the strange beasts, countless hidden spores shattered with a bang.

The mecha warrior-level detection space beast that was quietly grazing in the forest glade, and the strange beast that was hiding, suddenly collapsed completely, and the Yang Talisman contained in its body slowly floated towards the sky.

The other eight Yang Talismans also slowly flew towards the sky.

"Okay, it's not convenient for me to take too many shots here, you continue to explore the depths!"

"Now, all the rewards and results of the Class C Ranking Tournament have been announced to your brains, and all rewards can be exchanged on the starship."

This huge voice echoed in everyone's ears.

Yet another voice came from Hezorui's ears, "This is my entrance test for Tianwu Academy."

That's all for this.

(End of this chapter)

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