Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 193 Chapter 199

Chapter 193 Chapter 199 I only need to hit one demon spirit, and you will all have to enter the chant

There was an oppressive silence in the air of the living room.

Li Feifei hated Xiongbing Company to the core now, not only came to disturb her peaceful life, but now she even wanted to take away her boyfriend!
But what can she do?

The eldest sister is like a mother, not to mention that Ruiwen's sister is still a tigress?

If you don't go to the South China Sea Fleet, you will break your younger brother's leg. Who has seen such a fierce elder sister!

Even so, Ruiwen quickly returned to his usual smile, and pinched Li Feifei's face: "Be happy, we're going to celebrate tonight."

Li Feifei said angrily, "There's nothing to celebrate."

"Congratulations to the two of us getting out of singles." Raven smiled all over his face, "I'll cook tonight, what do you like to eat, I'll go shopping."

Li Feifei blinked her eyes wide: "You can also cook."

"I can only cook some home-cooked food. If you are not afraid of being poisoned to death by me, you can try it."

"That's fine. I don't like hard work, and I can do anything else." Li Feifei kicked off her slippers, lay down on the sofa, rested her head on Raven's lap, picked up her phone and started playing games.

"It's easy to say, everything is up to you."

Ruiwen looked down at Li Feifei's innocent face, feeling somewhat guilty in his heart.

This Guliang really liked her, but he lied to her from the beginning to the end.

Of course I also like it, there is no possibility of cheating, but this love is far less deep than the love for Qilin and Leina, and far less intense than Li Feifei's love for herself.

What's more, she is still pursuing Qilin and Leina at the same time. Isn't the current situation equivalent to cheating?

The more guilty she felt, the more gentle the eyes Ruiwen looked at Li Feifei, Li Feifei naturally sensed it, and began to turn her body sideways, so that Ruiwen would not look at her slightly flushed face again.

After an unknown amount of time, Ruiwen suddenly said, "Feifei, what if, if one day, I hurt you...will you forgive me?"

Li Feifei snorted displeasedly: "It depends on your sincerity."

Ruiwen's eyes were a little complicated for a moment, but he quickly smiled and said, "I'm just kidding, how can I have the heart to hurt you."

"It's almost there."

Li Feifei talked to him, she was a little distracted for a while, the characters in the game crashed to death on the train, and a big "GAME_OVER" appeared on the phone screen.

"Oh, it's all your fault, I'm dead."

"You play slowly, I'll go shopping first."

When Raven came back from buying vegetables, he washed the vegetables himself, stewed them, or stir-fried them, and finally prepared dinner, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

"The skill is limited, so I only made these home-cooked dishes. I hope the princess will not dislike her."

Ruiwen put seven or eight dishes on the table, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and the appearance was not bad.

Li Feifei lay down on the dining table and said "wow": "I can't tell, you are full of housekeeping power, and whoever marries you in the future will be super happy."

"If there is such a day, I am willing to make it for you every day."

A couple in love can play tricks on even the most boring and commonplace things.For the daily routine of "eating", although there are not many items that can be played, they are also extremely exciting-that is feeding.

The two ate at home, and after cleaning the pots and dishes together, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Li Feifei was about to go back to her room to take a shower, but Ruiwen pulled her and said, "It's been a long night, don't go to bed so early."

Seeing this, Li Feifei simply gave Ruiwen a wink: "If you don't sleep at night, what else can you do?"

"Good, don't make trouble."

Finally, at Raven's suggestion, the two went out to watch a movie.

What I was watching was the new movie "Heart Blossoming on the Road", which was hit a while ago and raked in a box office of 10 billion.

The movie is naturally full of laughs, but Li Feifei's expression is somewhat uncomfortable, and the lines of the actors in the movie can be described as heartbreaking.

If Li Feifei sneered at it when she heard "the shadow is also a part of oneself, if you can't get rid of it, you should face it head-on", but later, with the development of the plot and the progress of the story, Li Feifei laughed more and more. come out.

Or it can be said that she is obviously smiling, but she feels that she is crying.

From the downcast middle-aged man who couldn't get out of the shadow of marriage failure, she saw herself who couldn't get out of the shadow of her father's suicide.

Yes, her past was her shadow, but it was also part of her life.

At the end, the protagonist gently let go of the once deep love, but what about himself?

His father, who had high hopes back then, lost to the kendo rookie Zhao in the final final of the kendo contest. Under tremendous pressure, he faced not only his own failure, but also the disillusionment of his faith.

Later, according to my mother, the main reason why my father chose to commit seppuku was because he saw the real way of swordsmanship from Zhao, but that kind of swordsmanship had no desires or desires, and in the end only a peaceful heart was left.

This is precisely a complete negation of Li Feifei's father's kendo. Zhao wielded his swift, fierce but desireless sword and won the championship in the Mud Boom kendo competition. A biting taunt of sword-swinging in honor.

So Li Feifei's father chose to kill himself because he couldn't see the future of his kendo.

So Li Feifei has never been able to understand her father's suicide, even now, she still can't understand it.

When she came out of the movie theater, Ruiwen saw Li Feifei's unhappy appearance, but Ruiwen asked repeatedly, but Li Feifei just kept silent.

It was late at night, and the location of this movie theater was a bit remote, so it was impossible to call a car for a while.

Rui Wen and Li Feifei simply walked home. The two of them walked along the empty and deserted road, and they were a little silent all the way.

Until passing through a fork in the road, in a dark corner where the street lights couldn't reach, suddenly a group of gangsters armed with steel pipes and wooden sticks rushed out.

"Boy surnamed Rui, let go of that woman, we can only beat you to death!"

The leading man was unshaven, his arms were still bare in the cold winter night, and he looked powerful.

Rui Wen immediately stood in front of Li Feifei, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's the 21st century, why is it still a routine of robbery in the middle of the night, have you forgotten that this is Juxia City, I just need to hit a demon spirit, and you all have to fight!" Enter the number!"

Raven did what he said, but as soon as he took out his mobile phone, someone in the dark threw a brick and smashed it on Raven's hand.

Another person hurried to Li Feifei's side, cut the belt of Li Feifei's donkey bag with a swipe of the dagger in his hand, and snatched it away.

Ruiwen let go of the pain, and the phone naturally fell to the ground, and another robber threw Li Feifei's bag to his companions in the back row.

The leading man grinned grinningly and said, "Returning the demon demon spirit, you beat me!"

 By the way, let me talk about some problems in this volume.Some readers reported that [water], [dog blood], etc., are not wrong. . .Because, I did it on purpose.

  When this volume was conceived, the content of defending the country and training the ability was avoided, and it was mainly in the direction of being funny and playful.So there are some jokes, some unreasonable plots, and bloody routines. Some friends may think that this is poisonous, so I can't help it, because this volume is called the original biography, but it is actually a rumor (laughs).

  That is to say, after this volume is finished, it will be opened separately, and then the third and fifth volumes will be practiced, without affecting the reading.

  In other words, the story between Li Feifei and the protagonist has no influence on the protagonist's strategies for Lena and Qilin (basically).How Li Feifei will deal with it later will have a satisfactory solution, although the process is bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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