Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 194 200 Assaults in General Form

Chapter 194 200 Assassinations in General Form

Looking at the group of gangsters across from him, Raven's face was serious, but he was muttering in his heart.

This is different from the agreed script, what about Liu Dangren?It was agreed that he would come to control the field in person, why did he disappear?
Raven put on a defensive posture: "Whose subordinates are you?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that Boss Chen is offering a reward of 20 yuan for your hand! Do you chop it yourself, or let us do it?"

Ruiwen frowned, Boss Chen?Chen Junyi?
Wucao, this kid really hired someone to chop me up?

Li Feifei also cursed at this time: "You are the running dogs hired by Chen Junyi? How shameless!"

Even though Li Feifei looked angry, she was very cute. The gangsters on the opposite side smacked their lips, and said with regret: "If it weren't for Boss Chen's special care, it's a's a pity..."

But a fat man behind the big man said: "Boss Chen is too stingy, and he only gave 20 to the brothers."

Li Feifei was trembling with anger, but Ruiwen stretched out a hand to block her behind: "Feifei, run quickly, run to a place with many people and bright lights, and find a chance to call the police."

Boss Hei snorted coldly: "Want to run? Catch her first!"

At the critical moment, Li Feifei stopped playing petty temper, but turned her head and ran away obediently, while Ruiwen punched the little gangster who was rushing over, and then kicked the other person down.

Hei boss clicked his tongue in amazement: "I can't see that you still have some skills, I will ask the boss to increase the money later."

Three more punks rushed towards Raven.

Although Ruiwen had the strength to fight 10, but thinking that Li Feifei hadn't run far, he was afraid that Li Feifei would see her fighting power explode, so he was restrained in the fight and could only parry.

Furthermore, Raven also unexpectedly discovered that this black boss actually has the same role as the Draven gang he invited!
Wasn't his original plan to use this method to stimulate Li Feifei's instinct to hold the sword again?

That being the case, why not let him continue acting?Moreover, this group of people were employed by Chen Junyi, and they really had enough malice towards themselves, so they didn't have to worry about Li Feifei seeing through their drama with Delevingne.This three-way intersection happened to be in the middle of the demolished shanty town, and there was no one around for hundreds of meters. If Li Feifei couldn't hold her sword again, she would definitely be caught. If she could use her sword skills to fight the enemy, she would certainly be able to Take care of those two punks, then go back to rescue yourself.

Although Raven let her run away from the beginning, he knew better than anyone else that the probability of escaping in this area was very low.

After making up his mind, Raven's movements became a beat slower than before. When this beat slowed down, the gangsters immediately found an opportunity to attack Raven fiercely by virtue of the large number of people.

Ruiwen barely held on for a while, and when he saw two gangsters dragging Li Feifei back, he purposely made an opening, and was immediately knocked down by the gangsters, punched and kicked.


Seeing his girlfriend being arrested, the boy seemed to have a burst of strength, but it was useless under the suppression of a dozen gangsters.

"Let me go!" Li Feifei was held up by two people, so she had to kick with her feet. Occasionally, she would kick one or two people, but it would be regarded as a reward instead, causing a burst of laughter in the crowd.

At this moment, Raven was restrained hands and feet by several people, and was pressed face down on the ground.

Boss Hei came over and kicked Rui Wen on the head, he laughed and said, "Stinky boy, why don't you hit him anymore?"

Xu Shi kicked too hard, Ruiwen stopped struggling, and just stared at Boss Hei with his eyes.

Li Feifei was in a hurry and shouted: "Let go of him! I have already called the police, and the police will be here soon!"

Boss Hei nodded in agreement: "You're right, even if you fail to call the police, the police may arrive at any time, so ah... the knife!"

The younger brother behind him handed him a machete specially for chopping bones.

After Boss Hei held the knife, his whole demeanor changed. It could be seen that he seemed to be a good hand with the knife!
He knelt down and grabbed Raven's hair: "You should be glad that the boss only bought one of your hands this time."

The little brother next to him had already pulled out one of Raven's arms and pressed it down on the cold concrete floor.

Hei Boss raises his knife!

Ruiwen endured the pain all over his body, looking forward to Li Feifei's eruption.

If this situation is not worth her drawing her sword, then there is really no way for Raven to activate her super genes, let alone bring her back to the Great Gorge.

If Li Feifei still stands still, this knife will certainly not cut off Ruiwen's arm, but it will also cut off the relationship between him and Li Feifei, and cut off his hope of helping Li Feifei stand up again.

After Boss Hei's slash is over, everything will be known whether it is public or private, Yu Ruiwen or Yu Li Feifei.

Li Feifei felt guilty, moved, and angry when she saw the young man who was waiting to die, but more of it was the desire to break free and save her lover.

But, does she really have enough power?
Li Feifei felt desperate for a moment.

But in the deepest part of that desperate quagmire, a voice suddenly sounded: "You really can't?"

At this moment, she seemed to see herself who was six years ago, who was still in the form of a girl.At that time, she had just won the championship of the All-Neon High School Women's Kendo Competition, and she was in high spirits.

"Can't you really? Are you unable, or won't you?"

The cold words knocked on the heart.

"You exiled yourself for 6 years for the choice you made back then, will your choice tonight make you sink for another 60 years?"

Li Feifei clenched her fists.

"Are you going to continue to struggle with the kendo battle between your father and that person, or protect your love and honor, and use your own actions to make a choice?"

Li Feifei gritted her teeth, exerted all her strength, and kicked a robber beside her with a high kick.

The little gangster obviously didn't expect that Li Feifei still had the strength to make such a large movement. The bridge of the nose was kicked by the toe of the Martin boot. He only heard a crisp sound, as if the bridge of the nose was kicked off.

Under the pain, the gangster let go of the hands that bound Li Feifei's left arm.

With the index and middle fingers of Li Feifei's left hand together, she stabbed another gangster's eyes with a finger sword.

The little gangster screamed "Wow", covered his eyes and staggered down.

Boss Hei's machete began to fall.

Li Feifei leaned over and rushed towards Ruiwen at a frighteningly fast speed!
In such a high-speed sprint, she even had time to snatch a hollow steel pipe from a robber.

In the next second, the steel pipe pierced Boss Hei's knife-holding wrist like a sword.

Everyone was amazed at Li Feifei's sudden outburst, but she moved extremely fast, and by the time the machete landed, she had already pointed the other end of the steel pipe at Heiboda's throat.

"Li Weigong has a saying that stabbing is the general form of form!"

 The title dropped a book bag. . .The meaning is simple: thrusting (this action/movement) is the core and key to using a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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