Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 203 209 I Came to Help Ge Xiaolun Matchmaking

Chapter 203 209 I Came to Help Ge Xiaolun Matchmaking
Rui Mengmeng looked at Ge Xiaolun's cowardly appearance, and inexplicably remembered her experience as a dead house Lu Renjia, probably... At that time, she didn't behave better than Ge Xiaolun, did she?Thinking of this, Rui Mengmeng actually began to feel sorry for Ge Xiaolun.

"If you were told to go to Qiangwei to confess, I think you would never be able to do it, but are you ashamed to ask her for a photo?"

Ge Xiaolun nodded.

Rui Mengmeng raised her forehead, looked at Ge Xiaolun with a look of hatred for iron, and said: "Forget it, I will help you, I promise you."

"Really?" Ge Xiaolun had already given up, but Rui Mengmeng changed his words in the end, "Thank you Mengmeng! Thank you, thank you!"

He excitedly grabbed Rui Mengmeng's hand and shook it up and down a few times. After the shaking, he realized that it seemed a bit inappropriate for a big man to hold a little girl's hand. Excited, sorry."

"I promise you, I promise you, but I can't work for you for nothing." Rui Mengmeng crossed her arms again, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

"Success, what request do you have, I will try my best to fulfill it!" Ge Xiaolun readily agreed.

"I want you to do one thing for me." Rui Mengmeng gave the condition.

"No problem, you said."

"I have not decided yet."


"So, I will save this matter for the time being, and I will mention it to you when I remember it." Rui Mengmeng grinned and began to smile badly, "Don't worry, I will never mention anything you can't do , will not let you betray the country, or betray Rose."

Ge Xiaolun thought about it for a while this time, but after much deliberation, he seemed to have nothing to think about, so he nodded emphatically in agreement.

That night, in the dormitory, Rui Mengmeng mentioned this matter to Qiangwei.

"What? Want me a photo?" Qiangwei asked in surprise, "You want it?"

"I said it was what I wanted, do you believe me?"

"Could it be... that guy Ge Xiaolun?" Qiangwei frowned.

"You guessed it right, will you give it or not?" Rui Mengmeng was very frank, after all Qiangwei was her roommate, it would not be good to lie to her.

"No, you let him die!"

"Hey, Qiangwei, how can you be so indifferent." Before Rui Mengmeng could react, Leina was already booing next to her, "Ge Xiaolun is also the power of the galaxy, one of the three major god-making projects, let alone with you. How can you be so heartless when you have kissed on the skin, even on the mouth?"

It's okay if Reina didn't mention it, but when it was mentioned, Qiangwei exploded immediately: "Shut up! Don't mention that matter again, I regret it now."

Instead, Lei Na laughed: "What are you regretting, Ge Xiaolun's first kiss."

——The implication, of course, is obvious, Ge Xiaolun's is the first kiss, Qiangwei's is not.

"Do you want to say that I took advantage of kissing him that time?" Du Qiangwei was a little angry.

"That's right, that's it." Reina replied heartlessly.

"Di Leina, you are too deceitful!" Qiangwei jumped up.

"Come and hit me."


Qiangwei had nothing to do with Leina, and was very upset, so she opened a wormhole and ran outside.

Still on the side of the ship island, inside the side of the ship, Qiangwei watched the sea and listened to the waves, just like usual, trying to calm down her heart.

But she couldn't seem to calm down, thinking of Ge Xiaolun for a while, wanting to hit Rui Mengmeng for a while, she was always upset.

Not long after, a burst of rhythmic footsteps gradually approached, and Ducao in green military uniform stood beside Qiangwei.

"What, have something on your mind?"

Without turning her head, Qiangwei said, "Dad, what exactly is the god-making project? What exactly is the super gene?"

"Oh? Why are you interested in these questions?"

"Leina, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, these three, the three major god-making projects, the priority is relatively high. Look at that Rui Mengmeng, the god-making project has been abandoned, and the super gene has also collapsed and deteriorated, but listen Aunt Lianfeng said that she improved faster instead. What's going on?"

Hearing Qiangwei's question, Ducao also frowned, feeling confused for a moment.

Even Lianfeng didn't understand why Rui Mengmeng made such rapid progress. As a commander, how could he know?

So he can only play sloppy eyes: "Rui Mengmeng's progress is fast, and you are not slow."

Qiangwei turned around, leaned on the guardrail and looked up at the sky: "Come on. Rui Mengmeng was an undefeated body who advanced before the Battle of Tianhe, and now the statistics are almost the same as mine. Please explain."

Ducao chuckled: "Don't worry, Rui Mengmeng's situation is indeed a bit special, but this is just a case and cannot become a common phenomenon. It has been a while since you have been promoted to the Invincible Body. How do you feel? Have you encountered any problems?" bottleneck?"

Qiangwei shook her head: "There is no such thing as a plateau phenomenon, it seems that I may have no hope of becoming a god."

Ducao saw her daughter's loss in his eyes, and didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

In all fairness, Qiangwei is only in her early 20s this year, and she has already been promoted to Invincible. This speed is fast no matter how you look at it.

Like angels, demons, and super fighters from Lieyang, many of them are stuck on the level of the first-generation super fighters, and one card lasts for hundreds or thousands of years.

People like Qiangwei and Ge Xiaolun have progressed fast enough, even faster than angels who claim to be top-notch civilizations.

But the problem is... There is a fighter in the gang, a Rui Mengmeng with not outstanding super genes, who grows faster than anyone in the Xiongbing Company.

Ducao draws the conclusion that Qiangwei has made rapid progress from the perspective of major civilizations, but Qiangwei's frame of reference is different. She is based on the inside of the Xiongbing Company as a reference, so naturally she herself becomes the slowest that one.

Different positions lead to differences in cognition. Dukao is well aware of this, but these are exactly what Qiangwei still cannot understand.

In the end, he could only say earnestly: "You may not understand what I'm saying now, but I want you to remember that you are a space-time rose, a unique space-time rose in heaven and earth. Engineering, but never inferior to any super soldier. Don't be too impatient, you are still young and have time."

Qiangwei froze for a moment, but really couldn't understand what Ducao said.

While the father and daughter were having a heart-to-heart conversation, another person wandered over not far away.

When the man saw Ducao, he raised his hand and said, "Hey, General! Good evening!"

Qiangwei frowned slightly, it turned out to be Rui Mengmeng?

Rui Mengmeng came to the other side of Ducao, and said directly: "General, I'm here to help Ge Xiaolun matchmaker, he has liked your daughter for a long time, I think Qiangwei is also interested in Xiaolun, look, this matter Can it be done?"

Qiangwei Du's face darkened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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