Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 204 210 Dare to hit my woman?

Chapter 204 210 Dare to hit my woman?

Compared to Du Qiangwei's gloomy and serious expression, Du Kao laughed and said, "Why do you ask me about the matters between you young people. Besides, Xiao Lun likes Qiangwei, why didn't he mention it to me?"

Rui Mengmeng just said: "Xiao Lun is an honest boy, how can he be as shameless as me? Isn't he shy!"

"That's exactly what it says."

Although Rui Mengmeng's reasons were a little clumsy, the facts were true. Ducao thought about Ge Xiaolun, who was innocent and had always been a good boy, and was a little moved.

Rui Mengmeng said again: "During the Tianhe Battle earlier, you also saw Xiao Lun's performance. It's true that there are flaws, but the flaws can't hide the virtues."

Du Kao nodded again and again, and just about to ask Qiangwei for her opinion, she found that Du Qiangwei's face was so gloomy that she could almost drip water.

Ducao was in a bad mood, and quickly changed his words: "I, an old man, should not meddle in matters between young people. Qiangwei will decide by herself."

Rui Mengmeng sighed knowingly: "Since this is the case, there's nothing I can do. I'll go back and tell Xiao Lun to let him give up as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Qiangwei's face changed, and immediately became gloomy again. She quickly turned around, facing the sea, with her back facing Rui Mengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng turned to Ducao again: "By the way, General, I have one more thing to ask about the battle configuration of our Juxia aircraft carrier battle group."

Seeing Rui Mengmeng asked about his field of expertise, Ducao immediately became interested: "Why, are you interested in contemporary military?"

"That's because the three words 'Juxia' represent not only this ship, but also for the better execution of combat orders in the future."

"That's true." Ducao nodded.

Rui Mengmeng asked questions, Ducao naturally explained patiently, but Qiangwei felt that it was very noisy and annoying, and she couldn't listen anymore, so she opened the wormhole again and went back to the dormitory.

Only then did Rui Mengmeng find the opportunity to ask for a photo of Rose from Ducao.

After saying goodbye to Ducao, Rui Mengmeng didn't go directly to Ge Xiaolun, but was inexplicably sad.

What have you been doing all this?

Ge Xiaolun's family was originally a son of the plane, and as a time traveler, he didn't want to plunder Ge Xiaolun's luck and women, but instead helped him?And pushed Qiangwei into his arms?

This doesn't seem very good, according to the normal rhythm, shouldn't he put Qiangwei to sleep by himself, hook up with Angel Yan, and let Ge Xiaolun drink the northwest wind by himself?

But fortunately, no big mistakes have been made.At that moment just now, on the surface, it seemed that Qiangwei was pushing into Ge Xiaolun's arms, but with Qiangwei's stubborn character, it might have the opposite effect.

After all, most of Du Qiangwei's kind of tsundere became a loser in the end, but Angel Yan, who is more straightforward and likes to hook up with men, can easily find true love.

After figuring this out, Rui Mengmeng finally felt relieved and nodded with satisfaction.

Qiangwei may still be angry now, so it's not good to go back to the dormitory so soon, Rui Mengmeng simply started to wander in the cabin of Juxia.

When passing by the indoor training ground dedicated to the Xiongbing Company, she heard the rhythmic sounds of "papa" and "papa".

Rui Mengmeng approached following the sound, and opened the gate with her special ID, only to see Zhao and Li Feifei each holding a bamboo knife for sword practice, and they were going back and forth to learn swordsmanship.

Faced with this kendo genius who caused her father to commit seppuku, Li Feifei seemed to have eliminated her previous resentment, and now she only focused on improving her own strength.

Rui Mengmeng casually leaned against the wall to observe their movements—in fact, she mainly observed Li Feifei.

Since the day before yesterday, I have been very indifferent to Li Feifei, for fear that she would find something strange. After all, although I dyed my hair white, this face is almost exactly the same as "Ruiwen"!

I haven't flirted with Li Feifei for a few days, and I really miss Rui Mengmeng.

Of the two people on the stage, one was calm and stable, the other was swift and aggressive. Li Feifei attacked several times with fancy moves, but Zhao blocked them all with the most concise moves.

Rui Mengmeng can tell the level of the two just from these few offensive and defensive moves.

Regardless of the degree of super gene development or the flexible use of swordsmanship, Zhao is undoubtedly stronger.

At this time, Zhao also began to teach Li Feifei to be a man in broken Chinese: "Feifei, your qi is useless, you don't need to move around, let your qi produce power. Like me, you can't move like a mountain."

Although Zhao is the junior of Li Feifei's father in the field of Nibo Kendo, he is also Li Feifei's elder. Hearing what he said now, Li Feifei couldn't refute, but asked with some doubts: "Master Zhao, don't move at all, like a living target , will it be easy to be beaten?"

Zhao smiled confidently: "You try to attack me again."

Li Feifei attacked again, but this time Zhao didn't move like a mountain at all, but was as fast as the wind, with a flash of his body, he slashed at Li Feifei's arm with a knife, and the huge force carried by the bamboo knife knocked Li Feifei back in place 180 degree.Then Zhao slashed at Li Feifei's buttocks again. Li Feifei screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing Li Feifei being beaten in the audience, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help being furious.

Even my woman dares to spank, and spanking her ass!
Zhao, are you tired of living?

Rui Mengmeng immediately jumped onto the stage and stretched out her hand to pull Li Feifei up.

After picking up the bamboo knife that Li Feifei dropped, Rui Mengmeng flicked her wrist, and the tip of the bamboo knife made a whistling sound.

"I heard that you are very good at swordsmanship. Is it interesting to bully little girls? Come and practice with me?"

"It's better to obey than to be respectful."

The two held bamboo knives and began to confront each other.

The way Rui Mengmeng blocked Li Feifei behind her made Li Feifei lose her mind for a moment... because, it was so similar!

Rui Mengmeng's back is really too similar to Ruiwen!
At this moment, Li Feifei thought it was Rui Wen who came, which made her feel happy, but after looking carefully, she found that the person who came was Rui Mengmeng.

Li Feifei quickly got up and wanted to tell Rui Mengmeng that she was fine and not to worry, but Rui Mengmeng turned her head and gave her a "reassuring" look as if she had eyes in the back of her head.

That look seemed to tell her that Zhao would definitely be beaten up to vent her anger for you!

Li Feifei once again felt that she and Ruiwen were really too similar, even their eyes were so similar.

At this time, she couldn't help but miss that boy even more. She couldn't wait to stare at Rui Mengmeng, hoping that she could defeat Zhao with just one knife, and hoping that she would tell her where Rui Wen was.

Then the two people on the stage moved!

With a bang, Zhao's bamboo knife broke, and Rui Mengmeng's bamboo knife pointed at Zhao's throat.

Sure enough, it only took one blow!
 1. So Qiangwei is Shi Tiaojiao, Si Tiaojiao is a typical loser!Red-haired defeated dog!So she can't compete with Angel Yan!
  2. Rui Mengmeng asked about the Ducao aircraft carrier battle group, of course, to arrange [Ruiwen] this vest
  3. So here comes the question, the two women of Ge Xiaolun, the son of the plane, Angel Yan and Qiangwei, should the protagonist flirt or not?I hope everyone will speak enthusiastically, the author is hesitating now

  4. Thanks to book friend Yuqiong for the bounty!

(End of this chapter)

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