Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 205 211 Kendo 3 Questions

Chapter 205 211 Three Questions of Sword Dao
According to Newton's third law of mechanics, when an object receives a force, it exerts a reaction force.

Rui Mengmeng's bamboo knife and Zhao's bamboo knife were made of the same material, so even if they were broken, they should be broken together, not just Zhao's bamboo knife, but Rui Mengmeng's was still intact.

This is actually because Rui Mengmeng cheated and secretly used strengthening magic to increase the strength of the bamboo knife.

Although Zhao can't see through Rui Mengmeng's operation, he has a kind of confidence in his "Qi", and doesn't believe that the bamboo knife blessed with "Qi" can be broken by a single blow.

He said unwillingly: "Your Excellency's actions are unfair... We are competing in swordsmanship, not strength."

"Oh? Do you still have the guts to say it?" Rui Mengmeng also had a bad expression on her face, "Just now you told Feifei to be as immovable as a mountain, but in the end, you just beat him down like a thunderbolt, isn't that right? Go back on your word, you do this, is it fair or not?"

Zhao actually said cheekily: "The so-called immovable as a mountain is to prepare for the aggression of Ruhuo. Fenglin and Volcano are one and cannot be neglected."

Rui Mengmeng didn't bother him about this topic, she just put the bamboo knife on her shoulder, and said arrogantly: "Since you claim to be a master of swordsmanship, let me ask you, what kind of swordsmanship is the strongest swordsmanship?"

Zhao’s face became proud, and he even held his head high and said, “Although you broke my sword, it’s because I’m not as strong as you. It’s not that I’m not good at swordsmanship. The strongest swordsmanship is, of course, Wuji swordsmanship.” .”

Rui Mengmeng laughed, opened a finger and pointed at the bamboo knife that was broken in two, and whispered the mantra:
"Basic bones, clarification...constituent materials, clarification...basic bones, restoration...basic bones, changes...constituent materials, reinforcement."

When the incantation was finished, the bamboo knife that had been broken in two had been restored as before.

Rui Mengmeng threw the bamboo knife to Zhao, and after taking it, Zhao waved it twice, and found that the strength of the bamboo knife seemed to have improved and became more tenacious.

Rui Mengmeng said: "I have already strengthened it, if I use twice as much strength, neither of these two bamboo knives will be broken."

She used the strengthening magic learned from the Holy Grail War. As for the spells, of course they were used to pretend, because with Rui Mengmeng's computing power and energy supply level, of course it can be strengthened without reciting spells!
At this moment, she looked haughty, pointing the bamboo knife at Zhao's face: "Let me see what you call the strongest 'Wuji swordsmanship'!"

Zhao held the bamboo knife in both hands, and his expression gradually calmed down. When he adjusted to the best state, Rui Mengmeng swung the bamboo knife and slashed!
Zhao felt a majestic momentum from Rui Mengmeng's sword swing, and immediately knew that Rui Mengmeng's swordsmanship was the sword of conquest on the battlefield, and he was definitely not Rui Mengmeng's opponent on the real battlefield.

However, this is not a real battlefield!

Unmoved like a mountain, Zhao remained calm and calm in the face of Rui Mengmeng's seemingly violent attack.

Moving like thunder, when Zhao swung his sword, he precisely parried Rui Mengmeng's bamboo knife away.

The aggression is like fire, Zhao took advantage of the opportunity that Ruimengmeng's middle door had been opened, and stabbed straight with his sword, like a fire starting a prairie fire!

He can even say with confidence that at this distance and this angle, Rui Mengmeng has absolutely no chance of winning, and must be subject to his Wuji swordsmanship!

However, Rui Mengmeng didn't do any special movements, she just rotated her arm and wrist, and the bamboo knife pulled out a sword flower, enveloping Zhao's stab.

When the two bamboo knives came into contact, Zhao felt a huge shock in his arms, and he almost couldn't hold the bamboo knife for a moment, but Rui Mengmeng took a step forward and pushed him even closer.

Feeling the majestic aura of Rui Mengmeng, Zhao instinctively took a step back.

But that's not enough!
Using her left foot as a fulcrum, Rui Mengmeng turned her body while taking a step, leaped forward, and the bamboo knife drew a graceful arc, and slashed at Zhao again.

If Liu Chuang, Leina and the others were present, they would definitely be able to tell that Rui Mengmeng's three-in-one move was "Dance of Broken Wings".

In fact, this combo of Dance of Broken Wings is usually used separately. With basic attack and movement, AQ-Move-AQ-Move-AQ can be completed within two seconds. The attack speed is extremely fast and the damage Explosion, referred to as Lightspeed QA.

It's just that the speed of light QA has extremely high requirements for operation. Rui Mengmeng has not been trained recently and has not fully mastered it.But for the three-stage strike of Dance of Broken Wings, it is as easy as eating and drinking. In addition, Rui Mengmeng has inherited the complete knight swordsmanship from Blade of Exile, so playing Dance of Broken Wings at this time is even more powerful. It is as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

The third strike, the slash, is the most powerful blow.

This seemingly unpretentious slash with a bamboo knife has the power to almost split vision and space——Zhao has opened his dark eyes unconsciously, and he can't even feel "Qi". Gathered by Rui Mengmeng's bamboo knife!

For the first time, Zhao felt fear in his heart, and he felt "unstoppable"!

No matter how swift and fierce his Wuji swordsmanship is, it is not as fast as Rui Mengmeng's seemingly casual slash, no matter how subtle changes are in his Wuji swordsmanship, and how mysterious the movement of "Qi" is, it cannot match Rui Mengmeng's simplicity A slap in the face.

Rui Mengmeng's swordsmanship is an imposing sword on the battlefield!

In desperation, Zhao could only choose to dodge, but he was able to dodge the Dance of Broken Wings, but he could not dodge "Move Forward".After Zhao chose to roll on the ground, Rui Mengmeng also immediately adjusted the direction to align with the direction where Zhao was about to stand up. With a sprint, the bamboo knife was straightly stuck at Zhao's waist and eyes.

Zhao suddenly felt severe pain, and his whole body was so strong that he couldn't stand upright. He rolled on the stage twice before stopping.

Having won in just two rounds, Rui Mengmeng flicked the wooden knife and said with a smile: "My knight swordsmanship was passed down by a former general. Although this swordsmanship doesn't have many twists and turns, it is both offensive and defensive. The moves are simple and unadorned, and it is a sword for the army. Logically speaking, the sword on the battlefield is restrained by your Wuji swordsmanship, because Wuji swordsmanship is the sword of an assassin. But the fact is, you lost.

"Do you know why the sword of the battlefield, which was restrained by your swordsmanship, defeated your sword of assassin?"

Zhao remained silent and lay on the stage for a long time before standing up again, clutching his waist.

And Li Feifei, who was watching the battle from the audience, was already staring at Rui Mengmeng, she didn't expect Ruiwen's sister to be so powerful!

"The answer is actually very simple. Any kind of swordsmanship can be the strongest. The only difference is the person who uses the sword. Your Wuji swordsmanship may be very powerful, but it is not enough to say that it is the strongest."

Rui Mengmeng had already spoken so bluntly, but Zhao still stubbornly refused to bow his head: "Although you can beat me, it doesn't mean that your swordsmanship surpasses mine. Only Wuji swordsmanship can enter Taoism with the sword!"

Rui Mengmeng immediately felt annoyed and irritable, so she simply threw the bamboo knife in her hand aside, stretched out her right hand, put her index finger and middle finger together, and used her fingers as a sword: "Do you know what is the way of swordsmanship?"

Zhao clenched the bamboo knife with both hands: "Entering Taoism with swordsmanship is the way of swordsmanship. From ancient times to the present, only my Wuji Sword—"

No one expected that Rui Mengmeng didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and directly stabbed him with a finger sword, and the speed was extremely fast!

Zhao hurriedly swung the bamboo knife to block, but the moment the bamboo knife was about to touch Rui Mengmeng's finger, Rui Mengmeng suddenly turned his finger into a palm and grabbed the bamboo knife.

Zhao has practiced swordsmanship for many years since he was a child, so he naturally refused to let go, and this bamboo knife has been strengthened by Rui Mengmeng, so it cannot be broken easily.

So Rui Mengmeng just tugged hard, and pulled Zhao over.

Then Rui Mengmeng spread his left hand, aimed at Zhao's bronzed face, and slapped Zhao's face twice.

"I tell you, this is called the way of the sword!"

 1. Ruimengmeng and Liu Chuangkou in front of [that's coming], it's a proper flag

  2. The 'Qi' that Zhao feels is actually the manifestation of dark energy, but he doesn't talk about science, but metaphysics, so he hasn't fully developed it.And you can only explore by yourself, without professional training.

  3. I think this is unfair. . .

  4. I saw some book friends say that Riwen is the captain of the elite team?Baidu’s background information on Riven’s background said that [Riven, who was once the leader of the Noxus Legion, has now been expelled from her motherland and wandered in the land she was ordered to conquer], so from the very beginning, make up Facing Riven, that is, the setting of the original [Nuoxing Sharp Knife], that is, god-level fighters, legion commanders, and knight swordsmanship are also swordsmanship on the battlefield.If you make a mistake, please correct me.

  5. The protagonist is actually not proficient in swordsmanship and kendo. She is just helping her girlfriend vent her anger because of her high strength. .

(End of this chapter)

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