Chapter 220 226
In exchange for Qilin's indifference, Reina smiled wryly.

"I submitted a battle plan to China's Central Command to rescue Rui Mengmeng. In fact, they were not qualified to reject me, but because this matter required a lot of resources to be mobilized, they were persuaded and said they would think about it again."

Hearing that Reina said that the Central Command had no right to reject her, Qilin couldn't help thinking of Reina's status as the "Emperor". According to Rui Mengmeng's previous speculation, the Lieyang civilization behind Reina probably participated in the super god of the earth. The academy's god-making project, that is to say, Lena's identity is not as simple as the captain of the Xiongbing Company.

But so what?
Qilin saw Leina's disappointed look, obviously her plan was hindered.

"But? I know that there is a 'but' in everything. The foreshadowing is not important, but the 'but' is important."

"You guessed it right. To fight against the demon army under Morgana, the Earth Super Seminary alone is not enough, and Lie Yang must be added, but Lie Yang's military and the Elder's House have not given a reply so far. In fact Before the Huaxia Army delivered the news to Pan Zhen, I had already sent the battle plan through God Mao, but judging by the current situation, the battle plan may have already been shot down."

Qilin originally had some illusions about Leina, but now she heard Leina's words, she couldn't help being even more disappointed.

"So you tell me what these are for, is it useful?"

She lifted her foot to go.

"I know it's useless, but you are the girlfriend of a man-in-law, I think it's better to let you know about these things." Lena resumed her usual cold attitude with her hands in her pockets, "Don't show me any more faces In Yunshan, I once promised you that I would rescue Mengmeng in time. This promise is still valid. Even if there is no approval from Lieyang, even if there is no support from the Huaxia military and the Earth Super Seminary, I will I will fulfill my duties as captain and king, and bring back a whole Rui Mengmeng."

"Then I'll thank you on her behalf."

Qilin didn't seem to believe Leina's promise, so she stopped staying and drifted away.

Because even Reina herself has no idea.

What she said was not so much a promise as a request she made to herself.Even if she is an extremely powerful sun god, she is too weak to challenge Morgana's demon army alone.

Qilin also understood this point, so she simply stopped continuing this kind of unnutritious exchange.

The sea breeze was blowing, lifting the hem of Reina's clothes and brushing her long hair, but Reina stayed on the edge of the deck until it was completely dark and it was midnight.

A golden light flashed in the distance, and Hu Sha's guardian Yuan Li landed lightly on the deck of the Juxia.

Leina turned her back to Yuanli, and opened her mouth lightly: "There is no need for those red tapes, just speak straight."

Yuan Li sighed silently in his heart: "The general rejected your battle plan, and so did the Elder's House. They believe that the current information about the demon army is seriously insufficient, and this battle plan is too risky to be adopted."

Yuan Li originally thought that Leina would be angry, but unexpectedly, Lena just said indifferently: "Understood, you can go back."

Yuan Li stared at Leina's back, thought for a while and persuaded: "The demon legion is not good at numbers, but regardless of technology or combat ideas, they have advantages over Lie Yang. If we rashly develop with them, it may be harmful to Lie Yang." To create an unfavorable situation, the General and the Elder's House are also considering the goddess."

Leina chuckled: "Don't explain, isn't it just cowardly? If you have a big family and a big career, you don't dare to fight with others, I understand."

Yuan Li was choked up by Leina, not knowing what to say.

"It's none of your business."

Lena didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards the island.

At the same time, in the men's dormitory of Xiongbinglian, some people still haven't fallen asleep.

Ge Xiaolun turned on the desk lamp, holding a photo of Qiangwei and looking at it quietly.

Xin Zhao, who was on the upper bunk, caught a glimpse of this scene when he climbed into the bed after going to the toilet, and muttered, "It's so late and I still miss Sister Qiangwei..."

Ge Xiaolun sighed: "I'm not thinking about Qiangwei, I'm thinking about Ruimengmeng."

"Huh?" Xin Zhao hurriedly came over to take a look, and then saw Qiangwei in the photo playfully closing one eye, looking very cute.

"This is Sister Qiangwei, that's right, Xiao Lun, you won't be fooled by Morgana's slap."

Ge Xiaolun casually put the photo into the arsenal, preventing Xin Zhao from taking his temperature: "Rui Mengmeng helped me get this photo."

Xin Zhao let out an "oh", and listlessly climbed onto the bed and lay down.

"I think you should stop thinking about it. The Demon King is so powerful, we are not enough for her to play with. Morgana can abuse us with a little thumb."

Xin Zhao's words were tantamount to a blow to his own morale, but he told the truth.

Ge Xiaolun shook his head, helpless.

However, there was a gloomy and cruel voice from the other bed: "Morgana Morgana, if Morgana dares to do something to the cute girl, I will chop her off with an axe!"

Although Liu Chuang was ruthless, he didn't know how to save Rui Mengmeng at all - even sister Leina couldn't do anything, he had no power to kill gods, so what if he couldn't find the demon army?

Long nights, unintentional sleep.

Rui Mengmeng, who was locked in a certain head of state suite on Devil One, also had no mood to sleep.

I don't know what kind of cards Morgana is playing, since she was caught, she hasn't shown up, just let Rui Mengmeng hang out for several days.

Except that Morgana didn't show up, the demons didn't appear in Rui Mengmeng's field of vision anymore, not even Atuo who put a collar on Rui Mengmeng and threw her into the cell and then into the Führer's suite. reappear.

Apart from being imprisoned, which made people uncomfortable, Rui Mengmeng's daily life was well taken care of by the demons.Every day, carefully prepared lunch boxes are sent to the table through the wormhole. After Rui Mengmeng finishes eating, the demons open the wormhole to take the tableware back.

"Morgana's tactics are very simple. She must be playing hard to get, deliberately leaving me alone, waiting for me to beg her."

Rui Mengmeng quickly thought of Morgana's purpose of hanging her out.

"Let me tell you, I have experienced many battles. I have seen this kind of routine a lot!"

Due to the strange collar around her neck, Rui Mengmeng was unable to mobilize the dark energy, nor could she open the ether door to escape, so she was greatly restricted in her actions—even for the many krypton gold props in the ether mall. It can only be launched based on the operation of dark energy.

Although this suite is luxurious, but there is no Bilibili or Start app, it is really boring, Rui Mengmeng has no choice but to practice the hard skills of armored door again.

The hard work of this armor-clad door is actually mainly about breathing while meditating. It is more appropriate to say that it is hard work, rather it is the qigong of body forging.

Originally, she had learned this set of kung fu from Mei Sanniang, but because of her low level of force, she hadn't used it much. Now that the flow of dark energy inside and outside Rui Mengmeng's body was restricted, she couldn't play more advanced things. It's perfect to pass the time with this kung fu.

So Rui Mengmeng ate and slept peacefully in the head of state suite, meditating in a daze, and it went on for seven days.

On the night of the seventh day, someone finally couldn't hold back.

 1. Thanks to the bounties of book friends Banjin Vermicelli, One Punch Saitama, Succubus' Eyes, and Saojiaxuanyiyi!

  2. QQ reading is about [-] votes, ask for a wave, the number of votes is enough, there will be a third update in the evening~~
  3. In addition, the author has no manuscript. . . . .Seeing everyone’s urging is so enthusiastic, make up your face and work harder to write more
(End of this chapter)

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