Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 221 227 Dare to Ask the Devil King, Do I Still Have Room to Refuse?

Chapter 221 227 Dare to Ask the Devil King, Do I Still Have Room to Refuse? (qq thousand votes plus update)

The door knocked.

Rui Mengmeng slightly twitched the corner of her mouth, but closed her eyes without moving.

The door rang again.

Rui Mengmeng remained indifferent.

The door rang again.

Rui Mengmeng is like an old monk in meditation, and the ancient well is quiet.

Outside the door, Morgana was so angry that her brows stood on end, she clenched a fist, trying her best to resist the urge to slam the door.

She was originally an angel, and she possessed the eyes of insight with strong calculation ability, so how could she not see that Rui Mengmeng was deliberately leaving her alone?

How dare that little girl ignore her king of demons?

"Hey, Rui Mengmeng, if you don't open the door, I'll break it open!"

Hearing Morgana's angry voice, Rui Mengmeng responded: "The door is unlocked, please come in."

When Morgana raised her foot and stepped in, her high heels kicked aggressively on the floor.

Rui Mengmeng opened her eyes and saw that Morgana was still wearing the demon king's attire, wearing a tight black leather jacket and having a devil's figure.

...a great evil.

Rui Mengmeng hurriedly got down from the sofa, and said with a smile: "Queen Morgana, good morning, what brought you here."

Morgana couldn't help complaining: "It's still morning, it's already 12:30 midnight!"

"Really...the sun is not visible here, but the time is very blurred." Rui Mengmeng still had a smirk on her face, "Then may I ask the Queen, what are you doing here so late? I... so what?"

Morgana raised the corner of her mouth: "The little guy is quite smart, of course I came here to have a long talk with you... all night long."

"Please sit down, queen, let's sit down and talk slowly."

Rui Mengmeng snapped her fingers, raised her head to the ceiling and said, "A pot of new Longjing tea."

In a blink of an eye, a wormhole opened above the tea table, and a set of tea sets fluttered down from above. Rui Mengmeng skillfully took down the purple clay pot, and poured two cups. The light green tea was clear and tender, with white smoke emitting from it. Looks very attractive.

Of course the demons would not drink this tea, the reason why it appeared like this was because of Rui Mengmeng's new request two days ago.

Rui Mengmeng said at the time that now that spring is warm and flowers are blooming, it is time to drink new Longjing tea.So, the two demons were ordered to go to the earth to buy tea, but they were deceived by unscrupulous tea merchants, and they ran twice to buy new tea.

After buying it, the demons brewed tea strictly according to Rui Mengmeng's requirements, but they couldn't drink any taste, and they were extremely angry.

Rui Mengmeng offered the tea with both hands respectfully: "My Lady Queen, please use tea."

It's okay for her to be disrespectful, live in someone else's house, eat other people's food and drink other people's food, don't be too polite, be careful to become a hot weapon!

Morgana took a sip of tea and couldn't help but praise: "Good tea."

"I also want to thank Her Majesty Queen a lot. I lived here for a few days, and it was very comfortable. I didn't have to worry about those mundane things. I was carefree, very good."

Rui Mengmeng smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Morgana knew the elegant meaning after hearing the strings: "You mean, you like life here?"

"Yes, I like a life without fighting." Rui Mengmeng said with a satisfied expression, "Fighting is too dangerous. If people are killed, they will die. How comfortable it is to live quietly in a corner of the world. Ah, and I can still watch fanfare games."

After hearing what Rui Mengmeng said, Morgana didn't know how to answer it!

She intended to recruit Rui Mengmeng to be her own fighter, but Rui Mengmeng actually said that she didn't like fighting, how could this be broken?
The Demon King rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Since you like it, do you want to live here for a long time?"

Nonsense, as long as you get on my mother's thief ship, whether you like fighting or not, and pull you out when you need to be used, what can you do?
"A guest, or a soldier?"

"It's not a soldier, but a general under my command, like a right-hand man."

Rui Mengmeng suddenly became interested: "Your general? How big can it be?"

"For example, Atuo is below me, the number two figure in the demon army. In many cases, he dispatches the battles that I am not in or I do not personally command. Another example is Artest, the chief scientist of the demon civilization, responsible for the elite The team's combat and logistical support. Another example is Thornton, who is now the number one thug under my command. He usually doesn't care about things, he only cares about eating and eating, and he will only be sent out by me unless the situation is particularly urgent."

Morgana introduced Atuo, Artest, and Thornton in a superficial manner, and she already introduced the three main types of demons.

Ato represents generals and the army, Artest represents scientific research and technology, and Thornton represents combat vanguards.

In other words, what Morgana means is that as long as Rui Mengmeng is willing, she can choose any type, so she is not limited to the identity of "warrior".

Rui Mengmeng asked again: "What does the queen mean, as long as I follow you, I can have a similar status to the three of them?"


Morgana agreed without hesitation. Rui Mengmeng is only at the level of a second-generation super soldier, which is enough to defeat Thornton. She will achieve even greater achievements in the future. Of course, she is willing to cultivate it.

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I will make you a god."

Rui Mengmeng thought about the conditions offered by Morgana, and also thought about the treatment she received at the Earth Super Theological Seminary, she couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

This is equivalent to the fact that she originally worked in a state-owned enterprise with low salary, but now the boss of a foreign company came to poach her in person and promised generous salary.

If you only consider the treatment, Rui Mengmeng, as an egoist, of course has to choose a foreign company.

But what she has to consider is not only the salary, but what she carries on her body is the hope of the rise of Chinese civilization surrounded by countless powerful neighbors, how can it be leveraged by a mere resource of "promotion to god"?
On this point, Rui Mengmeng will never be ambiguous.

"Dare to ask the Demon King, is there any room for me to refuse?"

 1. I thought it would take tomorrow to get thousands of votes. Since tonight is enough, I will add more tonight.

  2. Recently, the recommendation tickets on qq have risen faster than the starting point. . .The old brothers at the starting point ask for strength

  3. Although the Huaxia military treats the protagonist badly, the protagonist still deeply loves the land below his butt.

  I have no regrets in this life to enter Huaxia, and I wish to be a flower planter in the next life!

(End of this chapter)

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