Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 226 232 The fate of human beings should be in their own hands, not arranged by gods

Chapter 226 232 The fate of human beings should be in their own hands, not arranged by gods
In the end, Morgana thought Rui Mengmeng's dark alloy armor was too ugly and gave her a set of casual clothes.

The clothes fit fairly well, but they were a bit short. After wearing them, Rui Mengmeng showed half of her thighs, which made her feel quite ashamed.

Fortunately, the demons only have the Queen in their eyes, not the little girl from Earth.

Back in the head of state suite, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but miss her girlfriends on Earth.

She misses Leina, Qilin, and Li Feifei.

After all, it has been more than a week since I was captured by Morgana. I don't know what happened to them?

Is Li Feifei's injury healed? Are Leina and Qilin injured in the second half of the Yunshan battle? Have they returned to the Juxia safely?

On Devil One, even the dark communication of Shenhe Channel was blocked, so Rui Mengmeng couldn't contact them anymore.

This is really... heart-wrenching.

Rui Mengmeng began to pace back and forth in the head of state suite, and when she thought of Leina and the others, she lost her usual calmness and became anxious about gains and losses.

She had a very rough day.

Another day later, it was time to reply to Morgana.

Regarding "whether to join the demon army and become a warrior of Morgana", she needs to give the demon king an answer.

Morgana saw that Ruimengmeng's eye circles were red and the corners of her eyes were bloodshot, and she knew that Ruimengmeng might not have had a rest all night, or even that she hadn't rested, but was thinking about something important.

The Queen couldn't help but think, was she being too impatient to force her to join the Demon Legion now?

After all, there is still a lot of time, and her top priority should be to solve Kesha first.

Who knows that the first thing Rui Mengmeng said when she saw Morgana was: "How is Leina, and Qilin and Li Feifei, have they returned to the Juxia safely?"

Morgana was taken aback when she heard that, and instantly remembered that when she was reviewing Ruimengmeng's memories yesterday, there were records of her having sex with women like Leina, and even grinding mirrors.

It turns out that this girl is not thinking about joining the demon army, but missing her little lover?
Morgana felt in a bad mood for an instant.

So the Demon King raised his head proudly: "Why did I answer you?"

"Because you don't answer, I won't answer either!" Rui Mengmeng stared at some red eyes, "In the second half of the Battle of Yunshan, after you captured me, did you attack Leina and the others?"

An irritability welled up in Morgana's heart: "You care so much about them?"

"Of course. If any of the three of them are killed by you, then I will never join the demon army. Even if I, Rui Mengmeng, die, I will never be your demon king's fighter! "

"You..." Morgana suppressed the displeasure in her heart, and snorted, "What a stupid pre-nuclear civilization."

If it wasn't for Riwen's face, she would have slapped Rui Mengmeng on the moon.

"They are all fine. Two of them suffered some injuries. I believe that with the ability of your Xiongbing Company, they will recover soon."

Morgana evasively explained, hiding the conflict between herself and Qilin, because she learned from Ruimengmeng's memory that Qilin was the only woman who confirmed her relationship with Ruimengmeng, and Li Feifei It's an underground lover, and as for the goddess of dawn, Lena, she hasn't written a word yet.

This made Morgana couldn't help but sigh with emotion, young people really know how to play, and people on earth really know how to play.

After receiving Morgana's reply, Rui Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that Reina and the others are fine.

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's happy face, Morgana felt even more irritable, so she couldn't help but squeeze Rui Mengmeng: "Are you satisfied now?"

"Well, I'm very satisfied." Rui Mengmeng didn't hear that Her Lady Queen was very unhappy, so she said to herself, "I still have two requests, and I hope Her Lady Queen can grant them."

There are still requirements, but also TM two?

Morgana frowned.

"You said."

"The first is to ensure the safety of Leina, Qilin, and Li Feifei. I hope the Queen will not hurt them."

Just as Rui Mengmeng finished speaking, Morgana slapped the table, making the cosmetic box on the table tremble.

"You're never finished! Give you some sunshine and you'll miss the day!"

Ruimengmeng is confused, is Her Lady Queen angry?

From last night until now, she has been thinking about the safety of Reina and others, and she has never thought about the feelings of the Demon King. Now this situation... What's going on, why did she make her unhappy?

After Morgana got angry here, she was a little surprised immediately, how could she get angry with a child?It shouldn't be, it hasn't been a week since my aunt left, why are you so irritable?
With an evil rhythm in her chest, Morgana took a deep breath and said, "What about the second one?"

Rui Mengmeng was thinking about where she had offended the queen, but seeing that the queen was showing signs of letting go, she cautiously asked, "The queen agreed?"

"Forget it, I won't attack them until it's absolutely necessary."

Rui Mengmeng thought MMP, when is the last resort?Isn't she, Morgana, the one who has the final say?
However, thinking about it carefully, Morgana really didn't seem to feel sorry for the people of the Xiongbing Company. In the original work, even if she manipulated Reina to blow up the Great Strait, she didn't kill the Xiongbing Company.This may be due to Morgana's frivolity and arrogance, and she doesn't pay attention to the Xiongbing Company, but Rui Mengmeng always believes that Her Majesty Queen is kind in nature, and she is not a pervert like Karl who likes to study death.

"Then I would like to thank Her Majesty the Queen." Rui Mengmeng slowly considered her words, and said more carefully than before, "My second request is not to release the ultimate curse on the earth, and not to convert the earth people into Low-level demons."

Morgana chuckled: "You still know the ultimate curse?"

Rui Mengmeng immediately realized that she had said too much, so she quickly explained: "The number of Xiongbinglian is just a piece of skin hung by the Huaxia military. Very detailed."

Morgana narrowed her eyes: "How much do you know about the past?"

"Not much, not much, just a little bit." Rui Mengmeng immediately balked, "Large matcha latte with boba, would you like a cup?"

What the hell is this?

Morgana was successfully distracted by Rui Mengmeng, she curled her lips in puzzlement, and began to think about the request "don't release the ultimate curse".

"It's fine if you know the ultimate curse. I won't get into it, but the question is, why don't you let me release the ultimate curse? The human physique of the pre-nuclear civilization is too weak, and a large-scale evolution is needed, and the ultimate curse is the best. One of the ways."

This evolution will inevitably bring about a large number of deaths.

In fact, there is another good way to let humans evolve, which is nuclear baptism, but it was stopped by Thornton.

For such a question, Rui Mengmeng already has an answer in her heart: "The fate of human beings should be in their own hands, not arranged by gods."

Morgana frowned.

Rui Mengmeng's heart trembled.

 1. Ruimengmeng is 10cm taller than Liangbing, with long legs.

  3. The protagonist's 3 views are very positive!
  4. Ask for a recommendation ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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