Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 227 Chapter 233 Laughing chapter, talk about people, talk about guns, I, Lu Renjia, have nev

Chapter 227 233 Jokes, talking about people, talking about talking, I, Lu Renjia, have never been afraid of anyone

The fate of human beings should be in their own hands, not arranged by gods.

No matter when, such words are always deafening.

Whether it is in the age of mythology, the middle ages, or modern times, whether it is in the modern age of technological prosperity, or the age of god-making in post-nuclear civilization, anyone who dares to speak like this is either a lunatic or has great strength to make him With the sky above his head, his feet on the ground, he roared unwillingly at the gods who fooled mortals.

Rui Mengmeng felt that her current strength was not strong enough, and it was really risky to bring up this topic with Morgana at this time.

But she also felt that if she didn't mention it now, she might not have the chance to mention it again in the future.

After all, people on earth can defeat even the gods in mythology, so why should they be afraid of the gods evolved by "humans" and created by "humans" in the age of god creation?

Rui Mengmeng originally thought that Morgana would get angry and get angry, but the Demon King just sneered and said, "People from Earth? Are they worthy?"

This made her suddenly feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

When she was in Tianhe City, she preached to Morgana, who called herself Liangbing, the various beautiful qualities of Earth people, hoping to correct Morgana's prejudice against Earth people.

In the end, Morgana still looks down on Earthlings?
"I'm also a member of the earth people, why don't I deserve it?" Rui Mengmeng retorted, "Earth civilization has only a short history of 5000 years, and it has been able to make it to today. I believe they have the right to decide their own destiny."

The implication is that Rui Mengmeng always insists that the progress of the earth's civilization is fast enough, always believes in the creativity of the people on earth, and believes that the earth's civilization should have a broader future.

Morgana looked at Rui Mengmeng, who had her neck stuck in front of her, and once again thought of the god-level warrior from the Deno Galaxy, and remembered that Riven had rejected her for similar reasons.

Thinking of the old things back then, Morgana became furious.

"You are different from them! You have super genes and are the god of the future!" Morgana slapped the table angrily and stood up, "I can give you respect and the right to choose, but those ordinary people, those Pigs with nothing but goofs in their minds, they don't deserve it!"

According to Morgana, only gods and candidates for gods are worthy of respect, and ordinary people are not worthy?

Rui Mengmeng was not to be outdone: "So what about the gods of the future, didn't they come from ordinary people step by step? Was the king of demons the king of demons when he first started? Was he the main god of demon civilization? The holy Kaisa At the beginning, was he the supreme ruler of the known universe?

"You said that the people on Earth are pigs, so the demon army under Her Lady Queen's command was like this from the beginning? Which civilization has not experienced the age of ignorance? The people on Earth are already much better than them!"

The two women blushed from the quarrel, their necks were thick, and their eyes were wide open. After confronting each other for a while, Morgana actually burst out laughing.

"Holy Mother, you are all too Holy Mother!" Morgana's cold and beautiful face became a little distorted, "It was like this back then, and it is still like this now. Didn't Ducao teach you the history of the Deno galaxy?"

"History class... what do you mean?"

"Of course it is the history of the destruction of Deno civilization. Deno, under the guidance of the headmaster, was thriving. It took less than 1 years to catch up with the angel civilization. But what did they do after the headmaster left? ? Without nuclear baptism or tempering by war, these ordinary people who hastily mastered divine power will only bring the entire planet into the gutter in the end! The Deno galaxy exploded and the Lieyang star was half destroyed, such an ending Do you still want the earth to go through it again? Those people on the earth are not worthy of the respect of my demon king. The ultimate curse is an evolution for the life on the earth. I can let it go if I want, and you have no control over it!"

Looking at the arrogant Morgana, Rui Mengmeng knew that her attempt this time had completely failed.

The Demon King doesn't look down on Earthlings at all.

I really hate that I don't have the protagonist's life, Qiangwei is the love of Liang Bing's life, and Morgana can leave the earth for 1000 years because of her... But as for myself, even a small ultimate curse can't stop it.

In this case, don't think that I will work for you.

Rui Mengmeng simply broke the jar and said: "Is this the freedom that the devil preaches?"

Morgana raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"I don't think this is freedom, but the law of the jungle that's so low! You keep saying that it's for freedom, but don't you have the final say with your fist? With divine power and technology, you can arrange the future for the earth? What's wrong with freedom...hehe !"

Morgana didn't have any angry expression at this moment, but her voice became extremely indifferent and full of chills: "Are you denying my degenerate liberalism?"

"That's right!"

Rui Mengmeng was also dizzy with anger, she was at a loss for words, and said directly: "You talk about corruption and freedom, but what I saw on this Devil No. [-] is all about the supremacy of kingship. All the devils You don’t have your own thinking, you don’t have your own choices, and everything depends on you, and you speak from your own conscience, is this freedom?”

In this regard, Morgana just sneered disdainfully: "I gave the demons the right to choose freely, and they chose to follow me to fight against the justice order. Demons. Don't confuse me with Keisha, I don't like power over demons and they didn't let me down. I'm king and do my will, that's what demons choose. This is the fall Liberalism works for it, not against it."

"No, no, this is not a free choice, but bewitched by beauty. Morgana, don't you have a point in your heart? All the demons are fascinated by Queen Morgana's beauty, They follow the queen not for their degenerate beliefs, not for practicing degenerate liberalism, but for being able to have a kiss with the queen! Three thousand demons have the same erotic dream every night, that is, to have sex with their queen in the dream Dating!"

Rui Mengmeng described it emphatically. She observed Morgana's reaction while she was talking, and watched Morgana's face turn from indifference to anger, with a little bit of unwillingness, and finally became angry from embarrassment.

Jokes, talking about hating people, talking about fluff, I, Lu Renjia, have never been afraid of anyone!
Morgana actually has a number in her heart. Of course, she knows how much the demons love her, and she knows that she is extremely attractive, but if this matter is brought to the fore, where will her depraved liberalism go?
Is the purpose of degenerate liberalism to let the queen seduce her subordinates and unite the demons?

She had to admit that Rui Mengmeng's criticism of herself was very tricky and accurate, and it just hit a sore spot where she was powerless to refute.

But Rui Mengmeng also has a blind spot that she doesn't understand, and that is... the bond between the Demon King and his soldiers.

"You're wrong, Rui Mengmeng."

With five fingers, Morgana opened a light blue worm door behind Rui Mengmeng.

 1. In the debate between the protagonist and Morgana, which side do you stand on?

  2. Morgana opened a wormhole, what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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