Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 228 234 What exactly is degenerate liberalism?

Chapter 228 234 What exactly is degenerate liberalism?
Morgana's height was only 165 centimeters, half a head shorter than Rui Mengmeng, but at this moment, Rui Mengmeng suddenly felt that the figure of the Demon King had become taller, taller than anyone she had ever seen before.

"The bond between me and the demons is a friendship that has been established during the ten-thousand-year journey after four wars between angels and demons. Even Riven back then was not qualified to criticize such a relationship that spanned ten thousand years. Fetters and glory, but you are just a 20-year-old girl with short-sightedness."

As soon as the words fell, Morgana turned her palm into a fist and punched the air in front of Rui Mengmeng.

Although Morgana's fist was still two feet away from her, Rui Mengmeng bent over as if she had been hit hard, and instantly fell into the worm door behind her.

Through the teleportation through the worm gate, Rui Mengmeng knocked her head against the metal wall of the cell, causing her brain to hurt.

Then the worm door shuts the fuck off!

Morgana locked her up again!
Look at the number of this small cell - 2333!It's where Atuo locked her up in the first place!

In the laboratory of the demon Artest, the scientist Artest, who was belatedly aware, finally realized from the data stream fed back from the worm bridge that...the Queen locked up that little girl named Rui Mengmeng again?
The two of them broke up?Didn't the first two days go well, and we spent a wonderful night together?

His good brother Atuo has been devastated all day by this, but now the two of them are breaking up?

A woman's heart, a needle in the sea!

He hesitated, should he say something?
But before he could think of words, Morgana had already sent a broadcast on Devil One angrily: "Shut her up in a small black room for a week first, don't give her any supplies, and no one is allowed to talk to her!"

Demon Artest quickly swallowed back what he wanted to say.

In the small cell, Rui Mengmeng took a deep breath to adjust her emotions, then sat down in the corner again, and began to meditate.

There is no such high-quality and considerate service here as the Head of State Suite, so there is no need to think about the Dragon Well before the rain, let's go through a week without eating or drinking.

After calming down, Rui Mengmeng began to think again.

What exactly is Morgana's degenerate liberalism?
Even in the original work of Super Seminary, this thing is unclear. From the few words of Morgana's arrival in Huangcun, one can roughly guess that degenerate freedom means doing what you love, as long as you obey the orders of the king of demons alone.But judging from the behavior of the Demon Legion, they are well-disciplined and brave in battle, but they are not "free" or "degenerate" enough. They are united with the Queen because of Morgana's unparalleled charm, not because they agree with Morgana concept of freedom.

The universe is full of darkness and unfathomable. Only Queen Morgana is the hope of all the demons.

Whether it is the belief in pursuit or the freedom of depravity, it is not as important as Queen Morgana's happiness and happiness.Because she is the Morgana of this universe, without her, the world and the universe are dark, and even the gleaming golden and silver angel armor cannot illuminate the fear of the universe in the devil's heart.

Therefore, when the angels come shouting to kill the generals for justice, the demons will always have only one slogan, for the queen.

The more Rui Mengmeng thinks about it, the more she can't figure it out. Can Morgana's depraved liberalism really solve the crisis of the void?

And the demon army, is it the fruit of degenerate liberalism, or is it a crooked neck tree grown by degenerate liberalism?
In the end, she still felt that she was right.

Degenerate liberalism is just an empty slogan. Even in the demon army with Morgana at its core, this idea has not been truly implemented, because complete degenerate freedom means no organization, no discipline, and people who believe in this idea The group can only go to the end of self-destruction.

Compared with the righteous order of the holy Kaisa, Morgana's depraved freedom is child's play.

This is the conclusion of Rui Mengmeng's thinking.

She put her hand on the top of her pocket again, fumbling for the rune inside through the fabric, hesitating whether to use it or not.

And in the bedroom of the Demon King, Morgana sat alone at the table, thinking for a long time.

The name Morgana literally means the incomparable queen. This is the honorific title given to her by the demons in those years when she first arrived in Kunza.

The demons of Kunsa originally believed in the law of the forest where the weak prey on the strong, but because of her arrival, the civil strife was eliminated and they finally united together.

At the beginning, in order to sing against Kesha's justice and order, Morgana played the banner of degenerate freedom, but now that so many years have passed, she should no longer be satisfied with fighting Kesha.

What exactly is her fallen freedom?
Are the demons really for themselves, not for ideas, as Rui Mengmeng said?
She clamored for freedom all day long, so did she give the group of demons under her command the right to choose?
Even though he refuted Rui Mengmeng disdainfully, why would she be so irritated by a little girl that she is the majestic king of demons?
Is she scared?
Or...was I wrong?
Morgana raised her head and looked out of the window. At some point, the sky was completely dark, and the vast universe was full of darkness, with only faint starlight.

Three days later, the demon king held another meeting.

She enthusiastically called all the powerful demons into the hall, seemingly completely forgetting that there were still people drawing circles in the corner and cursing her.

"For a fallen faith."

Just like last time, Morgana opened the door again and set the tone for today's meeting.

The demons who participated in the meeting were basically the same as last time. The difference was that Dabron was still wearing a blindfold on one eye. Last time he was seriously injured and has not recovered yet.

"Last time in Yunshan, I saw Angel Chase." Morgana said, "I let her go on purpose, so she will definitely return to Angel City and bring Keisha here."

Underneath Atuo said: "The devil is willing to fight for the queen, and he will die!"

"Okay, okay, I don't want you to die ten thousand times." Morgana waved her hand, "I don't want to die once, and I won't let you die this time."

A Tuo was overjoyed, but it was a pity that he was facial paralyzed and expressionless.

"However, at present, with our technological level, there is no way to kill Keisha. We can only choose to use full-power nuclear fusion to blow her into foam."

Morgana said an unacceptable fact that Keisha is now unkillable.

Artest pointed out: "Kaisha has been upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body. Every atom in the body is positioned with each other. Even if it is blown to pieces with full-power nuclear fusion, she will return to its original state in at most 3000 years."

Morgana nodded: "3000 years is enough! Now our top priority is to take down Sunshine as soon as possible. Only by controlling her can we launch a counterattack against Keisha."

"But the Sun's Light is on the Great Gorge, and the defenses are tight. If the queen doesn't personally take action, it may be impossible to attack."

"Who the hell is going to storm the Great Gorge." Morgana patted the armrest of the throne, and said angrily, "Go and call Black Wind, we have to start from the inside."

Hearing Morgana's prompt, Artest was thoughtful, as if he had guessed something.

 1. Thank you for the bounty of prosperity, lovesickness, delicate story, shackles, FHY, not cheap, hugs, Qianyueliuge!

  2. After finding Black Wind, a new plot is about to start, and the dispute between the protagonist and Morgana has come to an end.

  3. The entire chapters related to dreams are welfare chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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