Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 235 Chapter 242 Keisha's Battle

Chapter 235 Chapter 242 Keisha's Battle

In Morgana's vision, the dream world suddenly began to collapse and collapse. She woke up in an instant and opened her eyes on the luxurious big bed in the bedroom.

Heifeng's voice rang in my ears: "Report to the queen, this subordinate has made decisions without authorization and interrupted the link of the dream."

Morgana couldn't help but hate Rui Mengmeng for the rest of her life.

She can't wait, the devil king of Tangtang fell into the hands of a little girl, and he almost lost his life at the end of the day!
But Morgana quickly remembered, as an observer outside the dream, did Hei Feng see all the things that happened between her and Rui Mengmeng just now?

Her voice suddenly turned cold: "Heifeng, you have to remember that you didn't see anything or hear anything just now."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Heifeng's voice was still very respectful, but no one knew what was going on in his wretched heart.

Rui Mengmeng, who woke up in cell 2333, smacked her lips at this moment, and said, "Why is Hei Feng so cowardly? I haven't really tried it yet. He cut off the dream. How can I attack the devil?" s King?"

Rui Mengmeng closed her eyes, and made a false grip with her right hand, carefully savoring that evil and wonderful touch.

After thinking about it for a while, Rui Mengmeng sighed heavily again: "Can you pass over the ability to create dreams... I don't want to live broadcast how to flirt with a werewolf who picks feet."

Just as she expected, Hei Feng watched Rui Mengmeng and Morgana's live broadcast the whole time, seeing all the scenes of the two women attacking each other and aggressing each other.

In the laboratory where Heifeng is, he hastily imported the precious images recorded by the dream maker into his dark plane—such a good thing, he must watch it a thousand times or ten thousand times when he turns back. It's a pity that the queen's order can only be enjoyed exclusively.

After all, it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together.

At the same time, Angel Chase, who left the earth, finally rushed back to the Angel Nebula after a long flight.

She first came to a certain floating island in the sky to meet her immediate boss, Angel Yan.

"Achai?" Angel Yan was wearing a long white dress, sitting by the window in a daze.

Seeing the angel chasing her back, she quickly got off the sofa.

"Is there something wrong with the earth?"

"I saw Morgana!"

Angel Yan immediately became alert: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Angel chased and nodded: "There is absolutely nothing wrong, I was slapped into a mountain by her."

Angel Yan paced back and forth in the room twice, and quickly figured out the joints, raised his hand and patted Angel Chay's shoulder: "Indeed, the dark signal may be intercepted or tampered with by Morgana, although it will take you to report the message in person It takes longer, but it is also the did a good job."

"Should we report to Holy Kesha immediately?"

"Don't be too anxious, you should rest for a long time. Since Morgana didn't take action to intercept you, she must have appeared on purpose to lure us to go. She will wait obediently on the earth and accept justice. I will send this news first To Queen Keisha, you will accompany me into the palace later."

Angel Yan is very proud, confident that as long as there is the holy Kaisha, Morgana will not be able to make any waves, and the same is true for Angel Chase.

A few hours later, Angel Yan led Angel Chase, in full military uniform, to the palace of the Holy Kaisha.

Entering the gate of the palace, Angel Yan twisted his waist and walked into the main hall, while looking up at an angel flying over in the air.

That is the new right-wing guard, Angel Zhixin.

Zhi Xin lightly landed on Angel Yan's side, her movements were crisp and neat, but she was half a body behind than Angel Yan, while Angel Zhui took the initiative to slow down her pace, and was one body behind Zhi Xin.

Yan raised the corner of his mouth: "Hey, are you back from work?"

"Sister Yan." Zhi Xin greeted obediently.

"How's Frazier?"

The place where Angel Zhixin performed her mission was on the distant planet Frazer. She stayed in the southern part of Frazer for ten years, secretly protecting Kaisa's heir, Anne Cid.

"I saw Ani Cid complete the unification of the southern kingdoms."

Angel Yan thought that Morgana had appeared on the earth, and the demon army must have been revived, so he asked, "Have you noticed any traces of the demon?"

Zhi Xin shook her head: "I didn't find any signs, why, there is news of demons from Sister Yan?"

"That's right." Angel Yan's eyes moved slightly, "War is coming."

This time, Kaisha not only summoned Angel Yan and Angel Zhixin, but also more than a dozen guard-level angels such as Angel Chase and Angel Leng.

Keisha stood high on the throne, and said indifferently: "Carl from the Styx galaxy sent a message saying that Morgana is on Earth."

Then she looked down at Angel Yan and Angel Chase: "Angel Chase also witnessed Morgana's appearance on Earth. Chase, please introduce the situation at that time."


Angel Chasing General Morgana sent a demon elite team to snatch the nuclear bomb that day, until she finally showed up in person to capture Rui Mengmeng and recounted it in detail.

When Morgana slapped and chased the angel into the mountain, the expressions of the angels became serious and angry, and they wished to fly over to kill Morgana immediately.

Only Zhi Xin, who likes to learn, showed doubts: "Since Morgana has gone to Earth and revived her subordinates there, why haven't we tracked down the relevant data at all?"

The angel next to him said calmly: "Morgana may have colluded with Karl's deadly metamorphosis. If Karl helps her upgrade to the fourth-generation divine body, then our angel will lose the ability to capture her movements."

Kesha on the throne nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, so we have to go to the Academy of Dead Songs first to see Karl's reality...Death and evil always have the same stink."

Every word of Holy Kesha is authoritative. Although her words are understated, they are tantamount to giving orders to go out.

Angel Yan asked in surprise: "Queen Keisha, forgive me for worrying too much, are we all going?"

"Don't worry too much." Kesha on the throne waved her hand, "The Nebula War broke out last time because Taixing mobilized the crowd when killing Morgana."

The angel next to him said coldly and arrogantly: "Yan, where do you think the so-called us will be in danger?"

"In the known universe, more than a dozen guardian angels are already invincible." Angel Yan no longer insisted, not to mention that she was more proud than Angel Leng.

"lets go."

With the order of the Holy Caesar, a hole was opened above the hall, and the entire huge throne was lifted directly above the hall.

Led by Angel Yan and Angel Zhi Xin, more than a dozen guardian angels went to heaven one after another.

Angel Yan put away the worries in his heart, and stood side by side with Zhi Xin on both sides of Kesha.

However, thinking of the child named Rui Mengmeng whom I saw last year, who was actually taken away by Morgana, Angel Yan felt a little regretful in his heart.

 1. Kaisha is in a meeting here, which is slightly different from the original work of Xiongbinglian. Fine-tuning has been made while respecting the original work as much as possible.

  2. The black wind is always a hidden danger, and the direction will be resolved in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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