Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

236 Chapter 243 I have to practice tomorrow

236 Chapter 243 I have to practice tomorrow

It has been almost a month since Rui Mengmeng was taken away, and the life of Xiongbing Company has gradually returned to calm.

The appearance of Morgana and the Devil Squad made Ducao and Lianfeng realize the shortcomings of the Xiongbing Company, so they revised the training plan, and the super soldiers had more arduous training subjects every day.

When people are busy, it is easy to forget the painful past, and of course the same is true for the Xiongbing Company.

It's just that at night, young people are always prone to loneliness.

In the men's dormitory of the members of the first phase, Ge Xiaolun put down his pen, closed his diary, leaned back on his chair, and took out Qiangwei's photo again.

In the photo, Qiangwei is lively and playful, very cute, but now Qiangwei is cold, which makes him feel strange.

Ge Xiaolun looked and looked, and always felt that there was a fire burning in his heart, and this fire burned his heart, as if he was suffering.

— After all, he is a young man in his early 20s.

He thought about the future, about girls, and about the clouds in the sky.

Looking at Xin Zhao who was busy in front of him, Ge Xiaolun sighed heavily: "This war will come at some point, and this life will be lost at some point."

Xin Zhao turned his head and smiled knowingly: "It's time to catch girls."

Ge Xiaolun thoughtfully, smiled without saying a word.

Xin Zhao asked again: "Xiao Lun, haven't you confessed to Sister Qiangwei yet?"

Ge Xiaolun's smile became a little awkward: "Not yet...not yet."

Cheng Yaowen also leaned over to mock her at this time: "Look at her potential, if you like her, just go, don't be old LOL."

"I don't have LOL." Ge Xiaolun felt a little hot on his face.

Seeing the indecisive look of good friends, Cheng Yaowen also had the idea of ​​promoting Ge Xiaolun's good deeds, and deliberately said: "How about this... I will count to 3, if you don't act, then I will confess to her .”

"Nimma, Yaowen, you're making trouble, right?" Ge Xiaolun immediately became unhappy, "Remember, you remember, if I succeed in confessing my love, I won't have dinner with you two gays."

Cheng Yaowen pretended to be disdainful: "Get out, who likes to have dinner with you."

Xin Zhao followed suit: "Cut, that's right."

Ge Xiaolun stood up: "Okay, you guys wait, wait for my good news."

As soon as he walked out of the dormitory, Cheng Yaowen and Xin Zhao met each other and smiled knowingly. Xin Zhao even asked, "Xiao Lun likes roses, Yaowen, who do you like?"

"I like...uh...hehe..."

Cheng Yaowen shook his head with a wry smile.

This made Xin Zhao even more curious: "Who is it?"

As a result, no matter how much Xin Zhao gossiped, Cheng Yaowen remained silent.

In the corner, Liu Chuang was lying on the bed, watching "Bright Sword" again.

Here, when Ge Xiaolun came to the door of the girls' dormitory B205, his footsteps stopped and his heart beat faster.

He raised his hand to the door, but hesitated.

Do you really want to confess now?

What if I get rejected?
However, if he went back directly like this, the bad friends Zhao Xin and Cheng Yaowen would definitely laugh at him.

That's not okay, I can't bear it.

After taking a deep breath, Ge Xiaolun mustered up his courage and knocked on the door with a "dongdong".

In the room, Reina was lying on the bed shopping for treasures, Du Qiangwei put a Walkman on the bed with earphones plugged into her ears, and Qilin was sitting at the table and applying a mask.

So no one answered Ge Xiaolun's first knock on the door.

Then he knocked twice, and seeing that Leina and Qiangwei didn't intend to get out of bed, Qilin sighed and came over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Ge Xiaolun saw a pale face and took a step back in fright. When he saw the man's black ponytail, he realized that it was Qilin.

"Xiao Lun? Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, hello... I'm looking for Qiangwei."

Qilin turned her head to look at Leina and Qiangwei, then opened the door, let Ge Xiaolun in, and went back to the desk by herself.

Ge Xiaolun stood at the door, not daring to enter. He faced Qiangwei and rubbed his hands, as if he wanted to say something.

Qiangwei opened her eyes and took off her earphones: "Is there something wrong?"

"Ah... I, I, I... I like you." Ge Xiaolun finally said it.

Unexpectedly, Qiangwei just let out a soft "oh".

Ge Xiaolun thought to himself what does "oh" mean?

"It's fine when you're fighting."

"Then... I... what if it's another time?"

Qiangwei sighed softly.

Ge Xiaolun didn't know whether his confession was a success or a failure, and he was unwilling to leave like this, so he stood at the door of the dormitory without saying a word.

Qiangwei put on the earphones again, closed her eyes and said, "Okay, let's go back. Rest early, I have to practice tomorrow morning."

Ge Xiaolun returned to the dormitory in a daze.

Seeing him like that, Cheng Yaowen knew he was useless, but Xin Zhao still asked persistently, "Hey, you're back, how should I say it?"

Ge Xiaolun moved a chair and sat down, hesitantly said: "She said... that's fine, go to bed early, you have to practice tomorrow morning."

Xin Zhao immediately "cut".

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Do you care about me?"

At this time, Xin Zhao looked at Ge Xiaolun with caring eyes: "You are showing off your head, this is obviously useless."

Ge Xiaolun still refused to give up: "No... I still have to practice tomorrow morning, I still have to practice this with me."

"I will practice too, brother."

Cheng Yaowen next to him couldn't stand it any longer, so he came over and patted Ge Xiaolun's shoulder: "I will too... Wake up, Xiaolun, she rejected you."

Ge Xiaolun covered his face in frustration.

If you lose love as soon as you confess your love, you might as well not have confessed if you knew it earlier.

Xin Zhao didn't seem to be sad because of the sadness of his good friend, but opened the door with a happy face, and said excitedly: "This time it's me, I'm going to confess."

Ge Xiaolun raised his head reflexively, and asked vigilantly: "Hey, who are you going to confess to? Don't make a mistake. Who are you looking for?"

"I'll tell you when it's done."

 1. This plot refers to the sixth episode of the second season of the original Super Seminary.However, due to the large gap between the new version of Xiongbinglian and the original version, the face patch has been fine-tuned while retaining the main plot. I hope you will enjoy reading

  2. In the original version, Qiangwei was playing mobile games (the original version of the Super Seminary mobile game, very spicy), here it is changed to listening to songs.Filling the face is actually Suofan

  3. In the original version, Qilin used to touch up makeup, which is unreasonable. There is no way to touch up makeup at night. Here, it is changed to make a mask.

  4. Originally, Rui Mengmeng participated in this plot, and Rui Mengmeng opened the door, but now Rui Mengmeng has been arrested, alas

  5. Qiangwei's proposition is very good. Everyone said, how should Ge Xiaolun answer?

(End of this chapter)

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