Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 237 244 Love Makes People Strong

Chapter 237 244 Love Makes People Strong
Xin Zhao knocked on the door of B205 three times before someone answered.

The person who opened the door was the goddess Lena, Qiangwei was still listening to music, and Qilin was washing her face in the bathroom.

After seeing the goddess, Xin Zhao immediately knelt down on one knee, opened his arms and made a welcoming gesture: "Goddess!"

Reina quickly took a step back: "What happened tonight."

Xin Zhao said again: "Goddess, please ravage me for the rest of my life!"

"How are you going to ravage it?"

Xin Zhao closed his eyes, with an intoxicated expression twisting on his face: "In a world with only two people, do whatever you want to do to me."

Leina nodded: "Okay, let Yaowen chat with me privately."

The intoxicated expression on Xin Zhao's face suddenly froze.


He came excitedly, and then he walked away limply.

Lei Na closed the door casually, and Du Qiangwei couldn't help complaining: "I think these gay guys are just making fun of us."

In the bathroom, Qilin just came out after washing her face: "Why, someone came to confess again?"

Although Xin Zhao was sluggish, but after all, he was called Lightning, so he returned to the dormitory very quickly.

"Lord Xin, why did you come back so soon?"

Sitting by the bed, Xin Zhao sighed heavily: "I found out that women fucking like to toss men, saying that they want Yaowen to chat with her privately."

"Who did you confess to? How did you say it?"

Facing Ge Xiaolun's question, Zhao Xin was not happy to say that Cheng Yaowen knew it well, but he didn't want to interfere, only Liu Chuang complained: "Who else can this kid be? This kid must be looking for Sister Na."

Ge Xiaolun suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Sister Na... Sister Na told you that you want Yaowen to chat with her in private?...Eh!"

He looked at Cheng Yaowen, unexpectedly Cheng Yaowen only said: "I don't like Leina."

"If you don't like Sister Na, who do you like?"

"He likes sexy female police officers." Liu Chuang broke Cheng Yaowen's knot in one word, and then smiled unceremoniously, "But sexy female police officers are dating cute girls, women and women, tsk tsk tsk, it's good to be young. "

After being reminded by Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun finally came to his senses: "That's true. Ever since Mengmeng was arrested, Qilin seems to have trained very hard."

"Love makes a person strong." Xin Zhao said to the sky speechlessly, "A good girl is given over to by a man and woman, life is ah."

Ge Xiaolun stared at Liu Chuang with interest and asked, "Yaowen likes Qilin, so who do you like Chuangzi?"

Liu Chuang chuckled, picked up the tablet to watch TV dramas, and ignored him.

"Hey..." Ge Xiaolun suddenly regained his spirits, "There is adultery!"

Liu Chuang began to complain about Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin: "The cute girl has been arrested for a month, and there is no news at all. You guys are screwed. You don't want to train and rescue your comrades, so you just leave here every day."

Having said that, it really made Ge Xiaolun a little embarrassed.

But Cheng Yaowen chuckled: "Of course he likes Ruimengmeng, but...Ruimengmeng likes women."

"Damn it, the amount of information is a bit big." Ge Xiaolun looked shocked, "This means that Liu Chuang's sweetheart has taken Yaowen's sweetheart, and Rui Mengmeng's doing this is not proper. Ah, beautiful women are such a scarce resource, they actually produce and sell them on their own.”

At the same time, Xin Zhao looked at Cheng Yaowen and Liu Chuang with horror on his face: "Rui Mengmeng and Qilin are together, so you two...couldn't's nothing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a tablet flew over and slapped Xin Zhao's face.

"You won't be able to use the tile for three days." Liu Chuang jumped off the bed, caught the tablet, and pressed it against Xin Zhao's neck, "I'm telling you, if you're so nonsense, I'll use your tablet." Gun, poke your asshole!"

"There is something to discuss, I won't talk about it, I won't talk about it."

Xin Zhao was originally considered a frivolous young man, the kind who is not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, and can be sunny with some sunshine, but this time he knows that he is wrong, and Liu Chuang is indeed much stronger than him, so he simply admits it and forgets it.

This is the end of the confession incident between the first-stage members of the Xiongbing Company, but at this time, there are still chaotic "pop" and "pop" sounds from a certain training ground in the cabin.

Zhao holds the sword with both hands, which is the mud-bombing samurai sword style, while Li Feifei holds the sword with one hand, and uses the western rapier technique.

"Feifei, I'm tired, take a rest."

When the duel between the two lasted for another hour, Li Feifei finally let go of Zhao, walked to the deck with heavy steps, and sat in a corner to enjoy the cold wind.

Only when she was alone, did she dare to let go of her head and let that person's face fill her vision again.

Raven, we haven't seen each other for a whole month, you're on the devil's side, are you okay?
Ruiwen, should I call you Xiaowenzi, or Xiaomengmeng, or... "Sister Mengmeng"?

Raven, you are really too much, you lied to me from the very beginning, after seeing you, you must be beaten up, and then... Then you will be fined to cook me breakfast for a month... You will be fined Yue's breasts become what they used to be and accompany me every day...

The longing for her lover overflows her heart, and every night when she is alone, Li Feifei misses her even more.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound of light footsteps behind her. Li Feifei turned her head to look, and quickly stood up to salute: "Mr. Lianfeng, good evening."

Lianfeng brushed her hair, which was blown by the sea breeze, behind her ears, and said, "Don't be so formal, it's private time now."

She directly sat down where Li Feifei was sitting just now, reached out and patted the deck: "Don't be nervous, let's chat."

Li Feifei felt a little uneasy, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Lianfeng Gourd.

"You have made rapid progress recently, and the training has been very hard." Lianfeng smiled, "But you must also pay attention to rest. There is an old Chinese saying that goes too far."

"Yes, I will pay attention."

Li Feifei is obsequious.

"Looking at your preoccupied appearance recently, do you have any worries or problems? If you want to talk to someone, you can call me at any time."

"It's nothing, chief, I'll go back and rest first."

Li Feifei stood up and left, she rejected Lianfeng.

Lianfeng's thoughtfulness, Lianfeng's gentleness made Li Feifei feel very warm in her heart, but this is the only matter... not that Lianfeng can solve.

Li Feifei also learned from Qilin that the two leaders from the Huaxia military to the Black Great Wall Project—Dukao and Lianfeng—did not agree with Leina's plan to rescue Rui Mengmeng.

She understands that the Xiongbing Company has various difficulties and challenges in various aspects, and understands that their strength is far from insufficient.

But understanding is understanding, and there will still be emotions that should be there. Li Feifei will not forgive the Huaxia military's cold treatment of Rui Mengmeng, just as she will not forgive Rui Mengmeng for deceiving her.

So... She must find him back and let that nasty guy apologize to herself in person!
 1. The protagonist is green?Does not exist!Look at Qilin, look at Li Feifei, what a girl!On the contrary, Qilin and Li Feifei are a bit dangerous, and Morgana may cuckold them

  2. Lena said she wanted Yaowen to have a private chat, which is based on the setting of the original work.At the same time, although in this work, Lena and Rui Mengmeng are a little ambiguous, but this is the same sex; if you consider it from the perspective of the opposite sex, Cheng Yaowen is generous (the new version setting), has the style of a king, and Lena still considers it first choice.But...Leina and Cheng Yaowen are impossible!
  3. Compared with the original version, Liu Chuang's interaction in Ge Xiaolun's dormitory has been added.

(End of this chapter)

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