Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 240 Chapter 248 Adds 1 special exciting plot for the Goddess of Dawn Rena

Chapter 240 Chapter 248 Adding a special wonderful plot for the goddess of dawn Lena
The next morning, when Queen Morgana came out of the bedroom, although she was still wearing the tight leather jacket of the Demon King, the heavy makeup on her face was gone, and her hairstyle was slightly adjusted.

The queen only applied a little lip gloss, and no makeup was applied to the rest of the place, almost without makeup.

The demons remembered the appearance of the angel Liang Bing when he first arrived in the Demon Nebula.

It was so beautiful.

Rui Mengmeng also started a new life on Devil One.

Since Morgana helped her remove the DSS collar, Rui Mengmeng was able to display her strength as a second-generation super soldier. There were a lot less restrictions on her actions, and she could do many things that she couldn't do before.

On Demon One, she likes to go to three places the most, one is Morgana's bedroom, the other is the training barracks temporarily represented by Thornton, and the third is Demon Artest's technology research and development laboratory.

After defeating Thornton with the speed of light QA again, the demons in the entire barracks were submissive to Rui Mengmeng, because in the eyes of the demon fighters, Rui Mengmeng already possessed a fighting power close to that of General Atuo.

The four demon elites who had been killed on the Yunshan battlefield had also been revived by Morgana.It's just that after their resurrection, their strength has shrunk a lot. Currently, they are only at the level of a man of steel. Rui Mengmeng can pia fly the four of them with only one hand.

In the demon Artest's science and technology laboratory, Rui Mengmeng asks Artest how to construct a worm bridge, and carefully compares the nuances of wormhole transportation and the ether gate.

She ran to Artest's science and technology laboratory for three days in a row, and after almost searching the entire laboratory, Rui Mengmeng finally found the werewolf named Heifeng.

She always remembered that Heifeng was called by Morgana to deal with Reina.

In the original work of Super Seminary, Heifeng sneaks into the dreams of Lena and Cheng Yaowen every night, while playing the sadistic Cheng Yaowen in Lena's dream, beating and scolding Lena and sometimes physically assaulting her; Going to Cheng Yaowen's dream to play the role of the arrogant sun god Lena, stepping on Cheng Yaowen's feet in various ways and laughing.

Heifeng tried to use this method to provoke disputes between Leina and Cheng Yaowen - Lie Yang, represented by Lena, is the investor behind the Earth's Super Seminary, while Deno Galaxy, represented by Cheng Yaowen, is the traditional force of the Super Seminary.

As long as Leina and Cheng Yaowen can be at odds, it will inevitably cause discord between Lie Yang and Earth Super Seminary.

Heifeng's wishful thinking was very loud. This plan was also demonstrated by Artest and approved by Queen Morgana, but Rui Mengmeng remembered... Heifeng must have failed in the end.

Not only did he fail to provoke disputes between the two parties, but he also contributed to the love between Lei Na and Cheng Yaowen.

Thinking of this, Rui Mengmeng felt that this was really bloody.

Cheng Yaowen was abused by Lei Na every day in his dream, and Lei Na was molested by Cheng Yaowen every day in his dream... In the end, the two fell in love with each other.

Stockholm Syndrome is terrible, Rui Mengmeng doesn't want the goddess to become like this.

But what can I do to stop him?
When Rui Mengmeng broke into Heifeng's laboratory, Heifeng was invading Cheng Yaowen's dream. In the dream of Prince Dexing, Heifeng pretended to be Cheng Yaowen's father, wearing a crown and a fancy dress, trying to "wake up" He smashed it.

"Yaowen... Yaowen..."

Cheng Yaowen was lying on the bed, when he heard someone calling him repeatedly, he opened his eyes suddenly.

He saw the previous German Star Emperor, his father.

The old emperor has white beard and hair, haggard temperament, but his eyes are somewhat unfriendly, which makes Cheng Yaowen feel a little awkward.

"Father, why are you here?"

Cheng Yaowen couldn't believe his eyes, didn't the old man belch 1 years ago, was he dreaming?
"Yaowen, you actually fought side by side with your enemy... You have lost all the glory of my Guangdun family." The expression on the old emperor's face became grim, "Did you forget that our country, How did our planet get destroyed?"

Cheng Yaowen felt a pain in his heart, of course he would never forget it, and even during this period of time, when he saw Leina, he often thought of that scene of the sea of ​​flames.

But reason finally defeated fear, Cheng Yaowen struggled and said: "Father, I remember you told me to let go of hatred, live a good life, and don't be blinded by hatred."

The old emperor held Cheng Yaowen's shoulders tightly and began to growl: "Let it go? How dare you let it go! You are betraying De Xing!"

Cheng Yaowen couldn't believe that his father, who has always been magnanimous and benevolent, would become like this. He held his head and struggled: "No, you are not my father! My father will not let me take revenge, who are you! "

"I am your father! Yaowen, go, kill her! Avenge De Xing!"

The old emperor's voice was like a yellow bell, echoing repeatedly in Cheng Yaowen's ears and mind. Cheng Yaowen tried his best to endure it for a while, and finally couldn't hold back and let out a loud roar.

Cheng Yaowen opened his eyes from the bed again.

Am I dreaming?

He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, but bumped into a foreign object beside the bed, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a sharp dagger.

"This..." Cheng Yaowen couldn't help but widen his eyes. Isn't this the dagger his father gave him just now to kill Leina?

At the same time, Heifeng stopped the dream-making movement, stared at Cheng Yaowen in the dream-making instrument screen, and let out a lewd laugh.

Rui Mengmeng hugged her chest and said, "Hey, is the invasion starting now?"

Hei Feng had already noticed Rui Mengmeng's approach, and was very displeased with her rash intrusion.It's just that Rui Mengmeng is now a popular person beside the queen. Although Heifeng's qualifications are old, he doesn't want to break up with this little girl, so he nodded politely: "I have inspired the heart of the German star prince. Hate and killing intent."

"You asked him to kill the Goddess of Dawn, Leina?" Rui Mengmeng pretended not to know, and asked shamelessly, "But Cheng Yaowen is only a second-generation super soldier, how can he kill the goddess Leina? His strength is not good enough."

Heifeng chuckled: "It doesn't need him to really kill Leina, I can also let Leina kill Cheng Yaowen."

"Oh..." Rui Mengmeng suddenly realized, and stretched out her thumb to Heifeng, "Gao Ming! Did you also use a similar method to invade Leina's dream and let her avenge the half-destroyed Lieyang Star?"

Heifeng didn't expect that the little girl on this earth is quite smart. After being praised by Ruimengmeng, he was a little flustered for a while, and nodded again and again: "Yes, apart from provoking hatred for the destruction of Lieyang Star in the Deno Galaxy, we There will also be a little special ... exciting plot."

Seeing Hei Feng's appearance, Rui Mengmeng could tell he was playing with something wrong.

Rui Mengmeng immediately thought of killing Hei Feng.

Just when she was about to take out the Blade of Exile, she suddenly heard the sound of high heels stepping on the floor.

——In the entire Demon One, there was only one person wearing high heels.

Rui Mengmeng quickly dispelled the idea of ​​killing people, took advantage of the situation and folded her arms, pretending to ask angrily:

"So you are here to sow discord between my friends!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~The starting point will be added soon

  Thank you book friend 20180807143350574, I am a passer-by, One Punch Saitama, Qianyue Liuge, Lake Water Moon, if you are well, then you will get a bounty!


(End of this chapter)

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