Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 241 249 This time, it's my turn to protect you

Chapter 241 249 This time, it's my turn to protect you

Heifeng really didn't understand a woman's thinking, why did Rui Mengmeng get angry with him just now?
Morgana kicked her high heels into the laboratory, and Heifeng immediately came to welcome her. Before he could report the progress of the work, Rui Mengmeng had already filed a complaint: "This guy is playing tricks, he harassed me in my dream a while ago, it doesn't count. Now I'm going to harass Reina again!"

Morgana knew that Rui Mengmeng couldn't ask for anything from Leina, so she smiled and said, "Why, are you worried about your goddess?"

Rui Mengmeng's small thoughts were seen through by Morgana, she turned her head and snorted, but did not answer.

"Is there... is there any hidden secret?"

Heifeng glanced at Ruimengmeng, then paid close attention to Morgana, waiting for the queen's instructions.

Morgana just reached out and pinched Rui Mengmeng's slightly baby-fat face, and said dotingly: "Okay, I'll let him pay attention, so don't worry too much."

Rui Mengmeng immediately stretched out her little finger: "Let's pull the hook."

In the previous dream, Rui Mengmeng learned that when she was a child, Riwen often made promises with Liangbing by pulling hooks.

Morgana's eyes moved slightly, and she stretched out her little finger reluctantly to hook Ruimengmeng's little finger together.

"You've grown so big, you still pull the hook, childish!"

"In front of you, even if I live ten thousand years longer, I'm naive." Rui Mengmeng is not afraid of boiling water, but she is very bachelor. Okay, don't abuse Reina."

"Okay, okay, you go play first, I have something to discuss with Heifeng."

Morgana waved her hand, signaling Rui Mengmeng to leave.

Rui Mengmeng left very simply, because she had no intention of staying here at all.

Although Morgana didn't tell her the purpose of letting the black wind drive Leina and Cheng Yaowen apart, Rui Mengmeng knew that if Morgana wanted to blow up Kaisha, it would be inevitable for Leina.

She might ask Heifeng to pay attention not to play too much taste in the dream, but it's hard to say whether Heifeng will listen or not.

Therefore, the reason why Rui Mengmeng is coquettish and flirtatious towards Morgana is not because she expects Morgana to really restrain Hei Feng's behavior, but mainly because she wants Morgana not to be suspicious—if When I saw Hei Feng separating Lei Na and Cheng Yaowen, I acted too indifferently, which was not normal.

After rushing to the head of state suite where she lived, Rui Mengmeng began to think about how to protect Leina from the black wind's dream.

It is unrealistic to count on Morgana's charity, you still have to rely on yourself!

Before, when the black wind invaded Ruimengmeng's dream, she relied on the Bingxin Talisman given by Lena to keep her mind clear, but now she doesn't know how to separate the Bingxin Talisman from her body, and even if it does, it may not be It can be delivered to Reina.

I don't know if Lena still has such a Bing Xin Talisman?
Rui Mengmeng remembered that in the original work of Super God, Leina was trained by the black wind in various ways in her dream, so she speculated that she should not have similar defensive magic weapons.

Then the question arises, Rui Mengmeng... what should I do?
Is it really necessary to use that thing?

Rui Mengmeng looked at the balance of her ether currency account, no more, no less, just enough.

——Don't worry, Sister Na, this time, it's my turn to protect you!
That night, Lena, the captain of the Xiongbing Company, had another dream.

Leina meets Cheng Yaowen in the girls' dormitory.

This made Leina feel very surprised, because in the dream last night, Cheng Yaowen also came to her dormitory—Cheng Yaowen didn't know what medicine he had taken, but unexpectedly broke in and wanted to kill her with a knife.

Of course, Lei Na would not sit still, so she blasted Cheng Yaowen's chin with a rising dragon fist, sending Cheng Yaowen flying high, and then Lei Na used a whirlwind kick, and Cheng Yaowen immediately spiraled into the sky.

Leina didn't know that she was dreaming now, but thought that Cheng Yaowen had really come.

At this time, there was only Reina in the dormitory. She was wearing a small vest and hot pants, with her hands on her hips, and she said arrogantly: "What are you doing here again? Don't you think you didn't get beaten enough yesterday?"

He didn't want "Cheng Yaowen", but his face was gloomy, and he grinned, looking very obscene.

Lena frowned immediately when she saw it: "How did you become like this? Thanks to the fact that I had a little affection for you before, now it's all like feeding dogs."

Where did Cheng Yaowen, who was always tolerant and open-minded before, go?
"How did you ask me to become like this?"

The expression on the face of "Cheng Yaowen" began to become distorted, becoming a little ferocious, "I became like this, it is thanks to you, the sun god! You killed my compatriots and destroyed my homeland. Riding on my head all day like this, what do you think I will become?"

"Cheng Yaowen" brought up the old incident again, causing Leina to fall into a short-term guilt. Although the guilt came and went quickly, in just one second, "Cheng Yaowen" had already pushed forward and held Leina's hand. wrist.

"what are you doing!"

Leina wanted to break free, but found that "Cheng Yaowen" was surprisingly strong.

"What are you doing? Of course it's debt collection!"

"Cheng Yaowen" pinched Leina's shoulder with the other hand, and pushed her to the ground forcefully.

Reina was angry in her heart, she struggled to resist, but found that she couldn't exert any strength.

"Cheng Yaowen" is proud in his heart, although the kiss is not real in the dream, but there are more tricks in the dream, he can play tricks in different ways.

He closed his eyes beautifully, pouted and kissed Reina's face. After the kiss, he suddenly felt that Reina's face was so cold?

"Cheng Yaowen" opened his eyes suspiciously, and found that what he was kissing was the edge of a sword!
Depend on!What the hell is this?

Looking up along the spine of the sword, he saw Rui Mengmeng who was full of smiles.

Rui Mengmeng smiled harmlessly, and greeted him: "Yaowen, long time no see."

"Cheng Yaowen" quickly let go of Leina, and took two steps back: "Why are you here?"

Rui Mengmeng was holding the sword of exile, and the sword pointed directly at Cheng Yaowen's throat, pressing harder and harder.

"I belong to this dormitory, but I would like to ask you, why did you break in suddenly? Are you looking for death? For any scumbag who dares to offend the goddess Lena, I don't mind cutting off his head with a knife. .”

Cut off the head with a knife?

"Cheng Yaowen" recalled that Rui Mengmeng had broken her carefully constructed dreams several times before, and now she doesn't know if she broke into Leina's dream, was it a subconscious expectation of Lena, or Ruimeng's own initiative?
Although he is confident that Rui Mengmeng will never cut off his head in Leina's dream, but in the reality outside the dream, Rui Mengmeng will cut off his head is really too easy.

So he started to coax.

"Cheng Yaowen" thought of probing, he sneered and said: "Rui Mengmeng, don't forget your current position!"

"Damn, hurry up and get out!"

Rui Mengmeng didn't seem to understand what he was saying, so she slashed at him with a knife in her hand.

"Cheng Yaowen" didn't expect her to attack suddenly, unable to dodge in time, she was struck by the big sword immediately and dissipated in a burst of black mist.

Heifeng woke up from Reina's dream, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Magbaz, this Rui Mengmeng ruined him again!

 NTR, nonexistent.Hentai who like to watch NTR go search for my fox fairy girlfriend. . . .

  Since the book friend nicknamed the generous rewards and the accumulation has reached the rudder master, so at 20:[-] there will be an update for him, please ask for a recommendation ticket, the starting point will be enough soon~~
  In addition, let me reiterate the update time of this book. There are 2 updates every day, the first update is 0.05, and the second update is 18.00. If there is an update, it is generally placed at 20.00
(End of this chapter)

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