Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

243 Chapter 251 You can't see me

243 Chapter 251 You can't see me
Seeing that Leina couldn't wake up, Du Qiangwei silently opened a wormhole beside her, and took out a throwing knife from the arsenal.

A terrifying murderous aura began to pervade her body, which made the temperature in the whole room seem to drop a lot.

Qilin lifted the quilt, stared at Du Qiangwei with wide eyes, and whispered, "Using a flying seems inappropriate."

Du Qiangwei frowned and frowned delicately, finally sighed, hid the weapon, and lay down on the bed again.

Qilin also poked her head out to try to wake up a black silk goddess: "Leina...Leina?"

Then she sighed, wrapped the quilt around her body again, but unconsciously held a cold pistol in her hand.

The night... is still very long.

The next morning, Reina woke up.

The dormitory is still very dark, and I don't know what time it is. The lighting in the cabin is not good, and it depends on the lighting. Reina snapped her fingers to turn on the light. It's nine o'clock in the morning.

How did she sleep for so long?
Reina calmed down and took a deep breath, then covered her face with a slap.

What Rui Mengmeng said was right, they really were dreaming...

"Fortunately, it was a dream, otherwise it would be a shame."

Reina muttered something, closed the bathroom door and started to take a shower.

After Reina cleaned herself up and went to the mess hall to have a leisurely breakfast, it was almost noon when she got on the deck.

Rose was also on deck, but she happened to be going to lunch.

Seeing Leina appearing, Qiangwei looked around and found that there was no one around, so she leaned over and said, "Hey, house goddess, did you have a sexual dream last night?"

Being exposed by Qiangwei face to face, Leina said with some guilt: "What are you talking about, it's not funny at all."

"You still don't admit it? You yelled so loudly last night. Fortunately, the dormitory is soundproof, otherwise, the men on the whole boat would not be able to sleep."

"Admit it or not, don't make a fuss about it, okay?" Leina said with a straight face, "If you keep talking so outspokenly, I'm going to be angry!"

" don't dare to admit it if you dare to call it out, right?" Du Qiangwei suddenly had a smirk, "Qi Lin used to be a policeman, I think she should be more used to collecting evidence, should I call her Come here, face to face?"

"Confront the yarn, Lianfeng is looking for me, I'll go first."

Lena quickly found an excuse and fled far away.

Then that night, Qiangwei and Qilin had another sleepless night.

The next morning, Qiangwei grabbed Reina's shoulder and shook it vigorously for a long time, finally shaking Reina awake.

On the other side, Qilin took out her mobile phone, found the recording file, and pressed "Play".

Reina was so ashamed that she wrapped her head tightly in the quilt and kept saying: "You can't see me, you can't see me."

At the same time, Rui Mengmeng woke up in the suite of a head of state on Devil One.

Rui Mengmeng casually pointed to the window, and the curtains rolled open automatically, allowing sunlight to shine in through the glass wall.

Although Devil One is also a ship, but as a spaceship, the lighting of Devil One is much stronger than that of Juxia. Rui Mengmeng lives in the head of state suite, which is located next to the queen's bedroom. All conditions are quite good .Coupled with the simulation of the relationship between the morning light, the sunlight at this time is bright but not dazzling, which makes people very comfortable.

Rui Mengmeng is in the base camp of the demon army, but she always thinks about Leina. To be honest, this is very dangerous.

Reward mission a is the first reward mission released by the ether system in the super god world, and the mission content is to attack Lena.Similar to the task of attacking the demon king Morgana, this task also has failure judgment and failure penalty: if Leina and Cheng Yaowen fall in love, the task will automatically be judged as failure; failure penalty is the malice of the world.

When Rui Mengmeng exchanged for the soul chain, when she entered Leina's dream for the first time, she saw Cheng Yaowen pretending to be Heifeng lying on Leina's body and trying to kiss her.

Can this be tolerated?
In reality, with Queen Morgana at my side, I can't kill you with a knife, and still bb with you in my dream?

Therefore, Ruimengmeng didn't talk too much harshly, and directly destroyed Heifeng's trick.

 1. Thank you for the bounty of book friends Super God One Skill, Black Swan White Swan, One Punch Saitama, Nostalgia of the Stone Man, Lovesickness in Prosperity, Looking at the World Through the Window, Smile, and Ryuka Asazuki!

  2. Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~
  3. A friend asked if it was a single heroine?Yes, the heroine is Rui Mengmeng!

(End of this chapter)

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