Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 244 Chapter 252

Chapter 244 Chapter 252

Since then, Rui Mengmeng has used the ability of the soul chain every night to maintain the link with Leina.It's just that she monitors Leina's spiritual level through a one-way link. Once she finds that there is a mental fluctuation, she will have a deeper communication. Lena herself is unaware of this one-way surveillance. Thought it was a dream.

To put it bluntly, every time Hei Feng creates a dream and enters Leina's dream, Rui Mengmeng will follow suit. Moe will immediately destroy Heifeng's actions.

During this time, Rui Mengmeng discovered that Heifeng did not create dreams for Leina every day, but only once every three or five days.Maybe it's because Heifeng spent more time on Cheng Yaowen, or to revise his battle plan?

But Rui Mengmeng doesn't care about Cheng Yaowen and Heifeng, she only needs to care about the goddess Leina.

One day later, an envoy from the Styx galaxy arrived on Devil One. He was tall and thin, with a dark complexion, wearing a silver skull mask on his head, and a worn half-length cloak on his body.

Morgana summoned several important members of the demon legion, including Rui Mengmeng, and received the envoy in the main hall.

"Karl, the god of death, sits down Snow, and pays homage to the king of demons."

Wearing a golden crown, Morgana leaned arrogantly on the throne and waved her hands: "Sit down. You came by spaceship? Why didn't Karl let you go through the wormhole?"

"The king of angels, Kesha, led more than a dozen guard-level angels to Death Song Academy, and left her right-wing guards to watch over me, so I came here by spaceship. My god, Karl, thought that the king of angels could not know that his subordinates were coming. To the Demon Legion, in that case, it may have a negative impact on our subsequent plans."

Snow's status in the Styx galaxy is similar to that of Atuo in the Demon Legion, but Snow's strength is even higher than that of Atuo. He is undoubtedly a god and has a strong fighting power.

Morgana nodded, which seemed to agree with Snow's statement.

"Where is the thing I want, have you brought it?"

"It has been delivered to Artest, and it should be unloading now."

Although Snow himself has a divine body, his ability to transport wormholes is average, not even as good as Rui Mengmeng.The reason why he came by spaceship this time was not only because the Academy of Death Song was being watched by Zhixin, but also because he wanted to transport the resources Karl sent to Morgana.

In addition to the part used to upgrade the divine body, a considerable part of the resources required for the "Nuoxing Sharp Knife" god-making project is to create the "Sword of Exile", a god-killing weapon.

When Morgana asked Karl for resources, she also intentionally slandered her old classmate. Knowing that Rui Mengmeng already had Shenshenwu, she asked for an extra copy.

"Thanks to Karl for me."

"I must bring the words with me next time."

At this moment, Snow stared at Rui Mengmeng who was standing next to Morgana, only one step away.

Rui Mengmeng thinks he is ugly, but she is not afraid of him.

Snow asked, "Could this person be the candidate for the 'Nuoxing Sharp Knife' god-making project?"

Rui Mengmeng turned her head to look at Morgana, and after seeing Morgana nodding, she reported her name to Snow:

"Rui Mengmeng, a native of Earth."

Unexpectedly, Snow said: "Forgive me for my poor eyesight. I can't see that this kid has any genes related to 'Nuoxing Sharp Knife'. Can the queen explain it?"

Rui Mengmeng doesn't have any genes related to "Nuoxing Sharp Knife", that's because that part of the specialized genes collapsed long before the Tianhe Battle, she knew it well, Morgana of course knew it too.

But it was presumptuous for Snow to mention this matter in front of everyone.

The demon king snorted displeasedly: "If you want to raise doubts, go to Karl, the main god of your Styx galaxy. I don't need to explain my decision to you."

Snow also said cheekily: "Then after I return to Dead Song Academy, I will report this matter to my god. I have offended you just now. Please calm down the queen."

Morgana changed to a more comfortable position on the throne, looked down at Snow and said, "Let's talk about anything else, I'm very busy."

Rui Mengmeng rolled her eyes, thinking that Morgana was so busy on the Devil One that she was so busy that she wanted to fade out of her mouth. From time to time, she went shopping in Juxia City, Tokyo, London, and Hong Kong. Why is she so busy? ?
She knew that it was Snow who made the queen unhappy, and Morgana was giving the order to evict her.

Seeing this, Snow said with a smile: "Indeed, if it's just a resource for a god-making project, it's really not worth making a trip in person. I came here to meet the queen in person to offer the demon army a strategy against the holy Kaisa. "

Snow had always had a faint arrogance, which made Rui Mengmeng, who was standing under the queen, very unhappy.

But Morgana saw through Snow's lies at a glance, and said with a disdainful smile: "Only you? You are not qualified to discuss with me how to fight Keisha. Tell me, what did Carl ask you to come here?"

After being exposed by Morgana, Snow remained unhurried: "My god ordered me to bring some demon warriors to Death Song Academy."

Morgana frowned: "Why do you bring the devil there so well?"

"My god Karl said that we should use the power of the queen to teach angels to be human."

Morgana's brows frowned even tighter, but she didn't continue to persevere, but looked at Thornton: "Go pick two fighters for Snow."

"it is good."

Thornton took the order and left. Suddenly, Morgana added: "Remember, pick two who are more timid and less capable."

"Huh?" Thorn stared at his small eyes, although he was puzzled, he quickly nodded, "Got it."

After asking Morgana for two demon warriors, Snow had completed Karl's order and bid farewell to Morgana.

As soon as he left, Morgana went back to the bedroom and changed her clothes, and dragged Rui Mengmeng to the laboratory of the devil Artest.

At this time, Artest had already brought the resources Snow had sent over, and prepared a huge petri dish that could accommodate one person in a certain laboratory.

Morgana brought Rui Mengmeng here, and pointed to the petri dish: "It's for you."

Rui Mengmeng took a step back in fear of the hideous petri dish: "What the hell are you going to throw me in?"

Morgana nodded: "That's right, Artest will use this set of devices to strengthen your divine body and upgrade you to a third-generation super soldier."

Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but took another step back: "It feels very dark, can you change it?"

Her cowardly behavior naturally aroused the queen's dissatisfaction. Morgana slapped Rui Mengmeng directly on the head, and then grabbed Rui Mengmeng's collar and threw her in the direction of the petri dish.

Seeing that Rui Mengmeng's head was about to hit the petri dish, a wormhole suddenly appeared in front of her. Rui Mengmeng went through and was directly inside the petri dish!
Damn, wormhole transport can still play like this!

Rui Mengmeng wanted to cry a little.

Morgana clapped her hands in satisfaction: "Artest, let's get started."


As a circle of highly sci-fi-like equipment started up one after another, a large amount of pale yellow liquid began to be poured into the petri dish.

Rui Mengmeng was immediately submerged in water and was at a loss.

 1. This kid Snow is so annoying that he must tear it up in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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