Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 247 Chapter 255 Wait until you become the main god!

Chapter 247 Chapter 255 Wait until you become the main god!

Just like last time, Rui Mengmeng quietly touched Morgana's bedroom, and then quietly touched Morgana's bedside.

The queen was still in the same loose suspender nightdress, and she was lying on her side with her back to Ruimengmeng at the moment, making people unable to help but fantasize about it.

Thinking of the painful experience of being kicked out of bed by Morgana last time, Rui Mengmeng hesitated again, not daring to climb on the bed.

She was hesitating, when Morgana suddenly turned around, from her back to Rui Mengmeng to her face, Rui Mengmeng was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe.

But Morgana seemed to be sleeping soundly, smacking her lips and licking her lips, as if she was having a wonderful dream.

Rui Mengmeng felt that her nose was getting hot, which made her gasp immediately.

A strong fragrance immediately filled Rui Mengmeng's nostrils, causing her mind to go blank.

What is this smell, is it the queen's deodorant?
It smells so good, I really want to inhale it!

Just now she was still hesitating whether to continue the night attack, for fear that Morgana would kick over again, but after smelling the fragrance of Morgana's body at close range, she lost even the last sliver of reason, and immediately turned her face towards her. Morgana leaned over and sucked heavily.

Rui Mengmeng's inhaled air made Morgana a little itchy, Her Lady Queen quietly opened her eyes, and stretched her arms around 66 Rui Mengmeng's neck.

"Is it fragrant?"


Rui Mengmeng responded subconsciously, but after she answered, she suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Morgana pulled Rui Mengmeng's collar away in time, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Mengmeng, are you ready to be my king's woman?"

Rui Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "I am not your private property."

Such an answer obviously didn't satisfy Morgana, so Morgana sighed quietly: "Then I can't help it... After all, to be the king's concubine, it's not just about being good-looking."

Rui Mengmeng stared, not knowing what was going on.

During the night attack last time, didn't she say, "If you want to go to bed with me, you have to become a god first"?Did he lie to him?
"I've already become a god, so what else?"

"You have to..." Morgana firmly grasped Rui Mengmeng's collar, and quietly opened a light blue worm door behind Rui Mengmeng, "Become the main god!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she threw Rui Mengmeng towards the wormhole!

When Rui Mengmeng came to her senses, she found that she was hanging in the vast space.

The sun became a white and bright point of light in the distance, the vast and desolate moon was under the feet, and in the distance above the head, the huge Demon No. [-] spread its ferocious wings and floated quietly.

There is a light blue worm door in front of him, which is closing quickly.

Misty Grass, this shit was thrown into outer space by Morgana!
"Morgana, you bastard!"

Rui Mengmeng tried her best to curse in space, but because there was no air in space, no matter how much she shouted, she couldn't make a sound.The extremely low temperature in space made Rui Mengmeng feel very cold, but the side of her body that was irradiated by the sun quickly absorbed the heat carried by the sun, and her skin was scorched hot by the strong light.

In the absence of air, Rui Mengmeng panted several times out of her body's instinct, but after completely exhaling the air in her lungs, her breathing stopped.

It's over, it's over... I'm going to die in space... Rui Mengmeng wailed in her heart, closing her eyes and waiting to die.

However, 5 minutes later, Rui Mengmeng opened her eyes again and found that nothing had happened to her.

Listening to her strong heartbeat, she gradually calmed down.

She has become a god. In the harsh environment of space, although it is uncomfortable, she will not die!

After Rui Mengmeng came to her senses, she danced excitedly. Under the condition of weightlessness in space, she turned into a spinning top spinning in place.

After working around for a while, she remembered that she still had an assault boat made by Taotie, she immediately took it out, firmly grasped the joystick, and flew towards Devil One with maximum power.

In the academy of dead songs in the distant Styx galaxy, the angel Zhixin spread his wings and hovered over the academy of dead songs, closely monitoring the scholar who claimed to be "death".

Karl always looked busy with paperwork, he called himself a student, and behaved very well, but Angel Zhixin always had an ominous premonition, which made her dare not relax her vigilance.

Queen Keisha told her before leaving: "If we feel cheated, then... for justice, burn them!"

Zhi Xin clenched the flame sword in her hand, and she was the 500-year-old God of Fire, the youngest holy guardian in the history of Angel Nebula.

In the galaxy, the angel team with the holy Kaisha as the core is also advancing rapidly.

Angel Yan led Angel Chase and Angel Mo Yifei to the front to open the way for Queen Keisha.

Angel Yan and Zhi Xin are listed as the sacred wings of Kaisha, the king of angels, and Angel Yan's "left wing" status is even higher than that of Zhi Xin.Because in the event of a sudden emergency, the Holy Left Wing has the authority to command the entire Angel Legion, and is also one of the kings of the King of Angels Keisha's default heir.

Angel Yan has exercised the power of justice directly on behalf of the holy Kesha in the known universe for many years, and has already gained a great reputation.

Angels are such creatures, they do the most dangerous things with the best bodies.

They enjoy the feeling of being admired and loved by all peoples, and enjoy the excitement of fighting against evil.

They are all women, the most beautiful beings in the universe, but they can also be without the company of men for a long time.

——Hold the holy sword in your hand, and dance in the evil wind.

Either die in battle poignantly, or help one side.

The universe is full of legends about angels.

They flew extremely fast, and traveled a long distance to the Milky Way in just over a month, and a blue planet came into view.

"Queen Keisha is about to arrive on Earth!"

 1. Let me tell you a good news, Bulian is going to open a new dungeon, under one person·Luo Tiandajiao.

  2. Let me tell you a bad news, there is no manuscript saved, there is nothing at all, and the time for adding updates cannot be fixed

  3. Therefore, the 3-year-old Chu neodymium is not easy to soak

(End of this chapter)

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