Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 248 Chapter 256 Let's sign your name

Chapter 248 Chapter 256 Let's sign your name (qq million votes plus update)

After being thrown into space by Morgana, Rui Mengmeng plans to take it slowly.

But after staying in Devil One for a long time, she felt tired again.

Except for Morgana, there are more ugly male demons in Devil One, which makes it difficult for Rui Mengmeng to adapt.Coupled with the long separation from Leina, Qilin and the others, Rui Mengmeng wants to go back to Earth more and more, more and more wants to go back to Xiongbinglian to have a look.

She also knew that at this sensitive time, especially after the Battle of Yunshan, the devil was still an enemy to China, and she really shouldn't show up in the Xiongbing Company.

But... she can go back to Juxia City.Even if you just live in Juxia City as an ordinary person, it is much more interesting than on Devil One.

Rui Mengmeng soon found Morgana and proposed to return to Earth.

At this time, Morgana had just finished talking with Karl, the god of death, and when she heard Ruimengmeng's request, she teased, "Go back to Earth? Are you going to secretly meet your goddess and little lover?"

Rui Mengmeng quickly shook her head: "I know how to behave, it's not suitable for me to appear in front of them now."

Unexpectedly, Morgana smiled at Yan Yan: "It's okay, as long as you promise me and abduct Reina to my demon army, you can stay on Earth as long as you want, and the Queen will give you a holiday."

Hearing that Morgana said she was going to kidnap Leina, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but gave the Demon King a big roll of her eyes: "You have a good idea, no way!"

Morgana laughed twice, but quickly frowned again. Rui Mengmeng saw that she seemed to be troubled by something, and wanted to help the Queen share her worries, but she was afraid that she would not be able to sneak around if she got angry.

Morgana didn't make her wait too long: "Go ahead, I'll give you a month, and after a month, you must come back."

"Yes, Queen!"

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's back gradually going away, Morgana shook her head with a wry smile, and murmured: "Even if I stop you, you can go back, you are really good, know to ask the queen first. "

She shook the red wine glass in her hand, remembering that the holy Keisha was about to come to Earth, but she still couldn't make a perfect plan, so she couldn't help frowning.

After Rui Mengmeng got 2 demon skateboards from Artest, she went directly to the streets of Juxia City through the wormhole.

Breathing the dirty air in the downtown area and hearing the buzzing of traffic, Rui Mengmeng suddenly felt that life was better again. It seemed that even the crowds of people coming and going had become cute.

After a few months, I returned to Juxia City again, but I didn't want to have changed my position and identity.

In the past, she was still a fighting hero, but now... Ruimeng can guarantee that as long as she announces the news that she joined the demon army, she will be accused by thousands of people, even if she is scolded, she may even be nailed as a "traitor" pillar of shame.


After looking around, Ruimengmeng chanted a "projection" spell, and projected a large pair of sunglasses in her hands, put them on, and covered her eyes.

Then she untied the ponytail tied behind her head, let go of her gradually growing hair, and put on a set of Lena-style long windbreaker and boots. Sister temperament and mystery.Judging from the appearance alone, even the comrades in the Xiongbing Company may not be able to recognize her.

After completing the disguise, Rui Mengmeng headed into the subway station and rushed to Lujiazui.

Now that her identity is sensitive, it is naturally impossible for her to fly over everyone's heads in an assault boat, and Morgana has given her enough time, Rui Mengmeng simply plays the role of an ordinary person and re-experiences the social animal back then Life.

While in a daze with the slightly shaking rhythm of the subway, Rui Mengmeng accidentally discovered an interesting piece of information.The TV advertisement of Metro Line 9 actually broadcast the news of "Longhushan Luotian Dajiao".

Luo Tian Dajiao?

Rui Mengmeng immediately thought of "Under One Man" and Sister Bao'er, but this advertisement is obviously not an advertisement for cartoons, but the real "Longhushan Luotian Dajiao"!

It's just that Taoism in reality has declined, and it doesn't feel like it's worth seeing. Rui Mengmeng quickly shook her head, intending to keep her eyes closed in a daze.

But a message sent by the ether system made Rui Mengmeng open her eyes again.

"Because the host has been promoted to God, future dungeon transfers will automatically block the low-armed dungeon, and now only the low-armed dungeon 'Under One' that has been linked before can enter."

Automatically shield low-armed copies?

Only "under one person" can enter?
This... In other words, the etheric system constructed the etheric gate leading to "under one person" before Rui Mengmeng was promoted to a god.But after Rui Mengmeng becomes a god, this type of low-level martial arts world will no longer open new dungeons, nor will it build a channel leading to the low-level martial arts world.

The system girl Xingchen appeared in Rui Mengmeng's field of vision in time, and said: "Of course the host can just give up this dungeon, and I will choose some dungeon worlds with medium and high difficulty later, and the rewards will be more generous."

Rui Mengmeng immediately said: "Don't, don't... that's all, under one person... I'm quite interested."

She stared intently at the mobile TV advertisement in the subway car, and she had already started to think in her head, "Luo Tian Dajiao" under one person, is it causing trouble, or is it causing trouble?

After sitting on the subway for more than half an hour, Rui Mengmeng walked along the sidewalk to the World Financial Center.

She is going to find Xia Cheng.

Relatively speaking, Xiacheng neither belongs to China, nor is it associated with the demon army. It can be said that it is Rui Mengmeng's personal reserve power... But this time, Ruimeng plans to take Xiacheng with him.

Unexpectedly, not long after she got out of the subway station, before she touched the edge of the saber building, a man posted from behind, "Are you Rui Mengmeng?"

This man looks like a young man in his 20s, but he is full of famous brands, with oily hair and noodles, like a rich man.

Rui Mengmeng didn't expect to be recognized, so she immediately denied it: "No, you recognized the wrong person."

Unexpectedly, the rich second generation laughed and said: "You really are, I knew it was you as soon as I heard your voice!"

Rui Mengmeng simply ignored him.

The rich second generation had a thick skin, thought she was acquiescing, and said triumphantly: "Sister Mengmeng, walk slowly, come and sign your name!"

Rui Mengmeng quickened her pace, leaving the rich second generation behind.

Unexpectedly, that person was chasing after him like a dog's skin plaster: "Sister Mengmeng! Please! Sister Mengmeng smash it!"

Rui Mengmeng didn't stop walking, she was already entering the elevator of the building, just after she pressed the close button of the elevator, the rich second generation followed her panting, and stuck her foot on the elevator door.

"Excuse me, squeeze, squeeze."

The rich second generation did not overbearing, but squeezed into the elevator with a compensatory smile, his eyes squeezed back and forth.

Rui Mengmeng was speechless, where the hell is this funny?
 1. This funny second generation is a character provided by a certain book friend.

(End of this chapter)

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