Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 265 Chapter 272

Chapter 265 Chapter 272
It has been two days since I came to this world, and Rui Mengmeng also privately observed the methods of using Qimen spells and fighting methods.

If ordinary Qimen spells are equivalent to ordinary players, then Zhuge's Wuhou Qimen is equivalent to krypton gold players, and Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen is local tyrant players or fake players.

This is because ordinary qimen spells use the opponent as the central palace, and the use of spells depends on the opponent's position, but the opponent's five elements and eight trigrams attributes are also constantly changing, which makes it difficult to determine the position, especially When facing multiple opponents, the amount of calculation is too large, and it is often impossible to keep up with the situation where every second counts.

But Wuhou Qimen regards himself as the central palace, and using spells will become much faster.Zhuge Qing had previously played one-on-three in the auditions, and in the knockout match against Little Vulcan, he could easily win, which is because he had the advantage of position.But Wuhou Qimen can't change its position, Zhuge Qing still needs to move around by himself to gain the advantage.

As for Fenghou Qimen, it can be traced back to the Eight Formation Diagram made by Huangdi's general Fenghou.In "Under One Man", it is one of the Eight Miraculous Skills, which is more powerful than the Wuhou Qimen that has been shrinking for 2000 years.Fenghou Qimen can set the middle palace by himself, and the eight trigrams game can also be rotated. The king is also in the game, and can realize absolute control over everything in the Qimen game, even including space and time.

To put it bluntly, using Fenghou Qimen against an opponent of the same level is bound to be a crushing effect, and it is not impossible to leapfrog the level. some discounts.

Moreover, what Rui Mengmeng is most concerned about is that Fenghou Qimen has initially touched the realm of space and time, which is almost impossible for the low-level martial plane of "under one person".

After all, the changes in space and time have already touched the laws of physics, and even the laws of the universe, and have touched the ultimate mystery of one universe.

It's a pity that Fenghou Qimen's exploration in space and time is very limited, and I don't know if it will work after getting the super god world.

After the duel between Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye was over, the fans also came to find Rui Mengmeng and reported the result of the competition just now.

This game of the fan is Rafale Shayan.

After Rui Mengmeng raised the fan yesterday evening, today the fan also intends to use other abilities to win, so instead of using charm at the beginning, it imitated Jia Zhengliang's Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife and got two fruit knives as weapons.

His fruit knife is not flying with imperial objects, but is directly passed in and out through the ether gate to play teleportation, which has a more unexpected effect than the flying knife of chopping immortals.

Although there were only two fruit knives, Fan was able to compete with Feng Shayan in an instant.

Later, Feng Shayan decided to exchange injuries for injuries, and violently launched a fierce attack, but the fan's calculation speed could not keep up, and she was beaten black and blue by Feng Shayan.

Just when everyone thought that Feng Shayan was going to win, the situation in the field reversed.

When she was knocked down, the fan instinctively launched the charm, and Feng Shayan was still fascinated even when facing a fan with a bruised nose and a swollen face, even her father yelled to remind her useless.

The fan then won the victory in such a way that surprised others and made himself ashamed.

After hearing this, Rui Mengmeng laughed loudly: "If you win, you win. There is nothing disgraceful. According to you, all battles are fought with fists, so why use brains?"

After the two met, they went to look for Xia Cheng.

Xia Cheng didn't watch the match between Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye with Rui Mengmeng, but went to see her next opponent.

As a result, when Rui Mengmeng and Fan arrived at the arena, they found that the arena was full of people on three floors and three floors outside.

What's going on here, Feng Xingtong's match against Wang Bing, is there so much attention?

Rui Mengmeng instinctively felt a little uneasy, and quickly called Xia Cheng on the dark communication channel: "Are you there, what's going on?"

But what Rui Mengmeng heard was Xia Cheng's anxious voice: "I'm being targeted, come quickly!"

Has Xia Cheng been targeted?
what happened?

Rui Mengmeng grabbed the fan and jumped forward, then jumped directly to the sky above the arena. Looking down, she found Wang Ai and Xia Cheng, among the top ten, standing in the middle of the arena facing each other.

Isn't it Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing?
Not far behind Xia Cheng, Feng Xingtong was sitting on the ground, bleeding from his orifices, looking extremely miserable.

And behind Wang Ai, there is also a young man with a domineering expression, who is Wang Ai's great-grandson Wang Bing.

Wang Ai has already summoned 5 dark spirits, 2 of which surround him as a defense, and the remaining 3 hover around Xiacheng, ready to attack at any time.

Xia Cheng held the high-vibration particle knife tightly and focused on his guard.

Rui Mengmeng quickly guessed the situation in the arena.

In the original work, when Feng Xingtong played against Wang Bing, he first summoned Uncle Kunsheng who was snatched from Deng Youfu. It turned out that Wang Bing can also restrain spirits, and Wang Bing seems to be stronger than Feng Xingtong!
Feng Xingtong was still too kind, so he immediately invited the spirit of Wang Zizhong, a genius doctor, to stimulate his potential, took Liu Kunsheng back, and returned it to Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai brothers.

Later, he was about to admit defeat, but was stabbed in the throat by Wang He, and he was beaten violently.

If it follows the rhythm of the original work, Wang Bing should want to capture and eat the spirit of Wang Zizhong, the genius doctor in Feng Xingtong's body, but Feng Xingtong desperately resists, and finally destroys Wang Zizhong's spirit, and he is also beaten by Wang Bing. become seriously injured.

Looking at the current appearance of Feng Xingtong, although it is miserable, it is still good to see. It seems that things have not developed to the worst step.

This is probably due to Xia Cheng's intrusion, causing the original story to change.

Xia Cheng may be a bit self-interested, but on the whole he is still a person who hates evil and hates everything. She yells when she sees injustice, not for justice, but for her own comfort.

The ugly face that Wang Bing showed will definitely be hated by Xia Cheng.So it is more than likely that she could not understand Wang Bing's behavior, directly broke through the referee's blockade, and blocked Wang Bing.

But it's fine for Xia Cheng to teach Wang Bing a lesson, what's going on with Wang Ai?

In the air, Rui Mengmeng threw the fan towards Feng Xingtong, and she landed lightly between Xia Cheng and Wang Ai.

Wang Ai leaned on a crutch with one hand, paused on the ground, and shouted: "Where did you come from, how dare you disturb the field!"

Following Wang Ai's low shout, the three pitch-black spirits began to circle around Rui Mengmeng, dropping the temperature in the arena by more than ten degrees in an instant.

Many people in the audience began to hug their shoulders and tremble.

Rui Mengmeng was not affected at all, and looked directly at the referee in the corner of the arena and asked, "Can the referee explain what happened?"

Although the referee was a good player among the disciples of Longhu Mountain, he thought that he could not match Wang Ai or Rui Mengmeng, so he said loudly: "You guys confront each other first, and I will wait a little longer. There are many famous experts waiting to come. Now, let me explain the ins and outs of this matter clearly!"

Wang Ai frowned upon hearing this.

However, Rui Mengmeng has already started a conversation with Xia Cheng through dark communication.

Xia Cheng said: "After I came down, before I had time to beat Wang Bing violently, Wang Ai jumped down to help out, saying that I hindered the game and he wanted to clean up the mess for Luo Tian Dajiao."

Rui Mengmeng was taken aback when she heard that: "You mean, he wants to kill you?"

 king must die
(End of this chapter)

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