Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

266 Chapter 273 I like the name Tianxiahui

266 Chapter 273 I like the name Tianxiahui
Soon a new boss will arrive.

There is Feng Xingtong's father, Feng Zhenghao, one of the newly promoted ten men, Lu Ci, who has always been friends with Wang Ai and is also one of the ten men, and Lu Jin, who came here with the old master Zhang Zhiwei.

Seeing that the bosses were all here, the referee loudly announced the twists and turns of the game.

The result was just as Rui Mengmeng expected, but what he didn't expect was that Wang Ai began to join hands with Lu Ci to put pressure on the old master: "This yellow-haired girl named Xia Cheng broke the rules of the arena. She should be punished. Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince the public.”

"Oh, you guys are..." Zhang Zhiwei sighed helplessly, then squinted his eyes and looked at Xia Cheng, and then at Rui Mengmeng, and the final decision was made, "Xia Cheng left the field early and broke the rules of the game. Now you are sentenced to be out, do you have any objections?"

Xia Cheng snorted coldly: "This is Longhu Mountain, of course you have the final say. But I also have to remind the old master, don't be hindered by villains and miss the business."

"That's how it is." The old master turned to Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing, "As for the competition between the two of you, the winner has not been decided before, but you still want to continue?"

"There's no need to compete anymore, I admit defeat." Feng Xingtong confessed very simply, he has never been a competitive person.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!
Seeing Xia Cheng and Feng Xingtong confessing to death one after another, Wang Bing began to feel complacent.

Zhang Zhiwei finally said to Wang Ai: "Old Wang, are you satisfied now?"

"Old Heavenly Master's ruling is very fair, and I have no objection, old man."

Wang Ai paused on his crutches, and glanced at Wang behind him.

"Let's go."

After Wang Ai and Wang Bing left, Feng Zhenghao immediately came to Rui Mengmeng and Xia Cheng's side, and solemnly thanked Xia Cheng.

Rui Mengmeng asked Xia Cheng to accompany Feng Zhenghao and his son to deal with each other, and she went straight to Zhang Zhiwei, bowed her hands and saluted: "Master Zhang, can I spare you a few minutes, I have something I want to ask."

Seeing Rui Mengmeng, Zhang Zhiwei narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Now the little dolls are better than each other, all right, come with me."

However, Tian Jinzhong, who was being pushed by Zhang Zhiwei, had a look of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

When Tian Jinzhong was in his prime, his limbs were chopped off, and his martial arts were completely abolished. Since then, he has specialized in cultivating spirit and qi. He can see that there is no ordinary qi practitioner in Feng Baobao's eyes. There is not a single flaw in Mengmeng's body, but there is no trace of practicing kung fu or qi.

This little girl looks like an ordinary person, why... Her opponents in the previous rounds would choose to admit defeat directly in fear?
Could it be... the legendary, back to basics?

In a blink of an eye, Rui Mengmeng followed Zhang Zhiwei to a side room, and Tian Jinzhong was naturally there too.

"It's quiet here, and there's no one around. If there's anything you want to do, let's talk."

Rui Mengmeng directly asked: "Dare to ask, old celestial master, if I get No.1 in this Luotian great sacrifice, will you pass on the celestial master's degree to me?"

Zhang Zhiwei was amused by her frankness: "Little girl, although Longhushan has not produced a female celestial master yet, if you really won the first place and are willing to stay on the mountain, I will naturally pass it on to you." Yes. But the question is, will you stay in Longhushan?"

Such an answer did not meet Rui Mengmeng's expectations, so she asked again: "Old Heavenly Master is also one of the Ten Guys, what do you think of the other Ten Guys?"

Tian Jinzhong, who was in the wheelchair, asked, "Is it Wang Ai from the Wang family that you want to ask?",

"That's right." Rui Mengmeng nodded, "If the younger generation conflicts with them, will the old Heavenly Master intervene?"

"No way." Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, "Cultivation and Qi training, each depends on its own ability. As for the grievances and hatred between the people of the rivers and lakes, they have their own destiny. I will not interfere indiscriminately as a veteran."

"In this case, the junior is about to thank the Tianshi Mansion for its tolerance, so I will take my leave."

After Rui Mengmeng left, Tian Jinzhong still stared at her eyes, and after a long time said: "This little girl is not simple."

Zhang Zhiwei pushed the wheelchair and began to walk out the door, and said as he walked: "The Wang family has been domineering for so many years, it seems that something bad will happen."

Here, after Rui Mengmeng said goodbye to Zhang Zhiwei, she went directly to the temporary residence of Feng Zhenghao's family on the mountain.

Hearing that Rui Mengmeng had come, Feng Zhenghao hurried out to greet her.

"President Feng, you are being polite. This is a healing potion passed down by my master, and you can use it for Mr. Feng."

As soon as Rui Mengmeng met, she took out a present - a small red bottle of ordinary blood recovery potion produced by the Ether Mall.

Feng Xingtong was not in a coma, he was proficient in medical skills and after taking the medicine, he checked for a while, and was immediately shocked.

And Feng Zhenghao entertained Rui Mengmeng and Xia Cheng in the living room with a smile on his face, thanking them over and over again for saving his son.

Rui Mengmeng was not in the mood to flirt with him, so she cut to the chase and said, "We have already formed a relationship with the Wang family. I want to kill Wang Ai. Do you have any objections?"

The smile on Feng Zhenghao's face froze immediately.

Of course he also wished for the death of the Wang family, but Wang Bing's Ju Ling dispatch was even better than Feng Xingtong's in the arena. Does this mean that there is still a lot of hidden secrets in the special skill of Ju Ling dispatch?

Why did the Wang family detain the spirit and send generals?What exactly is Wang Bing's so-called "law of obedience to the spirit"?
Feng Zhenghao felt that even if Rui Mengmeng really had the ability to kill Wang Ai, Feng Zhenghao would not be too happy to see such a result when Juling dispatched generals had not yet been completed.

"Miss, not to mention Senior Wang Ai's own strength as one of the ten men, he is already a rare strong man, coupled with his extraordinary skill of arresting spirits and dispatching generals, it will not be easy for you to defeat him. "

"The reason why I want to kill him is very simple, because he has the intention to kill Xia Cheng." Rui Mengmeng pouted at Xia Cheng, and Xia Cheng immediately said, "That's right, in the arena, when I defeated Wang Bing , Wang Ai rushed down directly to kill me, if I hadn't run fast, I might have been injured."

This made people very confused. Feng Zhenghao felt that Rui Mengmeng and Xia Cheng had no motive to lie, but why did Wang Ai kill a woman whom he met for the first time?
Rui Mengmeng didn't understand either, but Rui Mengmeng's goal was very clear, that is an eye for an eye, an eye for a tooth.

Regarding Feng Zhenghao's concerns, Rui Mengmeng certainly knew clearly.

"Guild Master Feng, don't worry. When I kill Wang Ai, I will make a copy of his 'Jiling Dispatch General' technique and return it to the Feng family intact."

Rui Mengmeng pointed out his concerns, and Feng Zhenghao smiled awkwardly: "Young lady is very good at telling jokes."

Ju Ling Dispatch is not a very outstanding one among the Eight Miraculous Skills, but it is definitely not something that others can learn at a glance. Rui Mengmeng keeps saying that he wants to "remake", but he can remake a skill. Simple.

"I'm serious, don't care whether you believe it or not, anyway, I will do what I say." Rui Mengmeng saw that Feng Zhenghao was too cautious and didn't want to talk nonsense, so she got up and prepared to leave, "Xia Cheng ,let's go."

Feng Zhenghao hurriedly chased to the door: "Although I don't know the girl's strength, she must be much stronger than our Feng family. Can you tell me, what do you want to get by doing this?"

"When I replicated Juling Dispatching Generals, I naturally learned it myself, and then... I prefer the name Tianxiahui, that's all."

Rui Mengmeng was already far away, but the voice was still in his ears, which made Feng Zhenghao even more nervous.

This Rui Mengmeng... really is unfathomable!
 Tianxiahui, Fengshen legs, cloud-dispelling palms, Tianshuang fist,,, eat me and get three points for vitality!

(End of this chapter)

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