Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 275 282 I am die by your side!

Chapter 275 282 I am die by your side!
The dungeon mission of "Under One Person Luo Tian Dajiao" is to ask Rui Mengmeng to acquire the Eight Miraculous Skills, and each one will be rewarded with 200 ETH.

However, since the "Luo Tian Dajiao" chapter is a relatively early story in Under One Person, only about half of the Eight Miraculous Skills appear on the stage.

Rui Mengmeng didn't expect to do this task perfectly at the beginning, so after obtaining "The Origin of Qi Body", "Ju Ling Dispatch General", "Tong Tian Lu" and "Feng Hou Qi Men", Rui Meng Moe thinks it's almost done.

Unexpectedly, the foreigner she killed on the last night of Longhu Mountain turned out to be the descendant of "Liuku Immortal Thief".

In this way, five kinds of "Eight Miraculous Skills" were obtained, and a total of 1000 ethers were obtained.

As for the reward task of "obtaining the degree of a celestial master", it is completely useless.

Excluding the "ticket" money of 100 ETH paid to each of Xiacheng and Fan, Rui Mengmeng's income for this dungeon is 800 ETH in total.Of course, her expenditure also includes buying some common blood recovery/blue recovery potions, and her income is not as simple as 800 ether coins, because the "Eight Wonders" itself also has a certain value.

The "Eight Magical Skills" are not a big deal in the world of super gods, but they are also quite useful, especially for first-generation super fighters like Xia Cheng and Fan, if they can master the corresponding content , Undoubtedly, it can improve their combat effectiveness to a higher level.

However, before handing over the "Eight Magical Skills" to the two of them, Rui Mengmeng has one more question to ask:

"You guys, are you willing to fight side by side with me?"

When Rui Mengmeng asked questions, her expression was serious and serious.

She was clearly not joking.

Underneath this seemingly simple question, there are actually other options hidden.

When Rui Mengmeng asked the question, she did not declare her identity. That is to say, she included the question "If my identity and position change, are you still willing to fight with me?"

Reminiscent of Rui Mengmeng being captured and released by the devil, Xia Cheng already knew it clearly.

She nodded without hesitation: "I am die by your side!"

This surprised Rui Mengmeng: "Are you serious? You can think about it again."

At this time, Xia Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Rui Mengmeng's head: "You gave me everything about super genes and super soldiers, and I have known you for a long time. If I don't believe you, who do you believe? Don't worry, even if you are regarded as a traitor by the world, I will always stand behind you."

Hearing Xia Cheng's words, Rui Mengmeng felt a little hot in her eyes for some reason.

She quickly lowered her head, let the emotion pass, and then slowly said: "Xia Cheng, thank you!"

Xia Cheng turned to the big fan who helped her, and said in a calm tone: "After going through such a scene, I think you can understand a lot of things. Our world is different from ordinary people. If you choose this path, you The future may encounter countless dangers.

"Now, you still have the right to choose. You can come to Juxia City like your sister, and work as a model and film under my hands, or simply go back to your hometown and live a life of indifference. You You have the right to choose your own future life, we will not force you."

Fan lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked, "What do you mean by 'traitor' just now? Why is Sister Mengmeng considered a traitor by the world?"

Xia Cheng paused, and then said: "Because she values ​​each of her partners, and will not hesitate to pay any price for it, and may even embark on the path of the devil!"

Fan lowered his head again, lost in thought.

Xia Cheng glanced at Ruimengmeng, and sighed silently. In her opinion, although Fan was more mature than his peers, he was still only 15 years old. It seemed too early for him to make a choice now.

At this time, someone not far away shouted: "I am willing! I am willing! I am willing to bow down under the skirt of Mengmeng sister, and follow you in the north and south, until death!"

Xia Cheng was startled by the voice, turned around and found that it was Sun Kai!

Sun Kai left the boys on the outside, and limped out of the bushes in his jacket.

He greeted Rui Mengmeng while moving: "Sister Mengmeng, we meet again!"

Xia Cheng frowned and shouted: "What are you doing here? Is there any end to this?"

"I'm here... I'm here to chase stars!" Panting, Sun Kai finally crawled out of the bushes, "I'm a loyal fan of Sister Mengmeng!"

As he spoke, he took out the photo from the pocket of his jacket, and shook it twice in front of Xia Cheng: "Did you see the photo of me and Sister Mengmeng!"

In the center of the photo, there is a picture of Sun Kai and Godzilla comparing scissorhands together.

Xia Cheng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Sun Kai to recognize that Godzilla was Rui Mengmeng.

"You have identified the wrong person, get out of here quickly, and don't bother us." Xia Cheng knew that Rui Mengmeng's identity is sensitive now, and the less people knew about her appearance, the better, so he spared no effort to drive Sun Kai away.

But Rui Mengmeng said: "Want to fight side by side with me? I have three conditions. If you agree, I will be your comrade in arms."

Sun Kai was overjoyed immediately, and quickly squeezed Xia Cheng away: "Don't say three, even three thousand or thirty thousand will do."

"The first thing... is what I told you before, keep it secret."

"No problem, I promise to keep it secret, I guarantee it with my father's character!"

Sun Kai's father, Sun Tengyun, is a bigwig in the business world.

"Xia Cheng and I started a company together, called Puchi Puchi. In the future, many of my actions in China will be carried out in the name of Puchi Puchi."

Sun Kai nodded again and again: "I know, I know, it's registered in Juxia City. Sister Mengmeng, what do you want, investment or project?"

"You come to be a shareholder of the company."

"Natural person shareholders or legal person shareholders? How much capital should I inject? How many shares will I give?"

When asked by Sun Kai, Rui Mengmeng scratched her head subconsciously.She really doesn't know much about business operations.

Fortunately, there is Xiacheng.

After discussing with Xia Cheng for a while, Rui Mengmeng put forward the second condition: "Natural person shareholders, at the price of 1 million dollars per 1% of the shares, you can inject as much as you like, but only 20% at most, because I am the big boss of the company, there is no doubt about it.”

Sun Kai rolled his eyes and quickly agreed: "I will listen to Sister Mengmeng for everything, and there is a third condition?"

Rui Mengmeng threw a small bottle of red potion at Sun Kai: "This is a poison called dappled glass liquid. Drink it and establish a contract with me. Once you betray me, you will be poisoned to death."

An embarrassed but polite smile appeared on Sun Kai's face: "Sister Mengmeng, we are living in the 21st century."

"This is the third condition. If you don't agree, you can choose to leave now."

"Don't, don't, I'll drink, I'll drink!"

Sun Kai hastily drank the blood-red potion, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Rui Mengmeng is a super soldier with great abilities, so it should be considered normal to come up with some weird things.What if this bottle of potion is really what she said, and if she has any wrong thoughts, she will be poisoned and die?
At this time, Rui Mengmeng was already holding a pen, and signed her name on the back of Sun Kai's photo with Godzilla: "Xiao Kai, autographed photo, take it!"

"Wow! It's a happy feeling!"

 Tell me about what's on the shelf. . .It is tentatively scheduled for the end of this month. At the end of the month, I will apply to the editor for listing.

  Rebates and inverted V do not exist. In fact, the original intention of face-filling is to let everyone read books for free, but after thinking about it, I have to continue writing. I can’t keep procrastinating like this, so I should get on it. .

(End of this chapter)

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