Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 276 Chapter 283 Have you played enough? Hurry up and give me a chapter

Chapter 276 283 Have You Enough Playing, Come Back to Me Quickly

Well-known cosplayer Fengxue joined Puchi Puchi's Longhushan expansion activity on the first day, and it came to a successful conclusion.

Her boss, Xia Cheng, is not only beautiful, but most importantly, very capable. A proper strong female personality is Feng Xue's long-cherished goal.

What surprised Fengxue was that her boss still had friendship with Sun Kai, the son of the richest man. It was not until noon, and Sun Kai sneaked out of nowhere and sneaked into their team.

Seeing how Xia Cheng and Sun Kai are always bickering, they might be couples, the kind that often quarrel.

However, what made Fengxue a little concerned was that his younger brother Fan seemed a little unhappy.Obviously I was very excited at the beginning, but Fengxue walked away for a while, and when I came back, I saw the fan became very silent, kind of melancholy.

Taking advantage of Xia Cheng not paying attention, she secretly asked the fan several times, but the fan only pulled the corners of his mouth reluctantly, and smiled and told his sister that it was all right.

As a result, as soon as he returned to the hotel where he stayed in the afternoon, Fengxue came to the fan's room, slapped his palm on the wall, and slapped his younger brother: "Quickly, what's going on?"

Seeing Feng Xue's serious expression, Fan leaned against the wall and began to recall all the things that happened in the past few days.

When Rui Mengmeng activated the super gene for himself, the fan was extremely excited. He felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Young people always dream of walking the world with a sword, so he followed Rui Mengmeng to "Under One Man" without hesitation.

In that familiar yet unfamiliar world, the fan saw a lot of teenagers and girls who were "other people". For the first time, he found a window and a stage to show himself.

Someone was injured during the game, and the fan felt that this was an inevitable and normal matter. Even if he bled during the duel between himself and Feng Shayan, it was still within his tolerable range.

But on the night of the full-scale attack on the mountain, many people died.There are dragon and tiger mountains, and there are all-inclusive ones.

When he faced the attack of a full-scale killer and was too scared to move, fortunately Xia Cheng arrived in time and chopped off the enemy's head.

Warm blood splashed all over Fan's body, he was stunned for a long time, and then burst into tears.

As it turned out, he was still too young, too tender.

After that, he even watched the process of Ruimengmeng killing the three Wang family killers without blinking an eye.

Fan once again felt the distance between himself and them.

Yes, I am only 15 years old, while Rui Mengmeng is 20 years old and has already been on the battlefield, Xia Cheng is 24 years old and is already a corporate executive.

What they see and hear, their world is really too different from their own.

Rui Mengmeng's question defaulted to another possibility, that is, the possibility that Rui Mengmeng might kill someone or fall into evil ways.

Xia Cheng could choose to die side by side with Rui Mengmeng regardless of the reason or consequences, but the fan hesitated.

Because he really didn't know what to do with himself.

Under the pressure of sister Fengxue, the fan spent more than ten minutes talking about a general process intermittently. Naturally, the words "time travel", "killing" and "super power" will not be involved, but the main thing is The meaning is finally talked about.

"So what you mean is that a person who once helped you is now going to do something with an unknown result and unknown process. Do you want to do it with him?"

In a few words, Feng Xue extracted the crux of the fan's entanglement.

The fan nodded repeatedly.

"Then let me ask you, did that person try to repay you when he helped you? Have you repaid him?"

When asked by his sister, the fan remembered that Rui Mengmeng and Xia Cheng had not only activated his super genes, but also the world cared about him a lot under one person, but he himself was the weakest of the three, so he couldn't give it to him at all. What did they both do.

So, the fan shook his head: "No, not at all."

"That's very simple!" Feng Xue smiled and patted the fan's head, "Instead of thinking about the risks that don't know where they exist and when they will be exposed, it's better to start with a person who has done it. Let's speculate on his future direction based on what he has said and what he said. Since that person has not promised to repay you, he will definitely not force you to do things against your will in the future.

"So, why do you hesitate? Even if he may do bad things in the future, it has nothing to do with your current choice. Instead of caring about this world that is hostile to my life, I prefer to choose and be close to Together, we share joys and sorrows!"

Fan stared blankly at his sister's bright smile, feeling that he had found his way all of a sudden.

He immediately got out from under Feng Xue's arms, opened the door and ran outside.

"Hey, why are you going?"

"I'll answer her! Tell her I do!"

When Feng Xue came to the door, she realized that the fan had run away, so she could only sigh helplessly, and went back to her room.

A week later, the siblings came to Juxia City from their hometown in Jiangxi to join the job.

At this time, Xia Cheng had resigned from his job at Sumitomo Mitsui Juxia Branch, and became the chairman and general manager of Puchi Puchi Culture Media Company according to Rui Mengmeng's instructions.

On the bright side, Pu Chi Pu Chi has only 2 natural person shareholders, namely Xia Cheng and Sun Kai, of which Sun Kai owns 20% of the shares.But the 80% of Xiacheng, in fact, only 5% is her own, and the remaining 75% is Ruimengmeng's.

As soon as they returned to Juxia City, Sun Kai provided Xiacheng with 1 million knives in the first phase of funding.

Then Xia Cheng started spending money recklessly.

Even though he knew that Juxia City was about to usher in a war, Xia Cheng bravely bought a single-family house in Sinan Mansion as the company's headquarters, and gave Fengxue and Fan brothers a place near his home. I rented a three-bedroom household with a contract period of one year.

When Feng Xue and Fan came to Pu Chi Pu Chi's company, Rui Mengmeng was discussing with Xia Cheng about the specific application of the "Eight Magical Skills".

"My idea is that the fan should continue to be trained according to the orientation of assisting/controlling, and teach him the Tongtian Talisman. Then recruit a group of mercenaries, brainwash them, learn from the Liuku Immortal Thief to strengthen their physique, and wait until the war breaks out..." Rui Mengmeng We were only halfway through when we found out that the siblings were here, so we changed the subject and turned up the volume, "First spend a high price to poach two professional managers, and try to play the combination of 'Holding the Fan and Listening to the Snow' next month. Mr. Xia , what do you think?"

Xia Cheng squinted his eyes: "I don't see that you have a lot of ghost ideas."

"Mr. Xia, sister Mengmeng, hello!" Feng Xue greeted the two obediently.

Just as Rui Mengmeng wanted to show off her talents as a planner, she received a dark communication request from the demon army.

This actually Her Lady Queen? !
She hurriedly used the excuse of convenience and came to the bathroom to make a call: "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

Morgana yelled anxiously at the other end: "Have you had enough fun? You are still learning how to start a company and play cosplayer. You are addicted. Come back to me!"

 This volume is over~~ Ask for a recommendation ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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