Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 279 286 We Can't Confront Angels on Earth!

Chapter 279 286 We Can't Confront Angels on Earth!

The runes on the flame sword began to flow rapidly on the blade, and the stellar energy was imported from the sun that was close at hand. The flame sword in Angel Yan's hand was the core, gradually emitting a dazzling light.

Hiding in Devil One above the Caribbean Sea, Morgana couldn't help but swear: "Damn it! Kesha is a bitch! You are so young to think that a big trial can kill me!

"Artest! Start recharging the main gun! My mother has Devil One, I don't believe that I can't kill Kesha's team!"

Indeed, Demon One is an extremely powerful warship, and its main gun can launch a powerful attack called "God's Bombing", which is not as powerful as the full-power Judgment.

More importantly, Demon One is equipped with a powerful supercomputer, which can assist Morgana in hyperspace operations, but the Angel Squad did not drive a large battleship this time.

Although the strength of the holy Kaisa is higher than that of the demon king, and the fighting power of the guardian angel is far superior to that of ordinary demon fighters, but if they really fight, the outcome is still uncertain.

Seeing that the queen was angry, Rui Mengmeng quickly stopped her: "My, queen, we can't fight angels on Earth!"

Morgana raised her eyebrows, and said coldly: "It's already at this time, and the angel is about to pee on his neck. Are you still concerned about the lives of those ants?"

This was Rui Mengmeng's motive to stop Morgana, but she also knew that she absolutely could not answer "yes" at this moment!
"That's not the case, we need to win over the Earth's Super Seminary to fight against the angels!" Rui Mengmeng rolled her eyes and began to swear.

"Oh? Are you serious?"

"That's right, although our demon army is powerful, the super gene possessed by the Earth Super Seminary is what the demon warriors lack. Although the demon warriors have good combat effectiveness and take shape quickly, they have insufficient growth potential. I believe the queen must very clear."

Rui Mengmeng's heart was beating wildly, and cold sweat began to break out on her forehead, but she still forced herself to be calm.

She must convince Morgana, otherwise, she will have no face to face Huaxia, no face to Lena, Qilin and others, let alone, the most important thing is that she can't pass this test in her heart!

"If we go to war with the angels at this moment, we will undoubtedly fall into Kesha's arms, and she will immediately announce the ugliness and despicability of the demons to the entire universe, and then call on the army to attack us...At that time, we will be alone and helpless. "

In the command room, Thornton and Dabron looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. Artest was still faithfully carrying out the queen's order and was charging the main gun, while Morgana's expression changed again and again, showing some hesitation.

Rui Mengmeng saw that things were promising, and immediately struck while the iron was hot: "The full-power trial will affect many people on Earth, and ordinary people's fragile bodies cannot withstand such an attack. Wherever the fire of judgment reaches, it is difficult for them to survive. But the earth civilization attaches great importance to life, and the queen knows it. We can use this to pull the earth people to our side and fight against the angels with us! At that time, the lonely and helpless people will be the holy Keisha, and we can even more Cooperate with the Xiongbing Company to further improve the genes of the demon warriors."

At the end of Rui Mengmeng's speech, Morgana's frowning brows gradually eased, and she issued a new order to Artest: "Stop charging, and prepare a large wormhole that is large enough for the main ship to pass through."

Artest asked while operating: "Where is the terminal of the worm gate?"

Morgana turned to Rui Mengmeng: "Is it open in China? What do you think?"

Rui Mengmeng took a deep breath, and said slowly: "It should be opened over Juxia City, preferably in the area around the People's Square in the city center. Juxia City is the largest city in China, with a population of more than 1200 million in the central city. As long as we will If the main ship stops above Juxia City, Huaxia will definitely stand by our side."

And above the Earth's atmosphere, the radiance condensed by the Flame Sword continued to strengthen, and even on the Juxia, you could see a new round of sun appearing in the sky!
Lena, who is most sensitive to the energy of stars, first reminded: "They have mobilized the energy of the sun, and it seems that they are going to launch a big trial."

Ducao immediately asked: "The big trial? What will happen if it is launched?"

"I don't know, but within a hundred miles with Morgana as the center, there will be fire from the sky, and all living things will cease to exist."

Everyone was taken aback by Reina's answer, and Ducao became anxious immediately.

He roared angrily: "Stop! Stop! Keisha! This is the earth, you can't mess around!"

But Keisha still looked calm, as if she didn't take the matter of "affecting a large number of earth residents" to heart.

"You can't stop the angel's trial of the devil! You shouldn't stop it either. Ge Xiaolun, you are the successor of the power of the galaxy, the future god. You should learn how to make choices like a god."

Liu Chuang, Du Qiangwei and others turned their heads to look at Ge Xiaolun, but Ge Xiaolun kept his head down and remained silent.

She didn't know why Kesha asked him to choose. Why did Kesha ask him by name when there were Captain Lena and General Ducao?Is it to provoke the infighting of the Xiongbing Company?
Ge Xiaolun felt that he would not choose, and he had no right to choose. He was just a soldier, and his duty was to defend his family and the country. He felt that he had no right to decide the life and death of others.

If the angel thinks his judgment of a young man is credible, and therefore launches an attack, then for the people who are about to die in the flames, what is the angel, and what is he, Ge Xiaolun?
Are they angels or demons?

While Ge Xiaolun was hesitating, Angel Leng came out of the crowd, flew directly into the island of Juxia, and hovered in the hall of the first command post with the sword of flames in his hand.

There was an exclamation in the command post, and Lianfeng quickly stood up and motioned everyone to hold on.

The expressions of fear, shock, disbelief, etc. were all on the faces of the soldiers and officers, but the most common one was anger!
Is that arrogant bird man standing on top of them the legendary angel?

The sky over the distant Juxia City was originally blue and cloudless, but there was a sudden fluctuation in the sky.

Before that, a new sun appeared on the other side of the sky, which had already surprised people and stopped to take pictures and post them on Moments, but the scene at this moment made them even more unbelievable.

A huge battleship appeared directly from the air, clinging to the ground, and at a height of less than 1 kilometer, it just straddled the sky above Juxia City.

Citizens on the street stopped, stopped their cars, and looked up at the huge and hideous battleship in the sky, even the traffic was paralyzed.

Finally someone screamed in fear, and everyone started running around the corner and into the building at the same time.

Conscientious soldiers, policemen, and government officials have called North Star one after another to report the vision in Juxia City.

Above the sky, Angel Yan, holding the flame sword high, finally had hesitation in his eyes when he saw Devil One suddenly appearing above Juxia City.

 1. In the original timeline, Morgana didn't have demon wings when Kaisa came.Make up the face here is passed in advance.

  2. The protagonist does not believe in justice and order. The protagonist believes that strength is king. The protagonist will work hard to achieve a good result, but in the process, some unscrupulous means may be adopted.

  3. Thanks for the bounty of the book friend nicknamed, Fatty Second Middle School, Quiet Years, May you be safe, book friend 20180116004004773, hazy night, light moon and flowing songs!

(End of this chapter)

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