Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 280 Chapter 287 If I want to destroy Morgana, I can directly shoot a thunderbolt from the sk

Chapter 280 Chapter 287 If I want to destroy Morgana, I can directly shoot a thunderbolt from the sky, this is God's will
Angel Yan thought for a while, and then reported to Kesha again: "The Queen, Morgana and Devil One have been teleported to the sky above Juxia City. If the Great Judgment hits Juxia City, more than ten million people will die."

When hearing "thousands of people lost their lives", even Kaisha, the king of the gods, couldn't help being slightly moved.

The angel civilization has developed to the present, the population is getting smaller and smaller, and the angel warriors are getting stronger and stronger.Although the total population of the lower civilizations ruled by the angels can exceed tens of billions, the total number of angels in the entire Angel Nebula is less than one percent of the population of Juxia City.

Angel Yan said again at this time: "The Devil One has firepower no less than that of the Grand Judgment, but for some reason, Morgana seems to have no intention of firing."

Keisha didn't respond to Angel Yan, but urged Ge Xiaolun on the deck: "Make a decision early, Power of the Galaxy."

Ge Xiaolun's face was full of pain and confusion... Could it be that Juxia City was the place the angels were going to bomb?

That's Juxia City... With a population of 2400 million, Juxia City is the home of many super fighters like Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Qilin!
Ducao next to him immediately stopped him: "Xiao Lun, don't agree! Give your fate back to the country!"

Ge Xiaolun immediately came to Ducao as if he was pardoned, and said: "You are the chief, I will obey your orders."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene when he met Morgana in Yunshan three months ago suddenly flashed through his mind.

At that time, Morgana manipulated a huge steel claw and smashed him directly into the ground. Even the most powerful goddess in the army, Lena, did not dare to fight Morgana.

The demons drove their ships over the Great Gorge City, did they intend to threaten him with the citizens of the Great Gorge City?

If the demons are let go today... Will they become the confidants of China and the earth?

The Demon King is far stronger than anyone in the Xiongbing Company. Will today's opportunity to destroy the demon be the only one?
The angel gave him the right to choose. If he, Ge Xiaolun, refuses, will he... regret it in the future?

Ge Xiaolun thought of a lot in an instant, and chaotic thoughts flashed in his mind, but Ducao had already issued a new order: "Lianfeng, first start the third phase of the god-killing battle!"

Although Ducao is an alien, since he came to China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he has already had a deep affection for this land. He and Lianfeng have even regarded the earth as their home.

Even though he knew that Angel's technology was much better than China's, and even though he knew that doing so would be tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble, Ducao was still determined to resist Angel's power.

Those who offend me China will be punished even if they are far away!

In the first command post on the island, Lianfeng ignored Angel Leng who was holding a long sword, and directly entered a series of instructions to the computer in front of him: "Send Xiaolun, Leina, and Liu Chuang up first."

The wind shield materialized under the feet of Leina and Liu Chuang, and the whirlwind lifted them up and kept rising.

Seeing this, Ge Xiaolun spread out his own pair of wings and flew up gently.

Reina was the first to rise to the same position as Kesha. As the Emperor of the Sun and Goddess of Dawn, she is also qualified to sit on an equal footing with Kesha.

Unexpectedly, Keisha stared at Reina for a while, with a bewildered smile on her lips.

What is this old woman laughing at?
Reina didn't know why, so she just stared at it imposingly, but Keisha's eyes were quite gentle, as if she was looking at her junior.

Keisha quickly retracted her gentle gaze, and said: "Morgana is the greatest evil in the known universe, we express our regret for the lives of 1000 million human beings, and thank them for their sacrifices to eliminate the ultimate evil.

"Xiao Lun, hurry up and make a decision."

Ge Xiaolun frowned, thanking the 1000 million human beings for their sacrifices to eliminate the ultimate evil?

According to what Kesha means, is she going to insist on launching a big trial?

At this moment, within Demon One, the demon king Morgana clenched her fists angrily: "Atai, give me a global projection, and I want to say a few words!"

Artest was about to connect, but Rui Mengmeng said, "Your Majesty, you'd better not wear this suit."

"What do you mean?"

"We want to win over the Earth and the Heroes Company. You can use ordinary human costumes, which will make us more believable."

"Understood." Morgana nodded, immediately put away the wings on her back, and changed into the suit she met with Rui Mengmeng, Leina and others for the first time.

Then when the projection was turned on, a mature, intellectual and sexy image of a beautiful woman appeared in every corner of the earth.

Morgana, who was wearing a beige windbreaker, open-chested cheongsam and black stockings, sneered as soon as she came up: "Holy Keisha, you bitch! You are chasing us all over the universe to convict us!"

On the Juxia, Lena and Qilin looked at Morgana's projection at the same time. They were shocked. This woman who once robbed them of clothes in Tianhe City and was full of coquettishness turned out to be the king of demons. Morgana?

Although Morgana did not report her name, judging from her tit-for-tat confrontation with Keisha, her identity is ready to be revealed.

Fortunately for Rui Mengmeng, the queen did not appear in front of the earthlings in the usual image of the demon king. At this moment, Queen Morgana, judging from the image alone, is undoubtedly more like the earthlings than the angels.

Morgana squinted at the direction of the angel team, and said disdainfully: "Because she made up a so-called order, called the order of justice, which is a judgment made by Kesha alone—"

She was only halfway through when Kesha on the throne interrupted her: "That's God's judgment."

"God's judgment?" Morgana laughed angrily, "God's judgment can sacrifice countless people—"

Then she was interrupted by Kesha: "It's not because of you."

Morgana said to herself: "The system that can sacrifice countless people is called..."

Keisha frowned, and interrupted Morgana again: "Don't talk nonsense here."

"The beautiful name is..."

"Justice is justice."

"you listen to me--"

"Even if it is judged by God, it is justice!"

The demon king opened his arms and made an angry gesture: "Listen to me first, Bichi!"

Rui Mengmeng, who was standing behind Morgana at the moment, felt a little joy in this scene.

Morgana's verbal skills are not as good as her own. How can she beat the 3-year-old fried dough stick Kesha?It's just... the Queen's deflated look is still so good-looking, Rui Mengmeng never gets tired of watching it.

Morgana finally got a chance to speak, and immediately said: "The earth is beautiful, I like it here, you get out, I will fight to the end with you for the freedom of the earth!"

However, Holy Kaisa still had a calm face. She raised her finger and pointed at Morgana's projection and sighed: "It's crazy, this is an extremely evil devil, and the whole universe will punish him. Why do I It is said that gods should not communicate with mortals, because once they communicate, mortals will see the emotional side of God and think about right and wrong, so that even the concept of justice will be doubted. This is the evil of Morgana idea.

"If I want to destroy Morgana, I can directly strike a thunderbolt from the sky. This is God's will. But now I am sitting here and asking you if you agree, it becomes a dictatorship."

Keisha's words, although not as provocative as Morgana's, are equally thought-provoking.

And Morgana sneered again: "But in my eyes, you are just a bitch, not a sky, and you have no intentions!"

 1. Reina is also the daughter of an angel.Not yet confirmed.In the original work, Kaisha’s sweet smile is evidence; the conversation between Pan Zhen and Di Hongkun is also circumstantial evidence; and then in the Super Seminary mobile game, when Lena uses her big moves, she will spread a pair of wings behind her, This is very strong evidence, because many settings of the Super Seminary mobile game are spoiled in advance, including Qilin's weapon divine punishment, chaos and catastrophe after void civilization, etc.This is made clear at the very beginning of the face-filling in this book. In Chapter 67, Angel Yan asked Reina "You are also the daughter of an angel", but Reina didn't know about it.In addition, it is speculated that Lena's mother may be Tianji Wang Hexi.Sit and wait for the official slap in the face.

  2. Please ask for a recommendation ticket. I will add an update at 20:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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