Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 287 294 Do you think I can forgive you just by saying I'm sorry?

Chapter 287 294 Do You Think I Can Forgive You By Just Saying Sorry?

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Li Feifei quietly left the house, went to the public telephone booth at the intersection, and dialed Xia Cheng's number.


"Sister Xia, I'm Feifei, where are you?"

"Two streets to the east from your house is Yokoyamacho 2-chome. There is an izakaya at the end of the alley. We will wait for you there."

Li Feifei tried her best to suppress her excitement, and asked again and again after hesitation: "Is he really here?"

"Really, she's sitting next to me."

In the izakaya, Xia Cheng glanced at Rui Mengmeng, with a narrow smile on the corner of his mouth: "Come here quickly, the night is very short."

"You wait for me."

Li Feifei hung up the phone, took a deep breath of the hot and dry air in early summer, and walked quickly towards the agreed place.

Opening the narrow door of the izakaya, Li Feifei saw Xia Cheng and "him" sitting in the corner as soon as she entered.

"He" was wearing a men's bathrobe, sitting face to face with Xia Cheng who was wearing a women's bathrobe.

It was still that handsome and slightly feminine face with a little unruly flying look... When Li Feifei entered the izakaya, "he" seemed to be amused by something and laughed happily.

This is quite rude in Ni Hong's restaurant, but it is late at night, and this place is relatively remote, Xia Cheng and "he" are already the only guests in the izakaya.

Compared with half a year ago, the only change in "him" is that his hair has grown longer and is tied into a small ponytail at the back of his head, making him look a bit ruffian.

After realizing that Li Feifei had also arrived, "he" stopped laughing and suddenly became quiet.

Without saying a word, Li Feifei went straight to sit opposite "him" and said, "You..."

As soon as the word "you" was spoken, Li Feifei suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say.

She had imagined countless times that the two would meet, but she never thought that they would meet in such a sneaky way.

For a while, the two stared at each other, and the atmosphere turned out to be a little awkward.

Rui Mengmeng took her own glass, poured a glass of sake for Li Feifei, and pushed it in front of her: "Come, come, let's go."

Li Feifei frowned: "You actually gave me the cup you used?"

"Are you sure you don't need it?" Rui Mengmeng slightly raised the corners of her mouth, "This is an indirect..."

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's nonchalant expression again, Li Feifei relaxed, and immediately "cut" to show her disdain.

Rui Mengmeng smacked her lips: "If you don't want me to drink it."

She picked up the cup and put it to her mouth, but Li Feifei suddenly reached out and snatched it, and drank it down with her head raised.

After putting down the wine glass, the embarrassing feeling just now disappeared, Li Feifei grabbed Rui Mengmeng's collar across the table, and said aggressively: "You are too much!"

Rui Mengmeng smiled and said: "Men are not bad and women don't love them."

"You're still a man like you? I think you're such a sissy!" Li Feifei put down Rui Mengmeng, pinched Rui Mengmeng's face, and grabbed Ruimengmeng's braid, "Look at you, your little face is bigger than mine. Still juicy, and this little braid... a proper bitch is a must, but you dare to say that you are a man?"

Li Feifei blushed and broke away from Rui Mengmeng's restraint, but unexpectedly went around and hugged her from behind.

"what are you doing……"

"Long time no see...I miss you so much."

When they came to a nearby hotel, Xia Cheng used forged documents to open two rooms, one for Rui Mengmeng and Li Feifei, and one for himself.

At this time, Rui Mengmeng didn't continue to take advantage of Li Feifei, but rather sincerely said: "I always owe you an apology...I'm sorry, Feifei."

Li Feifei instantly understood what she was talking about when she turned into a beauty in men's clothing and set a trap to deceive herself into going aboard the Juxia.

Although it has been so long, Li Feifei is still very unwilling, just like a proud little princess, she raised her head, pouted her lips, and looked down at the other party condescendingly: "Do you think I can forgive you by saying sorry? You have to show a more sincere example!"

 1. I have been very tired for the past two days. I will go to bed first. This is an automatic update. Thank you for the reward. I will talk about it in the evening.

  2. Continue to ask for a recommendation ticket, QQ will soon be able to add more~~
(End of this chapter)

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