Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 288 295 I Forgive You...

Chapter 288 295 I Forgive You...

At 04:30 in the morning, Rui Mengmeng gently held Li Feifei in her arms, and gently kissed her on the forehead: "I love you, you know it."

Li Feifei snorted, "You not only love me, but also Qilin, the goddess of dawn."

"Looks like you already know."

Li Feifei pursed her lips and said, "What's the use of knowing, after all, you fell asleep."

Rui Mengmeng thought, it looks like you don't know everything... At least you don't know about me and Morgana...

She hesitated for a moment whether to confess to the other party about her relationship with Morgana, but quickly gave up the idea.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, it is the right thing to make up for Li Feifei, why bother to bring up those unpleasant things again.

Hatchet is ruthless!
"I forgive you..."

Li Feifei turned her head away and buried her face in Rui Mengmeng's chest.

The two enjoyed the rare tenderness, and both hoped that time could stand still until eternity.

They just stared blankly for a while, when the electronic clock on the wall showed "05:00", and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Feifei calculated the time and felt that it was time to get up: "Aren't you going to explain what happened before?"

"What about the devil?"


"Morgana arrested me not to kill me, but to subdue me as a soldier under her command. After I was captured by her, for a long time, I was imprisoned by Morgana in a dark sky because I refused to join the demon army. in the cage of the sun."

Rui Mengmeng began to tell the story of what happened before.

Of course, there are options.

When hearing that Rui Mengmeng had pissed off Morgana because she repeatedly fought for the rights and interests of human beings on Earth, Li Feifei felt a little distressed and couldn't help but said: "I don't care what the world has become or what mankind has become. I only want you Live well."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Rui Mengmeng continued to tell how she changed her mind, how she joined the demon army, and how she was trained to become a god by Morgana.

"I joined the Demon Legion to prevent the demons from exterminating human beings, and to prevent the outbreak of war between the Demon Legion and the Xiongbing Company. Therefore, on the day the angels came, it was actually my idea that the battleships of the Demon Legion sailed over Juxia City."

Li Feifei laughed when she heard it: "It's quite in line with your style, then did you succeed later, didn't Morgana never promise you not to release the ultimate curse?"

"Of course it was successful, otherwise how could I come here to find you."

"How to succeed?"

"At that time, Morgana was angry because of my promise to the Xiongbing Company without authorization, and she gave me a hard lesson, but after that, I came up with a better battle plan and convinced Morgana."

Li Feifei suddenly became interested: "A better battle plan...for angels?"

"The original battle plan was that Morgana's Demon Legion and Karl, the God of Death behind the Gluttonous Legion, would join forces to snipe the Holy Kaisha and sink the Great Gorge, and finally the Gluttonous Legion would launch a full-scale attack from the Great Gorge City. "

Li Feifei curled her lips: "In this case, wouldn't I be in danger?"

"But with my hard work, Morgana finally agreed not to start a war with China, but chose to start a war in North America... At that time, I may also participate in the invasion of the United States. As for the sniping of the holy Kaisa part, it remains largely unchanged.”

Li Feifei immediately noticed the hidden meaning in Ruimengmeng's words, frowned and said, "You mean, the Demon Legion will not attack the Juxia, but the Gluttonous Legion will?"

"That's right, the Gluttonous Legion will still attack China. Behind them is the main god of the Styx galaxy, Karl the God of Death. This is a power I can't influence anyway. So... I am in the Demon Legion, and I can do it." Yes, it is just to prevent the demon army from attacking Huaxia... Those enemies from the Styx galaxy still need you to face."

After hearing this, Li Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, but said: "I don't want to fight gluttony."

"Huh? You are a soldier of the Xiongbing Company. If you don't fight Taotie, they will fight you."

Rui Mengmeng asked suspiciously.

Although the purpose of her trip was to win Li Feifei under her command, but now she hasn't said what she meant, why did Li Feifei have such an idea.

Could it be...she doesn't want to stay in Xiongbing Company?

A gleam of ecstasy flashed in Rui Mengmeng's heart.

Then she heard Li Feifei say: "I don't have any concept of defending the country. I chose to respond to the call and join the Xiongbing Company to protect you and the weak little freshman 'Ruiwen'. Since you are not here It's over, and I have no reason to stay, when the time comes, I will go to America with you."

What Li Feifei said made Rui Mengmeng feel very relieved, and she hugged Li Feifei tightly again.

Regarding Rui Mengmeng's joy, Li Feifei said shyly, "I came here because of you..."

"I am so happy to be loved by Feifei like this."

Rui Mengmeng was happy from the bottom of her heart.

"You came here this time to take me away, right? Don't you need to go back to the Xiongbing Company?"

"'s not in a hurry." Rui Mengmeng poked her temple with her finger, to sort out her thoughts a little.

"Later, I will apply to Morgana to set up a team of super soldiers under my own command, and then you will be able to stay with me in a legitimate way. But before that... I don't want you to be exposed too early, so, Let's go back to the Juxia first, and when the time is right, I will come to you."


Li Feifei nodded.

At this time, there was a knock on the door interrupting the tenderness between the two of them. Xia Cheng stood outside the door, pounding on the thin compound door vigorously, and shouted in the dark communication channel: "Enough is enough for you two, it's enough!" It’s okay for my old lady to stay up all night! Open the door for my old lady quickly!”

Li Feifei broke free from Rui Mengmeng's embrace and sat up on the bed: "I should go home, if it's too late, I will be found out."

 1. Thanks to book friends Shuyouke, book friends 160609164751746, Qinglian Sword Immortal, Misty Night, and Yongai Qilin for their bounties!

  2. Ask for a recommendation ticket~~
  3. About Qilin, please explain.Make up the face said in the book friend group that the next few days will be a big victory for the female supporting role, and Li Feifei will eat the crab first, and then there will be Qilin.The welfare of Qilin Party will come soon.As for why Li Feifei is in front of Qilin, there will be an explanation later.This is a logical relationship drop!

(End of this chapter)

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