Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 290 297 I have imagined countless endings for you

Chapter 290 297 I have imagined countless endings for you
After Puchi Puchi logistics arranged for the "36 thieves", Rui Mengmeng and Xia Cheng came to Puchi Puchi's headquarters in Sinan Mansion together.

I just checked the fan's progress in cultivating Liuku Immortal Thief and Tongtianlu, and Xia Cheng called her again in the dark communication channel: "Sun Kai came to find you, he suspected that I used the funds for something that shouldn't be used."


Rui Mengmeng asked the fan to go back and practice hard, and then met Sun Kai in the cubicle of Xiacheng's office.

As the son of the richest man, Sun Kai's business acumen and vision are naturally not bad. He came to find Rui Mengmeng this time, and he naturally discovered the problems in the company's operation.

"Sister Mengmeng, can you tell me where the money I injected into Puchipuchi company went to?"

Ruimengmeng raised her eyes, and said with a smirk: "Didn't Xia Cheng tell you?"

"Mr. Xia said that it will be used to build the website, run operations, buy copyrights, etc... But I found someone to calculate, and these expenditures on the surface are about less than one-third of the investment."

Sun Kai's eyes flickered a little, he was still not sure what Rui Mengmeng was thinking, so he tried to be cautious when speaking.

"I think... No matter where Miss Qian Mengmeng spends it, I believe there is nothing wrong with it, but you have entrusted the company to Mr. Xia. In case... she has something to hide from us, we will not Great."

Sun Kai didn't dare to point the finger at Rui Mengmeng, he hesitated for a long time and had to blame Xia Cheng.

Rui Mengmeng nodded: "It seems that the son of the richest man is not as dandy as the outside rumors say, your vision is still very keen."

Sun Kai quickly said politely: "Where is it?"

"You guessed it right, most of the funds were indeed used elsewhere."

Rui Mengmeng stretched out her finger towards Sun Kai's head, and suddenly a white light shot on Sun Kai's forehead, the light disappeared in a flash, and Sun Kai showed a very subtle expression on his face.

Because just now, he seemed to be endowed with some new information by this light. He "saw" some fragments of Xia Cheng recruiting mercenaries and killers and training them.

"I asked Xia Cheng to do this. The purpose of gathering thugs is to deal with future wars."

Hearing what Rui Mengmeng said, Sun Kai couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat: "With the aliens? Is it the aliens from the Tianhe Battle, or the people who called themselves angels?"

Rui Mengmeng chuckled: "You know quite a lot."

"Not too much, not too much, after all, when the angel came, you still showed your face, Sister Mengmeng."

"After ordinary humans have been strengthened, they are still weak compared to super soldiers. Therefore, I have not cultivated their idea of ​​fighting against angels. The reason why I established Pu Chi Pu Chi can make a difference."

Sun Kai nodded again and again: "So that's the case. I blamed Mr. Xia wrongly. It's just... I can also help in this regard. Among other things, my father's connections can still be used for a long time." use."

Sun Kai also wants to participate?

Rui Mengmeng tilted her head, sat on the chair and turned around: "It depends on whether our cooperation can continue to deepen."

Sun Kai knew the elegant meaning when he heard the strings, and nodded immediately: "After I go back, I will blow with the old man first to see what he means. If possible, I will talk to Mr. Xia about the details."

"so be it."

Rui Mengmeng stood up to leave, but Sun Kai hurriedly asked again: "Sister Mengmeng, since Taotie is going to invade, when will it be? Where will it launch the attack? I think if the battlefield is near the city, we have to prepare early. "

"It's in the city." Rui Mengmeng nodded, "Since you are interested, I will also give you a reminder. Find your father after you go back, and transfer all the assets and key personnel under his command to the United States as soon as possible. At most For three months, it will be a war front, and you are not safe here."

Sun Kai thanked her again and again, but Rui Mengmeng went outside, put on her sunglasses and a mask, and drove back to Xia Cheng's home.

She stayed at Xia Cheng's house for seven days.

For seven days, Rui Mengmeng guided Xia Cheng in the development of super genes and the use of dark energy every day.

Although Xiacheng's super genes have not been strengthened in a specific direction, after practicing "Liuku Immortal Thieves", Xiacheng's physique has also been slightly improved.

In addition, there are also exercises in Tongtianlu and Qi Ti Yuanliu Xiacheng.As for Fenghou Qimen and Juling Dispatch General, because the super god world is higher level than the world under one person, energy conversion and space-time rules are more difficult to break through, so these two miraculous skills have lost their effect here.

A week later, Rui Mengmeng left Xiacheng's house and went to a nearby tea restaurant.

At 11 am, Qilin showed up on time.

In fact, Qilin had already returned to the city two days ago. She returned home this time to transfer her family and property to Beizhixing.

Of course she couldn't predict the war that would happen in the city in the future, but someone could.

After Li Feifei came back from Tokyo, she vaguely revealed some things to Qilin, and these things were the key to Qilin's leave to return to the market.

Now, she has settled her family, and her father will submit a resignation application in the near future.

After finishing everything that could be done, Qilin had time to come here to make an appointment, to meet a person who had once made her miss day and night.

When seeing that familiar face, Qi Lin felt a little cold for some reason.

It has been so long, even if Rui Mengmeng is safe, she has never contacted her after being arrested, which makes Qilin feel especially tormented.

Rui Mengmeng gave Reina a dream, and also dated Li Feifei in Tokyo, but she never found herself.

——I feel like an abandoned person.

Recalling the scene of Rui Mengmeng standing behind Morgana in support of the devil more than a month ago, Qilin felt a trace of resentment in her heart.

Back then, I was shot in the head by Morgana for you and almost lost my life, but you stood behind Morgana and supported her...

Sitting opposite Rui Mengmeng, Qilin's pretty face was frosty, she didn't seem to see the anticipation and excitement in Rui Mengmeng's eyes at all, she just said coldly: "I have imagined countless endings for you."

These words made Rui Mengmeng fall into the ice cave in an instant.

What's wrong with Qilin?
Rui Mengmeng fell into a momentary hesitation, she was a little confused about Qilin's thoughts now, could it be that she was resenting that she had joined the demon army?
Seeing that Rui Mengmeng didn't say a word, Qilin said after a while: "Since you have nothing to say, then I'm leaving."

She left as soon as she said she wanted to, and immediately stood up. Rui Mengmeng grabbed Qilin and said, "What are you doing, sit down!"

 1. Rui Mengmeng has an information blind spot, that is, she doesn't know what happened after she was arrested in the Battle of Yunshan
  2. There are still 20 recommended tickets on qq, please add more, everyone, please help

  3. In order to straighten out the timeline, Bianlian looked at the black armor again, and found that Morgana threw Reina away when she was done using it, and she had nothing to do after blowing up the Great Strait. In the end, Carl and Taotie picked the peaches for nothing. The king of demons is really It's so stupid, I'm so mad


(End of this chapter)

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