Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 291 Chapter 298 I used to love you, but the way is different, I don't conspire with eac

Chapter 291 298 I used to love you, but the ways are different, and I don't conspire with each other (qq thousand votes plus more)

Even though Rui Mengmeng was pushing her on the seat, Qilin still stubbornly turned her head to look at the passing cars outside the glass wall, not looking at Rui Mengmeng at all.

Why is Qilin so hostile to herself?

Rui Mengmeng began to tell her experience after being captured. Qilin sat opposite and listened quietly, sneering from time to time, her beautiful face was always as cold as ever.

When she heard that Morgana helped Rui Mengmeng upgrade to a divine body, Qilin was stunned for a moment, and soon said sarcastically: "Your queen is very kind to you, no wonder you are so loyal to her, I really didn't expect you to be so loyal to her." There are also hidden loyal dog attributes."

Qilin was stunned because Lena once said that with Rui Mengmeng's aptitude, even if Huaxia didn't continue to train her, she would be able to advance to God within a hundred years.But I didn't expect Rui Mengmeng's speed to be so fast, because everyone in Xiongbing Company, except for the alien Leina, has not become a god.

But it's not good for Rui Mengmeng to become a god somewhere, but to become a god in the demon army!
This made Qilin feel very uncomfortable.

While being uncomfortable, it made Qi Lin feel betrayed by Rui Mengmeng.

She had thought about it many times, to kill the demon army and rescue Rui Mengmeng, but Rui Mengmeng had a better life in the demon camp than herself... Qilin resented Morgana for taking Ruimengmeng away , and paid the price of serious injuries for this, but Rui Mengmeng became one with Morgana, and was highly regarded by Morgana.

This really full of malice towards me!

After hearing Rui Mengmeng finish talking about her experience during this period, Qilin stood up again: "You finished? Then I can go."

No matter how dull Rui Mengmeng was, she knew that she must have some information that she didn't grasp, resulting in a blind spot.

Qilin was so disgusted with demons, even as much as Taotie who killed her once, there must be something hidden.

When I met Li Feifei last time, I was so tired of rolling the sheets that I forgot to ask her what happened after I was captured by Morgana. What a mistake!
Rui Mengmeng held Qilin back again: "Sister Qilin, let's talk if we have something to say, okay?"

Qi Lin still said coldly: "What else do you want to say, just say it, anyway, I have nothing to say."

"At Yunshan, after I was captured by Morgana, what happened?"

Rui Mengmeng asked the key point as soon as she opened her mouth.

Qilin didn't know why, but suddenly felt hot in the eye sockets, and her vision blurred in an instant, she choked up and said, "What happened, won't you ask your Lady Queen?"

Rui Mengmeng suddenly had a bad premonition.

At the beginning, Morgana told her very clearly that there was a slight conflict with the army led by Reina, but no casualties were caused.

How light is a slight conflict?

No casualties, no deaths, no injuries?

Morgana hid the situation from her?
"You are hurt?"

Rui Mengmeng tried to hug Qilin, but she broke free.

Qilin quickly wiped away her tears, regained her spirits and said, "I'm sorry, you have been removed from the Xiongbing Company by the Central Command, and I am a super soldier belonging to the Huaxia military. From now on, you follow your Yangguan way, I will walk on my single-plank bridge, you and I belong to the opposing camp, so it is not appropriate to have too much contact."

Rui Mengmeng actually didn't care much about who was removed from the list, what she cared about was that Qilin said that the two belonged to the hostile camp!
It means that Qilin has already regarded her as an enemy.

"Sister Qilin, what do you mean?"

At this moment, Qilin turned her head, with tears in her eyes, but her voice was extremely firm: "I once loved you, but the way is different, and we don't conspire with each other!"

Rui Mengmeng was stunned.

Have loved?

Different road non-phase plan?

This made her heart ache.

Rui Mengmeng's tears came out all of a sudden: "I used to love you, and I still love you now. I don't care what I say or not. I finally met today. I won't let you go!"

Qi Lin's eyes moved slightly, and she let Rui Mengmeng grab her arm, so she had to turn her face away and said, "Are you interested? You are the Nuoxing sharp knife that is highly valued by the king of demons. You can get what you want, so why bother me."

"Morgana is the kind of god who will be destroyed if I can't get it. If I don't join the demon army, how can I live to this day? Why do you think I can still stand here?"

Rui Mengmeng wiped away her tears, and hugged Qilin tightly into her arms.

"During the time I was imprisoned in the demon battleship, I thought about you every day..."

She tried to tell about her lovesickness in the past few months, but Qilin was like a lifeless puppet, and she didn't respond to Ruimengmeng at all.

It would be best if she complied and catered, even if she wanted to refuse, even if she resisted, Rui Mengmeng felt that there was a way to untie Qi Lin's knots.

But Qilin just let her get whatever she wants, obviously she has given up any communication with Ruimengmeng.

When one of the two parties in love gives up communication and becomes hopeless, then this relationship is basically at the end of its rope and cannot be saved.

Qilin has no desires or desires now.

She saw the person she had longed for, heard a familiar voice, and smelled the unique fragrance of Rui Mengmeng... But when she thought that the two of them belonged to different camps, and when she thought that Rui Mengmeng had become Morgana... As a fan, Qilin has no expectations.

She doesn't blame Rui Mengmeng for joining the demon army, but she won't stop her resentment towards Morgana.

She didn't expect Rui Mengmeng to be able to rein in the precipice and turn her back on the shore, but she would not show mercy on the battlefield in the future because of her past friendship.

Because she is Qilin, a super soldier of the Xiongbing Company, a soldier who defends her home and the country, and a policeman who punishes evil and promotes good.

So... the past, let it all pass.

Just let everything go with the wind.

Rui Mengmeng finally found that no matter what she said, Qilin didn't respond.

What she held in her arms was not a person, but more like a piece of wood.

Feelings of fear, disappointment, and uneasiness lingered in Rui Mengmeng's heart, and she suddenly didn't know what to do.

She never expected that the meeting with Qilin would end in this way.

When Ruimeng let go of Qilin weakly, Qilin turned and left without saying a word.

Rui Mengmeng was stunned for a long time, until she saw a person leaving the tea restaurant with Qilin, and another person staring at her for a long-distance call, Ruimengmeng finally became vigilant.

"The meeting with the target was monitored. Qilin is already on her way home. The target's position has not changed, and the target's position has not changed."

Rui Mengmeng heard the spy's report right away.

Could it be that his monitoring "target" is himself?
Rui Mengmeng suddenly turned around and looked, just in time to meet the eyes of the agent.

The petrified magic eye activates!

The agent froze in place for a moment, motionless.

Regardless of the risk of revealing her whereabouts, Rui Mengmeng directly teleported herself outside the restaurant, looked around, locked onto Qilin's direction, and chased after her.

 1. The way is different, hey hey hey
  2. The protagonist dumped Qilin?The protagonist was dumped by Qilin?If it doesn't exist, get a vaccination first if you want to make up your face. Don't worry, everyone will have benefits tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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