Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 394 Is the life of 400 leaves just to return to the root?

Chapter 394 Is the life of 400 leaves just to return to the root?
The sound of the flute is ethereal, like Yoyo Luming, like whimpering, although the syllables seem not very coherent, but the feeling of loneliness and loneliness is in place.

The song that Riven played on Yasuo's shakuhachi was "The Sound of the Deer" that Yasuo himself was very good at.

After the song was over, Yasuo was immersed in the lingering rhyme of the flute, and it wasn't until Riven returned the shakuhachi to him that Yasuo suddenly understood that to some extent, Riven was the same kind of person as him.

They have all been betrayed by the past, and at the same time abandoned the past. From Ionia to Valoran, they wandered the world, in endless self-exile, seeking the almost impossible salvation.

Riven, the captain of the Noxus swordsman, had indeed died ten years ago, and the young genius of the Ionian Wind Swordsmanship also died on the same day.

Over the past ten years, the two have traveled all over Valoran from different directions and different routes, until they met ten years later.

The two parallel trajectories, which started half a year ago, finally slowly moved closer.

At this moment, Yasuo suddenly thought that salvation might be here.

Riven felt similar to Yasuo, but her difference was that the longing... the longing to hold the sword again had grown stronger.

Sejuani was right, Riven wanted to pick up the sword again now.

The ten-year long journey did not cool down the blood of the soldiers. On the contrary, during the ten-year brewing, it became mellower and stronger like a jar of old wine.

"I promise you."


"Repeat, I promise you, I will fight you." Riven stared at Yasuo, saying every word.

But before the duel, she still had some preparations to do.

She needs to reforge the broken sword.

After that, the two said goodbye to Sejuani, came to Picheng side by side, and crossed the sea from Picheng to return to Ionia.

After digging three feet in that valley and recollecting all the fragments of the great sword, another half a year passed.

The wandering career of the two has also lasted for 11 years.

After retrieving the fragments of the broken sword, they traveled all over Ionia, and visited the major swordsmiths in Valoran. They recast the broken sword twelve times in total, but each time was not ideal, so Riven had to Break it repeatedly.

So another two years passed.

In the end, Riven and Yasuo decided to do it themselves. They lived together in a village near the Zhanzheng College. They built a blast furnace by the stream, Yasuo pulled the bellows, and Riven personally raised the hammer to forge it. After several failures, he finally succeeded in recasting the broken sword.

So another two years passed.

In the blink of an eye, Rui Mengmeng's consciousness was attached to Riwen's body, and she had already spent 15 years in this world.

She has observed Valoran for 15 years, and also personally experienced Riven's wanderings and wanderings during the 15 years, bit by bit.

In the past 15 years, Riwen has had very little time to use the sword, so Rui Mengmeng has almost no new understanding of the so-called "knight swordsmanship".

But at the moment when the sword was forged and Riven held the great sword again, a familiar feeling emerged from the bottom of her heart, as if the sword had become a part of her body.

As agreed five years ago, Riven and Yasuo fought a decisive battle in a small forest five miles south of the city.

No one knows the outcome of this decisive battle, and even the event itself of the decisive battle between the two sword masters is rarely known.

But Rui Mengmeng has benefited a lot from it.

She now understands that Master Zhao's "sword intent" is not the real sword intent, but a powerful self-suggestion.

Through this kind of self-suggestion, let yourself enter a state of satisfaction and intoxication, and at the same time give others the illusion that your opponent is powerful.It can be said that this is a method similar to "hypnosis", which has elements of self-hypnosis and elements of hypnotizing others.

But the hint is just a hint after all, and the hint is not the real sword intent.

As for the real "Sword Intent"...

After the decisive battle, Riven sat under a tree behind the thatched cottage and listened to the wind.

A gust of wind blew by, knocking off a yellowed leaf from the top of the tree, and it fell unsteadily on Riven's shoulder.

"Is the life of a leaf just to return to its roots?"

No one can answer her question, because the answer is only in her own heart.

At the end of this experience book, Riven and Yasuo once again abandoned the heavy past, formed a companion, and started a new journey in Valoran.

Rui Mengmeng was just thrown out by this dungeon world, and sat directly on the floor of the captain's cabin, the steel plate under her buttocks was icy cold, which made Ruimengmeng's buttocks cool too.

Liang Bing, who was reclining on the sofa, spotted her immediately and stood up happily: "Little guy!"

"Huh? Queen?"

Rui Mengmeng was still a little confused, looking at Liang Bing in front of her, a little at a loss.

"Am I dreaming, why are you here?"

Isn't Liang Bing soaking roses in the Huaxia battlefield? How could he appear in his room?

Liang Bing didn't answer Rui Mengmeng immediately, but pulled her to the sofa, sat down next to him, stretched out his hand to pinch Rui Mengmeng's shoulder, then pinched her cheek, looked up and down, and then relaxed Tone: "No injury, it seems that I was thinking too much."

Rui Mengmeng finally realized that it was Her Lady Queen who was worried about her safety, so she specially ran over from Huaxia to take care of her.

She quickly checked the time with the system. It doesn't matter if she doesn't check it, but she was shocked when she checked it. It has been a full 15 days in Chaoshen Universe!
No wonder Liang Bing ran over and squatted here. It turned out that he had been offline for too long!
After Rui Mengmeng understood this, she quickly opened her arms and rubbed against the cold ice: "My lord, did you come here specially to wait for me? How long have you been here?"

Liang Bing squinted her eyes, enjoying Rui Mengmeng's hug, and after a long while, pinched Rui Mengmeng's chin and said, "I've been waiting for you here for more than half an hour. Fortunately, you are fine. The layout, I think everything is going to be ruined. You explain to me, where have you gone for half a month when you are offline? I have people looking for you all over the universe, but you can’t find it, you know?"

As soon as Liang Bing mentioned North America, Rui Mengmeng didn't bother to explain to her about the time travel dungeon, she looked up at the projection on the wall, just in time to see Li Feifei in the picture received a thunderbolt from Thor, and her hair was blown like chicken coop , lay dying on the ground.

Rui Mengmeng became anxious immediately.

"Half a month, half a month has passed, this time I really miscalculated! Majesty, I have to go down now, let's chat later."

Rui Mengmeng didn't wait for Liangbing to agree, she directly opened an etheric door in front of her, stepped out, and came to the sky above Times Square.

She just suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield without warning.

The chaotic and noisy battlefield suddenly quieted down, and all people could hear was the thunder that exploded in the tumbling clouds.

Lei Shen put away his arrogance, and he had to be cautious when facing Rui Mengmeng.

At the same time, around Times Square, in every meeting place of the Statue of Liberty in the United States, on the TVs, computer screens, and mobile phones of every family, the Statue of Liberty returned to the citizens of the United States after a half-month absence. vision.

Statue of Liberty, come again!
 Yasuo's original voice seems to be "The life of the leaves is just to return to the root", which is a kind of sigh and emotion. Here, Riven's question is different from Yasuo's. Riven is a question of fate, a question of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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